Angels with "swords"?
Tribo ![]() (( Krimsa )) ![]() smiless ![]() Hope you all have a great day thnx Tom, yu to. ![]() ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
The norse civilization was born in the South of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the land of the fjords, lit by the boreal sun and swept acros by the winds of long and cold winters. The formation of this people began around the 10th century BC, and the iron age started rather late on these lands, about the >>>>>5th century BC.<<<<< The first certain proofs of a norse culture date from the time when these people began crafting iron objects. The first representations of the gods Odin and Thor, as well as the first runic inscriptions also date back to this period.
so if it was te 5th Century BC as to the developement of the mythologies, then it does not supercede the angels of monothestic thought. correct? |
Angels with "swords"?
Doesn't Mono mean one so it would be before. Norse, Greek, and Ancient Egyptian (except for one Pharoah) believe in many gods at once so they where obviously before monotheistic religions. I just wanted to say that the thought of angels didn't start with Judaism, Muslim, or Christianity first, which are monotheistic religions. dates please - when did the norse people originate any idea? was it before the egyptians? after? dates are important here to know for sure? - ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
I also now think back from my fantasy writings on a character I use to write about who was a Valkyrie. A human with wings. The Valkyrie if I remember correctly is the origin of Norse Mythology. I would share this story but it is in German. ----------- my reference I used to use to create my fantasy creatures in my epic novels. ![]() The Aesir Family : The Aesir family of Gods were the chief gods of Norse Mythology...Odin, king of the gods. His two black ravens, Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory), flew forth daily to gather tidings of events all over the world. As god of war, Odin held court in Valhalla, where all brave warriors went after death in battle. The Valkyries, were warrior maidens who attended Odin, ruler of the gods. The Valkyries rode through the air in brilliant armor, directed battles, distributed death lots among the warriors, and conducted the souls of slain heroes to Valhalla, the great hall of Odin. The name "Valkyrie or Valkyr" in itself is a metaphor, as it was supposed to create great heroes and warriors. All of the V-head ramblings, for the most part, tie in with Norse mythology. Or at least I can see how they would. "The flesh of fallen angels" is probably some reference to Valkyrie. was norse mythology before or after monothistic mythology? dates please ![]() |
How do you love God?
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 11:28 AM
The true meaning of love, as defined in the Bible, has been corrupted in the common usage of our English language and society. Most often, love is confused with infatuation - that elated, "high" feeling we get when we "fall in love." This kind of "love" is something that lasts typically less than a year, and unless replaced by true love, results in broken relationships.
Origin of Love The Bible indicates that love is from God. In fact, the Bible says "God is love."1 Love is one of the primary characteristics of God. Likewise, God has endowed us with the capacity for love. This capacity for love is one of the ways in which we are "created in the image of God."2 Different Kinds of Love The Greek language (the language of the New Testament) uses two different words to describe and define love. The most commonly used Greek word translated "love" in the New Testament is "agape." This love is represented by God's love for us. It is a non-partial, sacrificial love probably best exemplified by God's provision for our rebellion: "For God so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16) The gift3 of God's son as a provision for sin4 was given to all humans,5 regardless of who we are.6 God's love is unconditional.7 In contrast, our love is usually conditional and based upon how other people behave toward us. This kind of love is based upon familiarity and direct interaction. The Greek word "phileo" defines this kind of love, often translated "brotherly love." Phileo is a soulish (connected through our emotions) kind of love - something that can be experienced by both believers and non-believers. This is in contrast to agape, which is love extended through the spirit. Agape love requires a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, since the non-regenerated soul is unable to love unconditionally. Agape love gives and sacrifices expecting nothing back in return.8 Those who have studied the Bible and know about Peter's character know that Peter was ruled by his emotions and often responded to situations emotionally, rather than thinking before acting. Sometimes this kind of response lead to good things (e.g., Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus - Matthew 14:25-33), whereas at other times, Peter's response was inappropriate (He was interrupted by God while suggesting that he build three tabernacles, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration - Matthew 17:4). Peter was quite proficient at expressing phileo love, and was probably very popular because of his dynamic character. However, God wants us to express both phileo love and agape love. Peter expressed this idea in his first epistle: Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love [phileo] of the brethren, fervently love [agape] one another from the heart, (1 Peter 1:22) Believers in the churches of Asia Minor had already expressed phileo