Community > Posts By > Traumer

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/31/13 08:44 PM
Edited by Traumer on Sat 08/31/13 08:45 PM
I came to the conclusion long ago, that it (Life) seems to work out best if one is an objective nihilist; baring that, subjective is also ok. One can sum it up as live and let die.glasses

Traumer's photo
Tue 08/27/13 07:02 PM
Edited by Traumer on Tue 08/27/13 07:05 PM

I notice that JOHNN111 has not responded to my post and link to documentation concerning the extermination of Canadian natives.


I suspect aliens are behind it.

Very Good! Delighted that you posted this.
This is also a continuation of the US Govt.'s plan of genocide toward the Native "Americans" began in earnest after the Louisiana Purchase culminating in the Ogala Sioux uprising at Wounded Knee on Feb. 27, 1973. Many sympathetic whites also came to stand with them and Russell Means. Many expressed their hatred of the US Govt. over the Federal attitude of always regarding non-whites but especially natives as 'fair game' to be shot down,"like varmints". Canada never initiates anything on it's own but merely copies what Washington does, says, etc. It stands just as guilty of as the UN put in it's initial report on Native peoples, "crimes against humanity".
Both occasions, in 1973 and in 1994 gave us hope to continue fighting for what we perceive as Justice and do what we could.
Damn shame they could not hold Canada and the US responsible and force changes in their domestic policies then, and now especially over the continuing policies of flooding the reservations with liquor and ensuring sub-standard housing and schooling and endemic poverty. Policies that are reminiscent of the present day conditions in still occupied Iraq and in the US approved regime of ***-kissing puppets in Kabul. Perhaps The US can bring a similar "civilization" to Syria after it eventually bombs that country back to the proverbial 'stone Age' in their upcoming newest crusade...

Traumer's photo
Sun 08/25/13 09:23 AM
Why am I not surprised to find postings here advocating the murder and genocide, really of Muslims, including, no doubt, all the Muslims who fight or serve the US and happen to be black; all those in the US armed forces and all the intelligence services who may or may not agree with the march. I', somewhat surprised that this site allows postings of advocating and even encouraging the murder and slaughter of Americans who are Muslim and are black...
I really wonder just how committed those types are to killing Muslims and especially those who are black; would they dare to flock to Washington DC with their guns and do what their diseased microbial minds advocate on their posts?
All else aside, one wonders if they ever heard the old saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend; since they both seem to loathe, despise and hate the very same US Federal authorities and intelligence agencies as most normal people should; one would think that they would find common ground and work together to rid the entire planet of this tumorous infestation that seeks for all practical purposes to destroy us all if not enslave us into their world Gulag , otherwise known as the new world order...Ahhhh, but alas, they lack the intelligence and much prefer to rationalize that advocating the murdering of millions of men, women and children who are both Black and Muslim, that this is somehow their sacred patriotic calling...Legendary super patriots in their own dirty warped little minds....
Vomit now

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/24/13 08:11 AM

Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court to Review JW Lawsuit Over bin Laden Death Images

This week we filed a certiorari petition with the Supreme Court of the United States to review a 2013 appellate ruling preventing the American people from accessing these images. We are trying to force the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to release more than 50 photographs and video recordings of Osama bin Laden taken during and after the U.S. raid upon the terrorist leader’s compound in Pakistan on May 1, 2011.

It's easy to say they're transparent for the Obozo WH and administrative deparments. They simply lie, then block or ignore any FOIA requests stating "National Security" but can never tell you why it was put under that label..... or they approve and redact it to the point it's unreadable, or simply just take a lifetime to provide it.

As this piece shows

As the saying goes: "Fat chance!" The families and others signatories have been filing petitions for decades now to exhume the bodies of famed American explorer Lee Merryweather to finally conduct an autopsy and determine if indeed he committed suicide,(by 2 shots; one that blew part of his brain out, then a second shot into his abdomen; blood splatter analysis on his Masonic apron found in a Colorado Masonic Museum, found the DNA of 2 other people, not Merryweather), as much evidence exists that he was in fact murdered by a person or persons unknown and the body allegedly identified as John Wilkes Booth. There is a lot of evidence that it is not Both but someone else who, in fact may be the real assassin of Lincoln and covered up by the US War Dept. at the time. Many accounts do indicate that it is not Both. Both the family descendants have been denied permission to exhume and conduct forensic tests. I would not hold out any hope for release of those photos and videos from that gang in DC.

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/24/13 07:54 AM

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Justice Department sued Texas on Thursday over the state's voter ID law and will seek to intervene in a lawsuit over its redistricting laws that minority groups complain are discriminatory, but Texas Republicans insist are designed to protect the state's elections from fraud.

Attorney General Eric Holder said the action marks another step in the effort to protect voting rights of all eligible Americans. He said the government will not allow a recent Supreme Court decision to be interpreted as open season for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights.

"This represents the department's latest action to protect voting rights, but it will not be our last," the attorney general said.

