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Bart's photo
Mon 05/27/24 05:05 PM

unsettling thought for me is Canada is also going downhill , just like US and a hundred other countries .. Sure we always follow the US , but do we have to follow the downhill spiral ... When are Canadians gonna wake up ??

I hope it’s this November Slim, we need conservatives in office , the party of the working people . Democrats seem more for the elite ( Hollywood) class and the special interest groups. And I hope Canada follows suit with conservatives being elected..

It's important to have conservatives participating in our government, but it's against all our interests to elect criminals like Trump to office. With his nearly 100 felony charges and history of financial difficulties, he's not even fit for a security clearance, and yet half the country wants to put him in office where he can give or sell more nuclear secrets to Russia, and then pardon himself out of any accountability. That's nuts!
Past history from 2016 till 2020 did Trump do any of the far fetched fantasy’s that democrats accuse him of wanting to do. Hell No and he’s not going to be the Dictator or the executioner or the Putin co-hort . you unrealistic people conjure up. What’s nuts is re-electing Biden and his america last policies. And while the only defense for democrats to win is call Trump every name in the book and hope some of it sticks. Nothing Trump has said is as decisive or racist as Joe Describing Obama as being the first black running for president that is articulate decent and clean .. or if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black..can anybody watch him speak or walk or mingle with voters and feel confident with another 4 years.. not many…

Bart's photo
Sat 05/25/24 08:20 AM
Edited by Bart on Sat 05/25/24 08:21 AM

unsettling thought for me is Canada is also going downhill , just like US and a hundred other countries .. Sure we always follow the US , but do we have to follow the downhill spiral ... When are Canadians gonna wake up ??

I hope it’s this November Slim, we need conservatives in office , the party of the working people . Democrats seem more for the elite ( Hollywood) class and the special interest groups. And I hope Canada follows suit with conservatives being elected..

Bart's photo
Sat 05/25/24 07:20 AM

My point being Trump speech inspires while Biden’s is “ Dark Brandon… and divisive… if he had done something of real value for the black communities or positive black futures he wouldn’t be giving that message. What has he done for them in his three years. It’s only now he wants to show his interests and compassion.

No. Trump speeches are rambling and nonsensical. Of course he'll promise that everything will turn around when he's in office, just like he promised a better health care plan or a "incredible" infrastructure bill "in two weeks." He gripes that we're a nation in decline (ignoring the soaring stock market and super-low unemployment) and can't offer any hints on what he'd do to solve problems. The guy's just a big fat liar.

But sure, Biden's the divisive one, only helping his voters, because Republicans never get the price caps on insulin or reduced junk fees from banks and airlines. Maybe Republicans don't bank or fly to travel. Do they exclusively drive big pickup trucks with Trump flags, needing extra low gas prices to afford all that AND the truck nutz?

Lol , that last part was a little rambling. truck nuts? And yes truckers would like lower gas prices. Doesn’t everyone?. Not everyone is invested in the stock market. We appreciate the cap on insulin, those that need it. But you guys seem to hate what Trump did, biggest tax cuts, lowest unemployment for minorities . makings of a peace deal in Middle East. NO new WARS.. low inflation and we could afford to eat and pay our bills on time w/o putting everything on credit cards..just my view of the U.S. these days..all before the pandemic. You can’t blame Trump for the damage that had on the U.S. without also blaming Biden for his part of the shutdown of economy.

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 06:35 PM
My point being Trump speech inspires while Biden’s is “ Dark Brandon… and divisive… if he had done something of real value for the black communities or positive black futures he wouldn’t be giving that message. What has he done for them in his three years. It’s only now he wants to show his interests and compassion.

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 05:15 PM
Like him or not , but Trump is going to districts that politicians have ignored for years. He’s talking with folks of all races and these people are listening, but all we hear from the democrat politicians and their media is how dare Trump go see these people to hear their concerns. and let them know things will get better for all.. CNN and msnbc mouthpieces called the people there “ clowns” .. while Biden speaks at Morehouse telling them they have to work 10 times harder to get ahead in the country that hates them. What kind of message is that for these graduates?..