love, but Peter was encouraging them to fervently express agape love as well. If you are a Christian, you are encouraged to express both soulish, familiar love and spirit-led unconditional love. The goal of the Christian is to become "partakers of the divine nature."9 In Peter's second epistle, he says that we are to behave with moral excellence. However, this is not enough. Christians tend to be characterized by non-believers as telling other people how they ought to behave. However, the Christian life should not be restricted to just moral excellence, but, above all else, should include both phileo and agape love: Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness [phileo], and in your brotherly kindness, love [agape]. (2 Peter 1:5-7) The most famous biblical chapter on love is from 1 Corinthians: If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13) This is a description of agape love. It is described as being patient, kind, truthful, unselfish, trusting, believing, hopeful, and enduring. It is not jealous, boastful, arrogant, rude, selfish, or angry. ""tribo comment"" - and yet we see god being these thing's and saying these things even about himself??? HMMM??? does he not boast of himself? does he not say he is a jealous god? Does he not show himself being selfish- wanting what he wants and how he wants it? as well as others listed here also? - interesting huh? MTCW!! True love never fails. The description perfectly fits God's love toward us, and should be the way we love each other and God. However, >>>>>>I have never met any person who perfectly fulfills this biblical definition of love.<<<<<< The Bible says that this unconditional love is more important than everything else (a partial list includes oratory ability, prophecy, knowledge, faith, philanthropy and hope). All of these things, which are "good" things, will pass away. Only love is eternal, since love will be the basis of eternal life. In fact, when Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He said, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND." (Matthew 22:37)9 He then added that the second most important law was "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." Jesus said that the entire law was dependent upon these two commandments.9 .10 Interesting, this is what we should do but yet author says no one has? it's a command then that no one can obey? commandments that cant be met? interesting?? |
Angels with "swords"?
2nd question, why would a loving god want to have or use weapons? why would there be any weapons/chariots/spears or any other "weapons" in heaven? Could not god wipe them all out with a word, or banish them from this universe? This talk of angels seems to me to be nothing but bull, if he can't control his own creations and needs to do battle with them, what does that say about his so called "omnipotence? explain if you can please. By Jove I think Tribo's Got it you finally understand the point I was trying to make in that other thread....why would a God have the "need" for weapons, angels fighting, chariots or humans... the fact that a supposely omnipotent God would create anything would in fact prove that it wasn't omnipotent ...and not a God well no your question was why does god have a "need" to create, mine is why does he have a need to "make war" with his own creation? the only thing i can see is since he is not capable of creating something as perfect as he is he had no choice but to create inferior things. if he could create things as perfect as he is then he wouldn't be "the god" anymore but just one of many. he's a jealous god, don't like competition.thus - angels and mankind - but as to "need" i think it was not need but boredom or desire etc.. but really i dont care, he did not care enough to ask me if i wanted to participate and i dont care to conform to his rules. enuff said. no he could not make us love him to "make" anyone do something against there will would not be love. no one would love god if it was an act of having to or being made to. ![]() NO!!! it was pretty much what you were saying - ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
2nd question, why would a loving god want to have or use weapons? why would there be any weapons/chariots/spears or any other "weapons" in heaven? Could not god wipe them all out with a word, or banish them from this universe? This talk of angels seems to me to be nothing but bull, if he can't control his own creations and needs to do battle with them, what does that say about his so called "omnipotence? explain if you can please. By Jove I think Tribo's Got it you finally understand the point I was trying to make in that other thread....why would a God have the "need" for weapons, angels fighting, chariots or humans... the fact that a supposely omnipotent God would create anything would in fact prove that it wasn't omnipotent ...and not a God well no your question was why does god have a "need" to create, mine is why does he have a need to "make war" with his own creation? the only thing i can see is since he is not capable of creating something as perfect as he is he had no choice but to create inferior things. if he could create things as perfect as he is then he wouldn't be "the god" anymore but just one of many. he's a jealous god, don't like competition.thus - angels and mankind - but as to "need" i think it was not need but boredom or desire etc.. but really i dont care, he did not care enough to ask me if i wanted to participate and i dont care to conform to his rules. enuff said. no he could not make us love him to "make" anyone do something against there will would not be love. no one would love god if it was an act of having to or being made to. |
Angels with "swords"?