Holder is concentrating on Texas because of years of litigation over the state's Voter ID law and redistricting maps that federal judges in Washington have determined would either indirectly disenfranchise minorities and the poor, or intentionally discriminate minorities.
exas is the only state found to have intentionally discriminated against minorities in this decade's round of redistricting, and the state was banned from enforcing either law. But the U.S. Supreme Court decision requiring revisions to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 took away the judges' authority to intervene.

That has forced Holder and minority groups to use other aspects of the Voting Rights Act or the Constitution to fight the cases in other federal courts.

Gov. Rick Perry called Holder's move a blatant disregard for states' 10th Amendment rights and has said the Obama administration's actions are an "end run around the Supreme Court."

"The filing of endless litigation in an effort to obstruct the will of the people of Texas is what we have come to expect from Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama," he added.

Attorney General Greg Abbott, a proponent of the voter ID law and a candidate to replace Perry, vowed to fight the Justice Department.

The separate provision of the Voting Rights Act that Holder is invoking may be a difficult tool for the Obama administration to use. A handful of jurisdictions have been subjected to advance approval of election changes through this provision, but a court first must find that a state or local government engaged in intentional discrimination under the 14th or 15th amendments, or the jurisdiction has to admit to discrimination. Unlike other parts of the voting law, the discriminatory effect of a law is not enough to trigger the provision.

The NAACP, one of the plaintiffs in the redistricting case, said it will intervene in the voter ID case in support of the Justice Department

There is only one way that Texas and any other state can ever hope to control their own borders against Mexican or any illegal foreign immigrants and that is to rescind their entrance into the US and opting to change their status from a state to becoming their own State as they originally were for a short time . Sam Houston made a fatal mistake in dragging Texas into the Union. Many but not enough people at the time thought it was also a mistake, Perhaps it is long overdue to correct that mistake; opt out of the US and once again, secede and control your own destiny...(who knows how many may join you if people are really fed up!)

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/24/13 07:39 AM
Edited by Traumer on Sat 08/24/13 07:40 AM

... a book
called the history of Ireland and it's people.

Not just because I have Irish and Scottish
ancestry. I'm basically interested in human
history on the whole.:smile:

Nice. I ve got several books on the Celts.

I'm reading "The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles" by Bruce Lipton

Tough people the Celts were. They had a big
stonghold in a handful of different European
Countries. And now have been relegated to
to being from Ireland, Scotland, Wales
and the Isle of Man.
They did leave their mark in other countries
they inhabited though, no doubt.:wink:

For a total surprise in Celtic history, see the book The Tarim Mummies; ancient Celtic mummies perfectly preserved along with the first tartan patterns, over 2000 years old were found in in the Tarim Basin on the western rim of ancient China. Needless to say the Chinese were and still are very upset over this. The mummies are now in a museum for all to see and examine. It seems that the Celts split up, the majority moving westward while others moved to the is a fascinating book and of what the examinations revealed. Enjoy!

They did leave their mark in other countries
they inhabited though, no doubt.:wink:

Traumer's photo
Sat 08/24/13 07:38 AM
Edited by Traumer on Sat 08/24/13 07:41 AM

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 01:42 PM
Picked up 3 more very interesting books; "AREA 51; An censored history of America's Top Secret Military Base" by Annie Jacobsen,2011;
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government officials Go On The Record" by Leslie Kean,2010 and "The Commandant" by Rudolf Hoess, former Commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp. (What it was really like)2012 edition ; Overlook Duckworth Pub. London
Now these should be fascinating!happy

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 01:21 PM
Edited by Traumer on Fri 08/23/13 01:30 PM
Excellent! Thank you for posting this.
Watching and listening to the people gave me very mixed feelings; I has glad; happy that back in the late 60's and all through the wars and conflicts of the 70's that I had indeed, made the right choice in joining active combat on the side of the opposition, especially in Chile, Angola and for Rhodesia until the bitter end. Lots of regrets to be sure, but not for the sides I took. Neither for the few others that survived. We did our duty and gave our hearts to help peoples that could not defend themselves against those who would "with extreme prejudice" wipe them out.

Just to personally say Thank Yo for the posted video concerning the Govt.'s version of Murder Inc., the CIA et al.
Live long and keep up the good work!
(I was blocked...too old:smile: )C'est la vie...

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:57 PM
Topic: tip for women

Give them a couple of dollars more than a waiter...

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:55 PM
I had thought that this was about women liking or not liking facial hair on themselves or on other women...that could have been more interesting....biggrin

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:52 PM

I personally think being online for me gives me less expectations because I find most people are very far away which pulls away from the hopes of actually dating and true love and marriage. Therefore it feels better to pass the time then to have realistic expectations of finding my true love here.

Excellent; I share the sentiment, but have shed all expectations of a positive nature...

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:45 PM

This is so PG-13 slaphead


Just 'Dial M'...not for Murder, but for Morons and see who answers...laugh


Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:41 PM

Growing up here in Norway, I`ve had a hard time finding a good girl, with an actual personality, values and stuff you know ... But, I came onto here last night and I see all these woman - it`s even free!

