Community > Posts By > BigCurt_31

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:34 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou ((((((((((((10,000)))))))))))))))devil flowerforyou devil flowerforyou devil

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:27 PM
Actually, 4 woman I have dated off of here for short period's or one date!

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:26 PM
:wink: flowerforyou :wink: flowerforyou :wink: Good afternoon everyone!:wink: flowerforyou :wink: flowerforyou :wink:

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:20 PM

Mark Wahlberg....YUMMY!:tongue:

actually, I use to get alot of people saying I looked like Mark Wahlberg! I use to teach a hip-hop class at Gold's also. Should I fill in for him for ya?
flowerforyou devil flowerforyou devil flowerforyou devil flowerforyou devil

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:11 PM

I'm just going to put in my opinion. Don't try to send him away. I understand how stressful it must be. My mom suffered from depression anxiety and addiction and left me when I was younger. I ended up moving in with my father and it was very scarring for me. You being a mother means putting yourself last. You said it yourself, he has a learning disability. Maybe he doesn't know how to show his appreciation or respect. Think about it. I didn't post this to come off rude. Just wanted you to know from a daughters point of view. I do hope things get better.flowerforyou

I do fine in raising my son and I am a man. I am very loving and compassionate man. I see no problem with my son as far as me being his parent. He would choose me before he ever chose his Mother!

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:07 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Tue 01/22/08 12:09 PM
I suggest seeking out clinical help! My son is bi-polar and adhd. I was recently diagnosed as bi-polar and I am a single parent working and raising my son who is 5. It is a struggle everyday and he a very demanding child. I am now on medication(diagnosed bi-polar) after 38 year's of being without it and I went through many of struggles over that period. I have since started to see some daylight as my dose has been upgraded. It is not a matter of saying you, "you can just do it!" If people aren't in your shoes they have no idea what you are going through. So, just look for medical help like I did and I am doing. I have a great relationship with my therapist and thing's are really starting to look up for me as they will you. If you need any advice please feel free to contact me because I feel your pain.

happy happy happy happy happy happy happy

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:20 AM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Tue 01/22/08 12:20 AM

snuggle away honey mmmmmmmmmmm:tongue: flowerforyou :smile:

I feel like the snuggle bear from downy detergent right now! It is so warm in here!

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:13 AM

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats all im saying lol

I sure wouldn't kick u out of bed for bringing your football! Can I snuggle with your bum?
devil happy devil happy devil happy devil happy devil

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:10 AM

yay, you better be naked Curt

I am of course! Naked as a Missouri Jaybird!

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:07 AM

oooo pick me pick me

tag! Your it!

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:06 AM
lol! Who want's to jump in with me? It is King Sized and sleep's 12.

BigCurt_31's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:00 AM

i have been online dating for 2 years and still no luck? whats going on?brokenheart

I have done "online" for about 6 years now. In that time, I have had about 3 or 4 serious relationships, but I don't tend to meet the "right" ones in this medium. So, I can relate. Have faith and remain open minded when you are out and about in the real world. You never know. Best wishes.

Hugs Angel...

ohwell *hugs back*

Hey, I am not feeling the love! Where is my hug?
noway :cry: noway :cry: noway :cry:

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 11:58 PM

pats suck, and tom brady needs a hair cut i swear his head looks like a bucket when he has his helmet on

regardless of what u think of him! He is gonna win the superbowl and he does date alot of hot woman. Plus, he is rich!

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 11:50 PM
Yea, I know you was kidding! Just razzing ya is all. Yes, his pick is on my profile under my pic's and his name is Jaren!

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 11:49 PM

i want a cookie..

I got a scooby snack for ya! Izzie, you want it?
:tongue: glasses :tongue: glasses :tongue: glasses

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 11:47 PM

Tom Brady dies and is at the gates of heaven talking to god. God asks him, "Why do you deserve to be here?" Brady responds, "I work hard and take life seriously, I deserve to be here." God is happy with his answer and lets him in.
Eli Manning is up next, and god asks him the same question. Manning responds, "I've been a god fearing man my whole life, and work hard for what I have. I deserve to be here. God agrees with his answer and lets him in. Brett Favre walks up next, and says, "I believe you're in my seat."

Sound's more like the story of Conan versus Crom. Crom was a God and Conan kicked the sh.t out of him!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 11:40 PM

Maybe you need a new face Bro like me, J/Klaugh

that is just wrong, Kevin! Dude, do not get depressed! I, myself, have been on the net dating for two year's and have yet to find love. I think I suffice in the face department an body Kevin! So, no smart-assed comment's please. Haha. Crap look at my joining date and I was on that dang match site prior to this. Woman didn't want a relationship they wanted ass. Not trying to be to cocky just speaking the truth.
Online dating is a crapshoot just as any other dating is. I have found it is actually much easier for people to lie on the net than in real life. The main reason is My darlin little boy. He is 5 almost 6 and I am his sole-parent. I have yet to meet a woman that I am willing to bring into his life. So, with that said. Don't sweat, you will find love one day. It may not be on here, but it will happen you just have to let it.
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:52 PM

wow i'm almost sorry I brought up the topic!

Now your taking it personally and nothing is meant by it! Everyone is free to speak there mind's on here.

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:49 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Mon 01/21/08 10:53 PM
nothing like aesthetic's and beauty to appeal to your senses. But, not on here? Nope! Ok, here is the way I see it and this is str8t for the horses ass(LOL)! If we start putting a rating system for pictures. Then people begin to feel like they are being demeaned because the may not appeal to other's or maybe some people don't like that person so they give them a low rating. That is not a popularity contest and we are not here for that! Same thing's happens when you begin to decorate your home page. People look at someone's profile and judge them and go, "man, they didn't decrotate thier site they must be lazy or stupid!" that isn't fair to them. They may have 3 kid's and work a full time job. To many underlying assumptions come from site's such as facebook and myspace. Plus, to many kid's on there. They are having ton's of problem's with threats of violence, Kid's playing games with other kid's feeling's. Dr. Phil has been doing alot of show's about that stuff.

BigCurt_31's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:43 PM

You really do have something against flowers don't you BigCurt lol....flowerforyou

No Mame. I love flower's and pretty thing's. I just think there is a time and a place for them!