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 11:00 AM
hmmm? then it seems strange to me if this is the case that if the book is true that there would be no mention of angels in other civilizations that were before the monotheistic beliefs. if angels were supposedly known from the first days of creating man then would not A&E have passed on this info to those who became other civilizations? why did not the Sumerians or others know of the existence and write of these beings if they were handed down by word from the earliest times? surely A&E would have mentioned them to their children if that were the case? having seen the one that guarded the gates of Eden with a fiery sword, long before mankind made swords. the talk of swords in the book leads one to have to contemplate historically when we as humans first came up with these weapons, was that about the time of moses or before? interesting subject this angels with swords and chariots and bows and arrows which would have been the ultimate weapons of those early days. you would thing a god that knew of future weapons would have used future weapons NO? why stick with ancient weapons when he could have outfitted them with M-16 and rocket launchers and machine guns. strange this all knowing god seems so limited to have to use the most common ancient war items to fight with huh?
of course i guess it makes no difference since angels cant be killed even with atomic bombs anyway. thus my point - why the need for any weapons what so ever? for cutting seat bolts in cars? doesn't make sense Deb - they could have just as easily pulled you from the car unscathed without any weapons at all. |
Angels with "swords"?
i have searched for an hour looking for mention of angels in pre-monotheistic religious cultures and have come up empty!! it seems [at least until someone points me to other sources] that angels have there beginning woth monotheistic beliefs, anybody dispute this?
all answers welcome. |
How do you love God?
interesting word actually. what type do you speak of? agape? Philio? Eros? other? Unti lyou've determined which love you speak of, the question can't truely be answered. |
Angels with "swords"?
Ahhhh I had a whole thing on cherubims and seraphim's and took it out...because of the length and you cutieful tribo catch me on that.....You are always testing me huh....gigglesnort. As far as carrying the sword, I think they carry for for a myriad of reasons. To protect Godly people from those that are not. I also remember like yesterday a very interesting story. I was 17 years old and was a by a semi-truck. I was buckled up, yet I feel I would have been killed had it not been for my seat belt breaking lose when the seat went out the passenger door. Instead of me being torn in half, I ended up sitting outside of the car on the seat. When my father and I went to look at my car it was strange because the seat belt wasn't torn and no bolts had broken lose. It was like someone had sliced the belt off neatly with a sharp knife. We both commented on how that was indeed odd because the door wasn't crunched in around where the belt was severed. So I feel that there are many reasons and many uses that the angels have for their swords, and like ever situation would be different for the Angel depending on what was needed. I feel Angels all around me all the time, and there have been many instances where something happens that just can't be explained. I can say beyond a doubt that Angels are watching out for us people. Another example: God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, God beheld, and he repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, It is enough, stay now thine hand. And the angel of God stood by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. And David lifted up his eyes, and saw the angel of God stand between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders of Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth, fell upon their faces. (1Chron 21:15-16). (2Samuel 24:16-17) 1 Chronicles 21:12 three years of famine, three months of being swept away before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the LORD -days of plague in the land, with the angel of the LORD ravaging every part of Israel.' Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me." So again depending on any given situation is how or why they would use the swords. OK- i see this, but that does not explain why the angels fought with swords amongst each other or why they would need swords to do battle with one another, such as [even though its not stated] between the fallen angels and Micheal and his army- and is it not called an army? Re 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, so we see a "war taking place where? "in heaven" so again the question, since angels cant be killed, they have no flesh and blood bodies, don't you think its stupid for spiritual creatures who cant kill/murder one another to be fighting one another? Would not god himself be stupid or at least much less than omniscient to go through such wars in heaven? it seems to me he does not have "control" over these things - as i have said here we supposedly have an almighty god/creator that can bring everything into existence in a matter of days that on the other hand cant control his creation and has to resort to wars amongst the angels to bring about what he desires when in all actuality could he not have just spoken and been done with them [the fallen angels] instead of recruiting an army to do so? and fight a battle with swords or any weapons that we know from the book would be ineffectual as to slaying that which can't be slain - spirit? it makes no sense at all. it puts this god in the position of looking like a commander and chief, a war lord of heaven, who has less power than he or others claim him to have.Again if he spoke the angels into existance, he could have just as easily have spoken them out of existance, no wars - no weapons, no need for disharmony of any kind, which he also could have done with us or any of the rest of his creation, - yet this violent streak is shown of him throughout the old testament and even into the new? explain please? |
Angels with "swords"?