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 04:10 PM
Edited by Bart on Fri 05/24/24 04:11 PM

See now that is why I picked it
It’s a British slang word
Originally its someone who fixes shoes but it kinda morphs into a mild insult in the 20th century
It’s really not that bad
I didn’t want to make you upset
By the way thanks for releasing that bass
They need all the help they can get
With river pollution their numbers are steadily decreasing
That’s why I dislike trump so much
He just doesn’t care about any kind of pollution
As a fisherman you should care more about the environment than trump does
Yeah Biden is an idiot too but at least he tries to protect the epa and the environment
Cheers Bart don’t hold a grudge

No grudge ,, alls good, but I haven’t seen where Trump is any worse for the invitoment than any other politicians. Trump want to drill the Gulf of Mexico and some federal lands. We can drill sadly and burn the cleanest of any nation and that is not new under Biden. Production is up but we need to make it more accessible to everybody. Cut regulations and Drill Baby Drill . A boost in employment lower prices on oil and gas and everything else starts going down.. time for renewables later when we are ready with infrastructure to sustain electric. BTW that bass was 9.4 lbs.

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 02:59 PM

Now now Bart let’s not get all angry and aggressive about it
You know that you and I would never be able to agree about anything
Let’s just keep this discussion on an adult level
You called me a child before and I jokingly called you a cobbler
Let’s just stick to the issue of all the terrible things trump did to this country

Ok.. topics only… first, what is a cobbler ? A Canadian thing??

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 01:48 PM

Donald Trump wasn’t aware of TikTok at the start of 2020 – but now the viral app ranked high on his list of enemies that summer. Why? Teens.

It wasn’t until teens claimed credit for half-filled seats at Trump’s ‘comeback’ rally in Tulsa.

After that, Trump decided the Chinese-owned app was a national security threat and has now forced the sale of TikTok in order for it to continue operating in the US.

Funnily enough, senior leaders who work at winning bidder Oracle, have a very close relationship with Trump’s administration.

Oracle’s win was a surprise, with most expecting Microsoft to succeed with their bid to “partner” with TikTok’s owners in the US.

Keep your friends close and your enemy apps closer!

One of the very first things Trump did on ascending to office, was revive plans for a huge oil pipeline that had been rejected by Barack Obama.

Despite Obama deciding that the pipeline was not only environmentally unsound, it would also not deliver on promises such as lowering petrol prices, Trump merrily fired out an executive order in January 2017, signing off on the Keystone XL pipeline which would “ pump some of Canada’s most dangerous oil products over nearly 1,200 miles of US land and Indigenous territories largely for export to other countries”.

Remember Charlottesville? The white supremacist rally where counter-protestor Heather Heyer was killed after a member of the far-right drove a car into her. Well according to Trump, there were “very fine people” on both sides of that protest. One side was made up of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. The other wasn’t.

Yeah I saw that picture of you and a large mouth bass
Nice fish
I bet you killed it you trump-sucking cobbler

No I didn’t kill her, I released her , she was full of eggs. And I not sure what you are indicating by your Trump sucking cobbler part, but if that’s where you wanna go, than let’s go…

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 10:50 AM

Pumpilicious you have a really cool profile

But how come you can get away with pictures without your face but the moderator here jumps all down me head when I post a picture of me and my dog?

No fair

But anyway back to the topic at hand…

that is strange. I got to post one of me and my fish… lol…

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 06:41 AM

1. When he dismissed Russian interference in the election
The spectre of Russia has haunted Trump since the 2016 election that brought him to power. Post-election analysis of data by the likes of academics seems to suggest that yes, Russian interference played a part in it.

But Trump, funnily enough, has never been keen to examine the role Russia might have had in seeing him elected. This means he’s not only blocked every attempt to investigate it but also sacked multiple officials who’ve threatened to do so, like former FBI director James Comey. Trump even admitted that Russia was part of his reasoning for firing Comey, making him only the second American president to sack his FBI director. Historic.

