Community > Posts By > BigCurt_31

BigCurt_31's photo
Thu 01/17/08 06:18 PM
Yes, bad choice of word's. Need! Use something "I would like to find a woman for dating!" and "can anyone help me with that?"

BigCurt_31's photo
Thu 01/17/08 04:20 PM

First, I thought it was for single (heterosexuals) only, and it turns out marrieds/attacheds are on here, I guess shopping, too. Now it turns out gays are on here? What the heck? No offense, but is there a site where someone like myself (heterosexual and single, not attached) can truly go to possibly meet a male that is the same?

Dear! You just have to take your chances. It is a crap-shoot on the internet. You will get the same where ever you visit. This is actually the best site I have been on. Usually people are vulgar and way to forward on other sites.

BigCurt_31's photo
Thu 01/17/08 02:43 PM

that was really good

thank's guys!

BigCurt_31's photo
Thu 01/17/08 02:22 PM
Simplistic from beginning to the end
Life begins with a child’s scream for its first breath
Time for complicity to deal out its rends
Is this the beginning or a path to eternal death?
Passivity has accrued to a climatic proposal of life
Seeking a nurturing soul to aggregate the future
No doubt a parallel universe full of strife
Reaching for that pacifier to culminate and mature
Sowing a seed of descent is the roles of his administers
Their hands soiled and pasted with contempt and contrition
Distanced are their hearts and preaching of these pastors
Two coupled by a need for souls to be nutritional
Portioned by a dividing wall in their minds
Never searching for true love to remind him it exists
Extensively they subsist on little love or time
Setting the defense up for that child to resist
All love for the future shall be redefined
Like a fine wine it shall be good only in time
His soul burns and hungers and searches for a sign
No love from his past for some reason and rhyme
Cascading down his throat like a cold icy drink
Past a burning heart full of desire
Some how its missed it’s marked unable to link
That one true love that sets his heart afire
Was it all a waste he thinks to himself?
A cradle of pain as he grew to know
A locked away key placed high upon a shelf
Out of harms way as this child sought to grow
No Love at all, No room to see it in full view
Narrow is the path that he has chosen
Pain, No love, everything left a strew
Shredded is his heart and it has seemed have been frozen
In time locked away forever never to be unleashed
No Love for him to seek out it’s lost in the world
Once just once he shall see it be sheathed
Story after story it shall be left untold
No Story shall he tell of how it all began
No story of how it shall be caste
Let’s keep it simple and let you know who I am
The one who let true love escape from his grasp

Copyrighted(2003) by BigCurt_31

BigCurt_31's photo
Thu 01/17/08 12:10 PM
Your Special! Short Bus Special!
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:45 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/16/08 11:46 PM

You closed your diatribe with the words "Enough said". But it's not enough said. When you make your case for the problems you see today and do not offer any solution, you are doing nothing more than b*tching and moaning. I salute your service to our country. That is the essence of patritotism. When I read your words I get a sense that you feel betrayed by your country because it has not met your expectations. Being a fellow veterern of our armed forces, you have ever right to have high expectations for our country. Let me assure you the situation is not hopeless. This countries government is not what makes it great, it is it's people that make it great. The power of the people can fix what is wrong today. The solutions are out there among the people. I respect your opinion so be heard and offer solutions. You have identified the problem. What are you going to do about it?

Well, I have many of suggestion's and opinion's and would of offered them! But, I don't believe the topic called for that. It asked "what doest Patriotism mean!" and I was giving my overall opinion of what the ideal was and it meant. Word's and power are used to incite a society into action. Politician's use ton's of empty rhetoric everyday to get the masses to react. Patriotism mean's no more to most nowaday's than ever! Our leader's are the one's that abandon us. Few don't, most do. They are very self-serving and we have become that as a society. Why is that? Because we scrape and scratch to survive. We have been sold-out. Think is not just my sentiment's, but our countries. Did I think this prior to Bush, absolutely not! I served my country with gratitude and perseverance! I was a good soldier, who fought the good fight. I don't believe at this point there is a good solution. Bush has left us in dire straight's(recession). Clinton didn't! You didn't see gas prices at 3 bucks when Clinton went into Iraq. Well, I offer no solution and when I see one with the new administration and we pull ourselves out of this huge rut. Then, I shall come around again. Curt

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:33 PM

I like the pic too!!! Of you!