I got the answer Sam!!! Your question: Why do angels need swords? If it is a female angel then to keep the men in line if they misbehave! God respects our privacy! If it is a male angel....hmmmm ![]() maybe they use them as super large toothpicks to prick their teeth after a good meal ![]() There you go! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
Edited by
Wed 12/03/08 10:06 PM
Another account of the power of an angel can be seen in Num. 22:22-23, 33: And God's anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him. And the ass saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand.
thnx for that deb, here you go Miles, this is within the book as you know it, without the aide of Enoch. deb cherubims and seraphims are angels and they do have wings, we see this in exodus 25, so your mistaken as to angels not having wings it is talked og elsewhere also as to these two types of angels - if your meaning a lower class of angels then make that specific, thnx. Eze 10:8 And there appeared in the cherubims the form of a man’s hand under their wings. Eze 10:8 ¶ And I saw the cherubs having the likeness of men’s hands under their wings. here again we read that both cherubims and cherubs have wings and hands like mans. Eze 10:19 And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheels also were beside them, and every one stood at the door of the east gate of the LORD’S house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. Eze 10:19 And the cherubs lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they went forth, the wheels were also {1} beside them, and they stood at the entrance of the {2} front gate of the house of the Lord; and the glory of the God of Israel was upon them above. {1) Or, joined to them 2) Gr. opposite} as to my original question though - why do angels need swords?? |
Angels with "swords"?
So many thoughts, so many replies, what to do, what to say, - hmmmm? how about nothing -
![]() nah, so i will say this - we all have our opinions be they good or bad, right or wrong, provable or not, we tend to cling to them till something changes our mind - that = growth - and this is what lifes all about. thnx for your participation, ![]() |
You know we talk about a lot of spiritual things on here and our differences - but what is really important to you in your daily life? what is it you want out of life - your goals or desires, or dreams? the here and now - not what may or maybe afterwords. anyone? I wish to be present for my little girl, Savannah. Some days I'm just so numbed out from the constant motion of the day's conscious gobble-de-goop that I come home a bit zombified. It takes almost the whole evening to land (so to speak) and its already her bedtime. My favorite time is when I get to read to her and curl up with her while she drifts off to sleep. Her crib has been modified into a toddler bed (open on the side). I often awaken to a falling sensation as I smack down on the floor. She's growing so fast! now thats what i'm talking about - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I wish to be living self-sufficiently, off of the land w/ less and less dependence on infrastructure. I feel I'm in no position at this time to do so and have no idea of how to begin moving in that direction. get on line - google whole earth catalogs, purchase the ones on how to live off the grid - thats for starters. - ![]() Having visited the site, I now lean towards a more nomadic subsistence... Now I dream of traveling with my loved ones in an alternatively fueled RV with fantastic paintings covering the exterior. ![]() Such a hippy! join the club you old ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
2nd question, why would a loving god want to have or use weapons? why would there be any weapons/chariots/spears or any other "weapons" in heaven? Could not god wipe them all out with a word, or banish them from this universe? This talk of angels seems to me to be nothing but bull, if he can't control his own creations and needs to do battle with them, what does that say about his so called "omnipotence? explain if you can please. By Jove I think Tribo's Got it you finally understand the point I was trying to make in that other thread....why would a God have the "need" for weapons, angels fighting, chariots or humans... the fact that a supposely omnipotent God would create anything would in fact prove that it wasn't omnipotent ...and not a God well no your question was why does god have a "need" to create, mine is