Ah, the sweet smell of nepotism. As soon as Trump went to the White House, so did his family. But breaking with protocol, members of the extended Trump clan quickly received important high-ranking roles. Like daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared who are now special advisors, a role that is very vague but ensures they’re essentially part of running the country. Ivanka’s attempt to mingle with world leaders at the 2019 G20 summit was widely ridiculed.

It’s not stopped her, or the other Trumps, from ascending the power ladder though.

You have to do something pretty bad to be impeached. Like have sexual relations with a much more junior member of staff and then lie about it. The accusation facing Donald Trump was that he pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter, threatening to withhold aid unless the Ukrainian president complied with his wishes.

Trump was acquitted by the Republican Senate majority but people can examine the evidence for themselves…


Please keep us updated when you have Trumps daughter or son on video with crack whores , while toting a gun he acquired illegally . Or when they cheated the IRS and lied to congress… no comparison to the disgusting criminal acts of Hunter to the smart business ventures of the Trumps …

Bart's photo
Fri 05/24/24 04:45 AM
It was a open arms welcoming for Trump in the Bronx. Approximately 10,000 people lined up to support Trump. From a heavy democrat district. Says a lot about how the citizens of this community view their own democrat representatives .. a poor view IMO. these folks like the policy of Trump putting Americans first instead of Biden’s policy of putting Americans last.. I think the minorities are finally seeing the Democratic Party for what they are. Users and abusers willing to pander to , than ignore their plight.. I think the Biden administration is freaking out today just like their propagandist media..

Bart's photo
Thu 05/23/24 05:40 PM

In a rambling fundraising pitch to oil executives in Houston on Wednesday, former president Donald Trump promised them he would immediately approve their projects and expand drilling in a second term — just as he worked to expedite the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines soon after taking office in 2016.

That’s right… he told American voters the same thing . On day one Drill baby drill. That’s what America needs.. energy independence for U.S. not Iran or Russia and China like Biden’s doing…

"Drill baby drill" won't make America independent of the oil market; that's not how it works. Oil is sold on an international market, so no matter how much the US drills and sells, the price of oil is still whatever the market will bear, and the US oil companies will never give up their rights to sell to the highest bidders.

If you want energy independence, (and we already have it on most levels) we'll have to expand the use of wind, solar, hydro, nuclear and everything else where appropriate.

If we were drilling and actually processing our own oil at the levels we were with Trump than our reserve wouldn’t be so dangerously low. Leaving us vulnerable if we had a attack here on our soil, which isn’t so far out of reality with the borders being wide open. 1000s of unvetted Chinese migrants coming in, all men, and fit like they are military ready.. is Biden letting China build a army here, unwittingly. ? Sounds far fetched but not impossible.. at the very least we wouldn’t be paying more to fill it than Biden sold it for , just to gain a few votes for democrats in 2020

Bart's photo
Thu 05/23/24 03:54 PM

In a rambling fundraising pitch to oil executives in Houston on Wednesday, former president Donald Trump promised them he would immediately approve their projects and expand drilling in a second term — just as he worked to expedite the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines soon after taking office in 2016.

That’s right… he told American voters the same thing . On day one Drill baby drill. That’s what America needs.. energy independence for U.S. not Iran or Russia and China like Biden’s doing…

Bart's photo
Thu 05/23/24 02:52 PM

Man that’s so rich
Trump ain’t even going to be able to finish his jail sentence
He’ll die from cardiac arrest after a few months of eating Lima beans and getting stuffed from behind every night by his cell mate

LOL, how old are you ? I thought children were not permitted to join this site…

Bart's photo
Thu 05/23/24 12:17 PM

Most experts expect him to win the appeal because of the partisan politics that is clearly involved with the Judge.. and the liberal prosecutor… Trump never had a fair chance for his defense.

Unless by "experts" you mean the commenters on the Conservative blogs you follow, I doubt that. Most opinions I've read confirm that appeals are difficult and citing the political views of the DA aren't sufficient. Tish James brought a carefully documented case and witnesses to court. Trump had no defense. It was such an obvious case that the judge granted a default judgement. Even the notion that there were no victims isn't enough. First the law doesn't require the prosecution to find a victim, and second, the state's witness testified that banks lost out on hundreds of $million in interest Trump would've otherwise paid. And besides, it's fraud. Saying you can't charge because nobody was hurt is like saying people can drive drunk as long as they don't get into an accident. Trump will lose his appeal.

