Men with children...
personally, I wouldnt have a problem with it... I dont want to have anymore a man who comes with a ready made family could be a solution for him...
just because it may not be mine biologically doesnt mean the child is less deserving of love. |
Im waiting to hear from those who would blame the 8-year old for dressing and acting too provocatively and thus deserving of what she got...because after all, as we've been just cant help themselves.
Edited by
Sun 12/19/10 10:44 AM
| have a lot of hatred towards women..your mysoginy just oozes out of your pores (in this thread and many others), so before you go pointing fingers and making armchair psychologist remarks, Id look closely at your own values and how they are impeeding you from having a close, intimate and loving relationship with a woman...
you make many assumptions (all based on your own prejudices) about me and other women who hold men accountable for their misbehavior and do not accept the "its nature, I have no control" argument. I dont hate men at all, on the contrary, Ive been lucky enough to have had (and have now), relationships with enlightened, educated, men that have had the courage to go beyond the limits of that male-stereotype that you so closely cling to... a man of quality is not threatend by a womans equality. |
Andy..I think you need to masturbate more often....
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"I Cant Think Straight"
Bound is a must see...goodfellas meets the L word...hahah gotta love it...
here is an example of how universal health care works here in my fall down on any city sidewalk, an ambulance show up to administer first aid, and, if necessary, takes you to the hospital. total cost to Paid for by your taxes...everyone has access to that.
you dont want that?? then sorry, but I think someone has tainted the water you all are drinking. |
so..Andy, if I understand your statement correctly, you are saying that men in fact, are mindless sex machines, that once put into action have absolutly no control over their bodies or their minds and thus are free of any responsibility or culpability...
that because of the overwhelming force of uncontrolable hormones that go raging through a male during coitus it is, in fact, the MAN who is the victim, when he is forced to stop and then punished because, as you pointed out..he is helpless to control himself in the midst of mindless passion... you guys are the ones who control the world?? ![]() well, that does explain a lot, doesnt it...? |
i find it incredibly funny and sad that Americans are actually AGAINST universal health care...
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just bait..if the "authorities found it" its because someone was throwing them a bone....for every one that gets found, ten get and demand...cant beat it...
Little by little all the great ones are leaving us....
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Fri 12/17/10 08:28 PM
Sunset Blvd
Rocky Heaven Can Wait (Warren Beatty version) The Hunger Repo Man Star Wars The Lord of the Rings Wizard of Oz Strangers on a Train Wrath of Kahn Fight Club Double Endemnity True Grit (John Wayne) The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly The Fugitive The King and I West Side Story Splash Back to the Future (only the first one) Planet of the Apes (all of them) Practically any "B" horror movie from the 50s All the Marx Brothers movies |
Freaking hottest couple in TV....
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why should I get angry?? none of this is real....
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Cyber Socialization
I remember when cell phones were the size of a mans shoe and the battery weighed 12 pounds came in its own carry bag and lasted about and hour....ahhhhh...the good 'ol days, back then everyone said pagers would last forever and the portable phone was just a bad idea.
Family Values
I'd rather see the "family values" of the "white, Conservative, Christian, heterosexual, non-poor than the values of your beloved politicians and Hollywood entertainers. the "religious right" is neither. |
Crabs in a Barrel
I have no problem with people who are "racists", there is no shame in taking pride in who you are, supporting and promoting the advancement of your own. The problem is the xenophobia used by certain leaders that doesnt promote pride but leans more towards a victimization of the general group...the idea that. " you are down because the evil (fill in the blank, race/gender/religion of your choice here) is to blame", helps no one and hurts everyone. Farrakhan, like all other political leaders has fallen victim to his own ambition for power,and is now using the people he is supposed to be in service of, for his own personal gain...pity.. What do you mean by "pride in who you are"? for example, I am very proud of my latina and jewish heritage...I make every effort to support both cultures with my pocket book, my learing, in my home, who I associate with, etc.... |
when NO is not an option, yes is worthless....doesnt matter when, where or how deep you are in..when someone says stop, or i dont want to and you think you have the right to go on because your balls are screaming for my book, its rape.
Geek incoming!
I liked you better when your english was no good....
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Alice Cooper is the grand-daddy of shock-rock..thanks to him, people like Marylin Manson, et all even exist today...I think Alice is way over due for some recognition and Im glad to hear he is a nominee.
Crabs in a Barrel
Edited by
Wed 12/15/10 11:05 AM
I have no problem with people who are "racists", there is no shame in taking pride in who you are, supporting and promoting the advancement of your own. The problem is the xenophobia used by certain leaders that doesnt promote pride but leans more towards a victimization of the general group...the idea that. " you are down because the evil (fill in the blank, race/gender/religion of your choice here) is to blame", helps no one and hurts everyone.
Farrakhan, like all other political leaders has fallen victim to his own ambition for power,and is now using the people he is supposed to be in service of, for his own personal gain...pity.. |