Yeah well he growls a lot.. I'm rolling over here.. Delta what's the next room? Come on girl your turn I'm tired tonight... Love the new pic!

i dunno. make doggie do it. my head hurts... worked a long day.

What up all? Yea, I had tough work-out myself tonight also! What up, Kevin? What is the topic I am tired and can't see straight?
whats up bro

not much bro. Stayed up til 3 am chatting last night worked all day then 2 and half work-out 2nite. Kind of drained trying to relax and wind down from my pump!

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:32 PM

I like the pic too!!! Of you!

Yeah well he growls a lot.. I'm rolling over here.. Delta what's the next room? Come on girl your turn I'm tired tonight... Love the new pic!

i dunno. make doggie do it. my head hurts... worked a long day.

What up all? Yea, I had tough work-out myself tonight also! What up, Kevin? What is the topic I am tired and can't see straight?
whats up bro

not much bro. Stayed up til 3 am chatting last night worked all day then 2 and half work-out 2nite. Kind of drained trying to relax and wind down from my pump!

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:26 PM

I like the pic too!!! Of you!

Yeah well he growls a lot.. I'm rolling over here.. Delta what's the next room? Come on girl your turn I'm tired tonight... Love the new pic!

i dunno. make doggie do it. my head hurts... worked a long day.

What up all? Yea, I had tough work-out myself tonight also! What up, Kevin? What is the topic I am tired and can't see straight?

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:21 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/16/08 11:22 PM
I think there that can happen! Everyone need's a break from time to time. Rather then waiting for to happen. I think it would a much better scenario if it was planned. The occasional exscursion with friend's. A Relationship is built on trust and honesty. You must be friend's, but have friend's outside the relationship. Don't want to soley depend on each other. Then you become to needy!

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:11 PM

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:26 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/16/08 09:28 PM


right now i am dieting for a show in april, i am eating just 5 foods right now, egg whites, chicken, steak, sweet potatoe, and broc.. and 2 protien shakes a day

i will be cutting the steak out in 2 weeks.. i eat around 8-10 times a day too.. it sucks so bad right now!

Hey, you get that way naturally or do use Anabolic's?

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:21 PM
eveing all! What is up?
drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 03:44 PM
headed to the gym for a few hours. Much love to my friend's. Muah

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 03:37 PM
Yea, I am on a high-protein diet and low-carb diet.

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 03:34 PM


sometimes you need a pit bull picture up!

Git 'em!
huh Its nothing personal.huh

We need to give her a break. I layed into her pretty heavy earlier Mirror.

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 03:31 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/16/08 03:33 PM

Baby! I am 38 and in my prime. I just done 60 straight night's in the gym 3-4 hours every night. I am headed to the gym right now. I can keep up with any young man. Any
looking swole bro.

Thanks! I try to keep in shape. My son is 5 and I have sole-custody he keep's me running also.
haha!yeah,i love the gym too.

Yea, I have weight's at home, but I only use those if I have to. I enjoy the gym. Got to love lifting!
I use poor mans weights at home.

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 03:24 PM

Baby! I am 38 and in my prime. I just done 60 straight night's in the gym 3-4 hours every night. I am headed to the gym right now. I can keep up with any young man. Any
looking swole bro.

Thanks! I try to keep in shape. My son is 5 and I have sole-custody he keep's me running also.

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 03:21 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/16/08 03:21 PM
Baby! I am 38 and in my prime. I just done 60 straight night's in the gym 3-4 hours every night. I am headed to the gym right now. I can keep up with any young man. Any

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/16/08 02:22 PM

you guys are gonna get this thread deleted

and how is that? Nobody is calling anyone bad names or anything. It is just an agree to disagree.