Anyway, I only searched the web for a while to see if I could find any "experts" who agreed with you, and had no luck. Got a link?

Nope. There aren't any. And no matter how many links you have for evidence, they've all made up their minds and believe tfg lies. Here is a thread full of proof
being attacked by baseless bias, over and over. Or deflection about Biden, once again.
BTW, most in this forum watch fox or rw propaganda. I am like you sir, sources over opinions. Thank you for trying to make them understand.
Still following the heard I see… sad but not surprised…

Bart's photo
Wed 05/22/24 05:14 PM
Edited by Bart on Wed 05/22/24 05:21 PM

Just when cadaver Joe is getting the thumbs down from normal Americans and a thumbs up for Mr. Trump, now come the inflated lies and TDS rage and how America is a racist country about to be elevated upon his election.. LMAO.. this is the only option for these losers have to campaign on because their policies are asinine and impossible to understand for anyone with a active brain, why any U.S. president would do what Joe and his equally inept followers are doing to this country.. Trump will be exonerated because you can’t convict someone when there is no crime.. clearly no crime.. and the other cases are as politically corrupt as the one in Manhattan. Watch the reaction in the Bronx Tommorow for Trump.. it may shed some light on the truth behind who’s more popular for 2024…don’t be afraid to watch, you can watch him from your safe space… don’t forget your binkey …

Don't know how you missed it. Trump's crimes were real, and his defense is stupid. His lawyers in NYC just rested their case after their star witness reversed himself and then got aggressive with the judge. The defense's witness! The prosecution painstakingly laid out all the ways Trump broke the law in those 34 counts and all Trump could do was cry about it each afternoon and then refuse to testify after promising he would. That's not corruption from the D.A.

Also, Biden isn't doing anything nefarious to the country. Upholding law and order, respecting public servants and law enforcement, supporting allies and not supporting Russia's land grab are all good things. Go ahead and embrace Trump if you like, but repeating his lies here doesn't make you look smart.

With any luck, Trump will see at least a little jail time for his criminality, and if justice is served, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail after paying $billions in damages.
ha, ha,, you are funny. I stated my case and you stated yours . All it takes is one member of the jury that is immune to TDS and he’s exonerated. Two lawyers on the jury. Hopefully there not as lame as the judge on this case or the prosecutions main witness , a convicted felon who lied to congress and has admitted to grand larceny. He’s been labeled a habitual lier .. And everything he testified to during this trial was contradicted by the defense and his admission of lying and revenge and to prosper from his story…If Trump is convicted it will be overturned during appeal. The judge is conflicted and obviously helping the prosecution by threatening to dismiss the defense testimony if he ‘ rolled his eyes at him again’ among other very unusual actions taken by this judge.... are you kidding me? Who is this judge ‘ Jan Brady? Banana republic..

Bart's photo
Wed 05/22/24 03:32 PM
Just when cadaver Joe is getting the thumbs down from normal Americans and a thumbs up for Mr. Trump, now come the inflated lies and TDS rage and how America is a racist country about to be elevated upon his election.. LMAO.. this is the only option for these losers have to campaign on because their policies are asinine and impossible to understand for anyone with a active brain, why any U.S. president would do what Joe and his equally inept followers are doing to this country.. Trump will be exonerated because you can’t convict someone when there is no crime.. clearly no crime.. and the other cases are as politically corrupt as the one in Manhattan. Watch the reaction in the Bronx Tommorow for Trump.. it may shed some light on the truth behind who’s more popular for 2024…don’t be afraid to watch, you can watch him from your safe space… don’t forget your binkey …

Bart's photo
Wed 05/22/24 12:32 PM
Very disturbing to see the Biden administration representative stand in condolence for Irans president’ the butcher of Iran’ . Who died in a helicopter crash.. I wonder if the same attitude would be displayed if it were Trump in that crash… doubtful.. disturbing and reprehensible…

Bart's photo
Wed 05/22/24 11:54 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 05/22/24 12:01 PM

Jim comeys investigation found that Hilary had about 100+ emails containing classified info. on several different unsecured servers. She treated those emails like a grocery list. She was supposed to treat them for what they are . Top secret, classified info. But Comey even said although others could and would be charged after such wrecklessness he thinks there should be no charges brought against mrs. clinton. So your theory is that kind of two tiered justice is fine.