why does he have a need to "make war" with his own creation? the only thing i can see is since he is not capable of creating something as perfect as he is he had no choice but to create inferior things. if he could create things as perfect as he is then he wouldn't be "the god" anymore but just one of many. he's a jealous god, don't like competition.thus - angels and mankind - but as to "need" i think it was not need but boredom or desire etc.. but really i dont care, he did not care enough to ask me if i wanted to participate and i dont care to conform to his rules. enuff said. ![]() Wouldn't logic suggest these man-made ideas of a jealous god a tad juvenile? The very idea of god "needing" anything, assigning human traits to something infinitely beyond human, seems ridiculous. These "rules" were formulated from the minds of man. ![]() Silly Human, Silly Human Race... how dare you insult the human race!!! - ![]() but since you have - tell me doe eyes - as an outsider, what are your real feelings about humans? ![]() We're all just babes in the woods... I flail about this earth with essentially the same type of vehicle as any other human. My conscious mind moves my body around, stumbling me on almost every step along the way. Although I don't often "feel" human, I'm reminded every time I do yet another stupid thing (which is just about every other second). ![]() D'oh! ![]() are you sure your not a puppet? sure sounds like it? were you -> Pinnochia<- possibly in a former life? do you like to crach nuts? do you sometimes feel like your a piece of furniture or other wooden object? |
Angels with "swords"?
I would like to see those scriptures >>>Tibe.<<< Shalom...Miles
I'll pass thaT request on to "tibe" the next time i see him. Your friend "TRIBO!!!" - ![]() ![]() |
Sounds like "Best Wishes" too me??? i don't know how to decipher that - can you expand? |
Edited by
Tue 12/02/08 09:34 PM
ENOCH, mentioned in the new testament by Paul and called a "prophet by Jude" says in the book of Noah the folowing: "CHAPTER LXVII. 1. And in those days the word of God came unto me, and He said unto me: 'Noah, thy lot has come up before Me, a lot without blame, a lot of love and uprightness. 2. And now the angels are making a wooden (building), and when they have completed that task I will place My hand upon it and preserve it, and there shall come forth from it the seed of life, and a change shall set in so that the earth will not remain without inhabitant. 3. And I will make fast thy seed before me for ever and ever, and I will spread abroad those who dwell with thee: it shall not be unfruitful on the face of the earth, but it shall be blessed and multiply on the earth in the name of the Lord.' Here - the "ANGELS BUILD THE ARK" quite a different perspective??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you'd be impressed if i told you Methuselah said the ark was made out of dill pickles - get a grip monkey - ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
Edited by
Tue 12/02/08 09:09 PM
the scriptures talk about 2 witnesses things are established. this could be why Enoch was left out of the cannon as several other books were of the ot. shalom...miles then you have both Jude and James[brother of Jesus] to count as witness that it was accepted that Enoch was a prophet and his words used in the NT.if his words are used in the cannon then by default they are canonical are they not? Or - if every word in the bible is to be believed to come from the mind of god written by inspired men, then there is no choice but to believe the words of Enoch are god breathed - correct? Otherwise, gods people have made a grave mistake and no words can be believed or taken as canon. The whole book is then a lie. WHY - it means men not guided by god allowed his book to be corrupted on purpose by putting things there and leaving them there for hundreds of years as gospel truth.and makes Jude, James, Paul, and the early church fathers who quoted from or mention Enoch, hypocrites and liars. correct? This in turn, would make every other saying or written word suspect to its truth, and the whole book collapses under this weight. whether the book is included or not, then the early fathers, Paul, Jude, And James are guilty of not knowing by the holy spirit or Jesus or god that they were telling lies to others by using Enochs words. the book then falls and can no longer stand on any merit what so ever. it could be found to be nothing but lies or hearsay at best. Thus it's demise. |