Finally getting my hopes up again, thanks to this site. Awesome! :)

You'll soon learn that most haven't been on the site for months, if not years...laugh

Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:39 PM

are you suffering from brain damage??


Traumer's photo
Fri 08/23/13 12:37 PM

I mentioned I like fishing and so I get "matched" with fellas who are holding up fish? Being female and over thinking the whole thing, I wonder what type of fella takes a pic with a fish? Would he like the fish more than me? Would he prefer a woman who resembled a fish? I don't think I have a fishy face. My eyes are rather large, but they don't bulge, I don't have scales, and I don't swim like a fish, more like a drunk trying to keep a float after falling overboard.

I like shoes, but my profile pic does not have me posing with my latest catch?

So, fellas what is up with the fish? And yes, I am a little crazy, in a good way.

From an artist's point of view, the fish has been a symbol of the Dada artists since the end of the WW1; in most any form, including being in photos. Perhaps the men posing with 'their' fish are ,perhaps giving you a sign that they are Dadaists...laugh
Then again, you may be correct in that they just may be telling you that they do have a higher regard for fish or that perhaps they expect you to resemble a fish and thus be posed as their ultimate trophy catch...sort of a back-handed compliment for those seeking 'Trophy Wife/mate' status, but that does sound fishy... Send them a photo of yourself made up as a Mermaid, someone could get hooked...laugh

Traumer's photo
Thu 08/22/13 01:21 PM
I find it ironic that Mannings releases of all the 'classified documents' did not cause the death of anyone in either the US government or military service while the damages and lives lost of agents , and other people by Robert Hansen and Aldrich Ames where given far less time in prison...very strange values in/ over these cases...

Traumer's photo
Thu 08/22/13 12:55 PM
2 of my favourites are Dead Snow and Fido....
I've been waiting for years for some Zombie movie to show a Zombie in the morning at the bathroom mirror and his face breaks out with night-crawlers; zombies trying to get to a Grand Opening of some new store but can't get into the line for the first 100 patron and get something free; a zombie reading the newspaper and gets upset when it reads about another government study that eating brains lowers cholesterol,and the day before, another study said the opposite; some guy gives a zombie a tofu burger instead of a brain sandwich; or how about a sensitive love scene of 2 zombies in bed with the male zombie suffering from that debilitating variety of erectile dysfunction that's unique to zombies...and while looking under the sheet, he says no, then asks her to check under her pillow or the poor zombie that goes into a tattoo shop and the artist gets short tempered because of that seemingly insurmountable problem associated with getting a barbed wire bicep tattoo...lets get some life into the usual lethargic zombie movie!laugh

Traumer's photo
Wed 08/21/13 08:38 PM

FACT: The US Constitution requires the president to be a NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN

FACT: John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington suggesting the requirement be made

FACT: The description of natural-born citizen was derived from Vattel's work, Law of Nations § 212

FACT: In the SCOTUS decision, The Venus, 1814, Justice Marshall defines 'natural-born citizen' using Vattel's work, but in his own words saying, (#123) 'Vattel, who, though not very full to this point, is more explicit and more satisfactory on it than any other whose work has fallen into my hands, says, 'the citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or indigenes, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. Society not being able to subsist and to perpetuate itself but by the children of the
citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.'

No wonder the indigenous native Indians were left out for so long as these so called 'citizens tried out their various means of genocide against them; no wonder they tried to resist your version of civilization for as long as they did with many confined to 'reservations' unlike the once freed slaves whose descendants are running amok in most of your cities in a never ending carnage of murders, rapes and assaults on both whites and themselves, basically leaving the native Indian and Asians alone...

FACT: During the 2nd Session of the 37th Congress in 1862, Mr Bingham defined 'natural-born citizen' on the House floor and NONE disputed his definition. To the nest of my knowledge, NO ONE has ever disputed this definition on either the House or Senate floor since, so the definition of 'natural-born citizens' remains as such (as per last sentence of this paragraph):

"The Constitution leaves no room for doubt upon this subject. The words "natural-born citizen of the United States" occur in it, and the other provision also occurs in it that "Congress shall have power to pass a uniform system of naturalization." To naturalize a person is to admit him to citizenship. Who are natural-born citizens but those born within the Republic? Those born within the Republic, whether black or white, are citizens by birth - natural-born citizens. There is no such word as white in your Constitution. Citizenship, therefore, does not depend upon complexion say more than it depends upon the rights of election or of office. All from other lands, who, by the terms of your laws and a compliance with their provisions becomes naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural-born citizens."

To read for yourself, click on link below, click pp 961-1920, type in 1639 in box next to 'Turn to image', click on 'Turn to image'. The above quote is in column 1, paragraph 3.

Traumer's photo
Wed 08/21/13 08:25 PM

What the hell is wrong with the people nowadays.....?

rofl rofl NOTHING IS WRONG with people; they are just being perfectly normal/ abnormal as they always have been for the last few hundred years. You and most others are living in their breeding ground and are violating their rights to be themselves!rofl slaphead

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