You can read Comey's report on Hillary's email investigation. A couple pages long and easy to read.

There were no charges for Hillary or anybody else because the facts didn't support charges. And Comey never said that others could and would be charged. He left it to DOJ to make those decisions and they declined, too. Not two-tiered justice. At worst Comey said that things were discussed that should've been known to be inappropriate to discuss in an unsecured system. He didn't even say whether Clinton wrote the classified information, so she could have simply been replying to someone else's message that also included some classified topic. Either way, the relevant laws require intention or gross negligence resulting in exposing classified information. Didn't happen.

I did read it and it clearly said there were top secret classified info about 110 items with those markings and even the ones not marked , on 32 different unsecured servers . she should have known better and had responsibility securing that info. And Comey did say, … Don’t mistake that others couldn’t and wouldn’t because he could recommend charges being brought but he wouldn’t in this case. Intent doesn’t have to be there to be charged. Incompetence could be enough though..

Maybe you missed it, but Comey's report didn't say 110 emails had classification markings. Only that 110 emails were found to have classified information. Probably mentioned sensitive information. Also, the US government has a completely separate system for sending classified information, not even connected to the Internet, so it's weird that any emails would have a classification mark, unless someone decided to type "SECRET" or whatever into the email, which isn't how document classification works. Maybe that's another reasons why Comey didn't recommend charges.

So what , weather they were marked or not. Comey was clear when he said no markings shouldn’t matter, a Secretary of State should use caution with all emails from government.. she was neglectful which is reason to be charged… You must know more of this subject than the experts on this subject that ‘don’t’ use Trump hatred to decide their opinion… so IMO you are not that convincing when you tell us of your knowledge of classified government information. .. but unfortunately, from the other side we see Jack Smith is upset with the Trump appointed judge seeing over the Documents case from Mara-Laga because she wants to decide which papers are only copies, which there are many of, and Jack smiths prosecution wants the judge to over look material that is not in dispute because they are not originals which are still held in the state dept. .. .. just another example of the Biden justice dept, trying to deny Trump a proper defense.. and it is clear to everybody keeping up with all these political witch hunts against Biden’s opposition running for President…. What country are we in???…

Bart's photo
Mon 05/20/24 03:45 PM

Jim comeys investigation found that Hilary had about 100+ emails containing classified info. on several different unsecured servers. She treated those emails like a grocery list. She was supposed to treat them for what they are . Top secret, classified info. But Comey even said although others could and would be charged after such wrecklessness he thinks there should be no charges brought against mrs. clinton. So your theory is that kind of two tiered justice is fine.

You can read Comey's report on Hillary's email investigation. A couple pages long and easy to read.

There were no charges for Hillary or anybody else because the facts didn't support charges. And Comey never said that others could and would be charged. He left it to DOJ to make those decisions and they declined, too. Not two-tiered justice. At worst Comey said that things were discussed that should've been known to be inappropriate to discuss in an unsecured system. He didn't even say whether Clinton wrote the classified information, so she could have simply been replying to someone else's message that also included some classified topic. Either way, the relevant laws require intention or gross negligence resulting in exposing classified information. Didn't happen.

I did read it and it clearly said there were top secret classified info about 110 items with those markings and even the ones not marked , on 32 different unsecured servers . she should have known better and had responsibility securing that info. And Comey did say, … Don’t mistake that others couldn’t and wouldn’t because he could recommend charges being brought but he wouldn’t in this case. Intent doesn’t have to be there to be charged. Incompetence could be enough though..