Community > Posts By > oya9

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Tue 05/06/08 11:51 PM

forever in the literal sense does have a meaning but,
in more practical terms it is subjective at best

ya notice how nothing lasts forever but we keep forcing it to try??laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 05/06/08 11:49 PM

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Tue 05/06/08 11:47 PM
you are obviously one of those misanthropes that always sees the cup half empty

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Tue 05/06/08 11:45 PM

Excuse me? How do you know there is no God?How does anyone know for sure?
As for being attracted to "poor me",it is not just an attitude,it is what has been happening for 54 yrs,so how can one not help but feel down about it?

Obviously you have had everything go your way in life,eh? Well others arent as fortunate as you,so you could show a little less inconsideration and a little more understanding and compassion!
Wouldnt hurt you a bit!

oh yea i have no compassion or's all been handed to me !!! haahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahhahahhahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahhhhahahahhahahahahhhahhahahhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahhahahhaahhahhhahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahaahhaaahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahhahahahahhahahaahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahaaaaahahahahahhahaaahahhahahahahhahhhhahahahhah

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Tue 05/06/08 11:44 PM
and you!! will ya pass that thing one of these days!!!???


bogartlaugh laugh laugh

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Tue 05/06/08 11:42 PM
it's where all the delicious nutrients are!!! the best part of the meal!!

yep i am enjoying Sharris , very much . she has something flowerforyou

and we have youflowerforyou :heart:

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Tue 05/06/08 11:37 PM

Ever wonder why some innocent people are raked over the coals,while others go off scott free?
Doesnt make any sense why some good people are the ones that end up suffering the most? While the ones who are truly bad are the ones that come away smelling like a rose!
Is it just the way life works? I use myself as a prime example of two siblings from the same mother,my younger sister touches anything and it turns out to be pure gold,while everything I do and touch,turns out to be the dirty end of the stick?Dont mean to complain,*****,and whine,I just cannot understand what the reason is?
I wonder if it all has to do with some glorious plan that our creator has in store for the ones that are being treated like dirt,while the others treated like gold here on earth,end up with a hideous job on the other side,like maybe eternally manning the furnaces that make hell,so hot?
Just food for thought,anyone have any ideas?

Thanks for reading,

The Rodster:wink:
there is no god and there is no plan....just change your attitude that she has more than you...get out of competition and watch what happens

the poor me song is pretty stinky as well...not good promo...who wants to be attracted to that???!!!

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 11:33 PM
powerful.... i guess in homage to Karma...

so just for the sake of truth and all that rot

what does forever mean? is that realistic?noway brokenheart

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Tue 05/06/08 11:13 PM
i am not really in california at the moment it's 9 am now

hi Ms T

thanks for your encouragement to all your poets here


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Tue 05/06/08 11:07 PM

Weaving Cloths

Weave your thread,
Through my cloth.
In and out,
No stitches dropped.

Dye and stain,
Colored of 'said'.
Cotton, please, silk,
Fine linens,and red.

Clothe my heart strings,
Wrap around.
Let me hear,
Your growing sound.

Perhaps when weaving's,
Time is through,
May I be blessed,
To wear and you.

Raine Les 5/6/2008

you are a very wonderful poet...i come looking and am refreshed...thank you!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 10:16 PM

Just listening...

Today as I ventured outside into the sunny day.

I walked slowly and quietly through the grass.

As my mind drowned out the sounds of traffic,

booming music, and loud voices yelling somewhere in the distance.

Those sounds became null to me. No longer in exsistance.

I began to be consumed into the sounds of much nicer things.

The sound of nature singing the day in a most awesome way.

The purple and white lilacs singing their scents to the air.

I breathed in their music aware of each note.

The maple and other relatives softly swooshing their tunes for me.

A hickory still bare with winters markings whoosed along in harmony.

A black squirrel chattered his warning- not so close, not so close- his lyrics were sung.

The little red squirrel in a nearby branch laughing notes to be heard too.

Sang to the black squirrel- come on down- I wanna chase you.

As the lonesome dove mourning her pretty song on coo.

A crow cackeled out his out of tune loo.

And Jay he yelled out a note or two.

I listened in awe of these wonderouse notes.

I heard a cloud singing across the sky.

The sun was singing shinningly and joined in by the blues singing sky.

The robin was singing to the crickets it seemed.

While the cardinal sang to the ladybird of his dreams.

I sat in the green grass that was singing - dew wop dew.

Heard the ant section word the lyrics of moving too.

A bumble bee bassed his buzz in good time.

The butterfly with wings swooped a few notes off in good measure.

A symphoney of nature was being preformed.

The red wing blackbird sang note for note.

Chickadees were singing in two time beat.

I listened and listened as the music played on.

Till the daylight of notes tuned to dusky note ends.

The sun sang his last chorus with the sky.

The stars and moon raised their voices in the songs chorus end.

I thought I heard the bass balloon out with frogs in the blend.

I jump up and whispered- ancore, ancore- my many many songsterist friends !!!

The Mystro All Mighty took a bough in my heart.
Thought I heard Him whisper- "Glad you enjoyed
that part..."

By: Teddy 05-07-08
:smile: :smile: :smile:


no photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:35 PM

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Mon 05/05/08 09:59 PM

flavored water! mmmm... kiwi-strawberry or BlackCherry....

I like those carbonated flavored waters.

me too.... plain water is so boring.. laugh
one day you will pay for it like the gas you buy for your car...

this thread is the example of how degenerate people have become....the ignorance is galling

keep drinkin that ****
you'll be a medical statistic in no time

no photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:49 PM
suns been up for hours here..and it's already hot!
at 6am!

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Mon 05/05/08 09:38 PM
:heart: flowerforyou
you said that brilliantly!

and i thank you!

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Sun 05/04/08 02:31 PM
sweet was not the word i'd go with

provocative, tantalizing ,the essential voracity of sensuality awakening to sex....and a confirmation of the female in her power
put into a simple child's game of truth or dare

did any man-child ever stand a chance??!!! lol

great pieceflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/04/08 11:43 AM
my little phone wont get all that on the screen!!!!frown

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Sun 05/04/08 11:42 AM
we are allergic to the "M" word in my worldbigsmile

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Sun 05/04/08 11:31 AM

i am sitting in a little afrikan villiage after a day from hell.
i have treated 250+ women and girls and have just finished eating our evening meal the sky is the most gorgeous twilight i have ever seen i am exhausted and i am sitting here with many of the women and showing them this bizarre market place .... we are laughing harder and harder the stress of the day and the struggle of this life has finally broken us all apart and this is the first time they have ever seen such a thing i am showing them a world many worlds

it has been a rich day living in the bleakest poverty and treating these magnificent people now the old one OYA will read the bones for me.

wish you were here?!

love is no commodity here, it is in every touch and every mouthful and every swallow , in every pure smile... i wish i could send you some of this fare
it is sweeter than all the romance in the city , tastier than any dinner at Maxime's
we sing in low tones and find rhythms to calm the anxious ...we weave on small lap looms the pieces for our tapestry of comfort and stories and poems

the red sky is HUGE and smells like cotton sometimes scorched sometimes blue

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Sun 05/04/08 10:41 AM

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