Topic: Ever wonder why? | |
Ever wonder why some innocent people are raked over the coals,while others go off scott free?
Doesnt make any sense why some good people are the ones that end up suffering the most? While the ones who are truly bad are the ones that come away smelling like a rose! Is it just the way life works? I use myself as a prime example of two siblings from the same mother,my younger sister touches anything and it turns out to be pure gold,while everything I do and touch,turns out to be the dirty end of the stick?Dont mean to complain,*****,and whine,I just cannot understand what the reason is? I wonder if it all has to do with some glorious plan that our creator has in store for the ones that are being treated like dirt,while the others treated like gold here on earth,end up with a hideous job on the other side,like maybe eternally manning the furnaces that make hell,so hot? Just food for thought,anyone have any ideas? Thanks for reading, The Rodster |
Ever wonder why some innocent people are raked over the coals,while others go off scott free? Doesnt make any sense why some good people are the ones that end up suffering the most? While the ones who are truly bad are the ones that come away smelling like a rose! Is it just the way life works? I use myself as a prime example of two siblings from the same mother,my younger sister touches anything and it turns out to be pure gold,while everything I do and touch,turns out to be the dirty end of the stick?Dont mean to complain,*****,and whine,I just cannot understand what the reason is? I wonder if it all has to do with some glorious plan that our creator has in store for the ones that are being treated like dirt,while the others treated like gold here on earth,end up with a hideous job on the other side,like maybe eternally manning the furnaces that make hell,so hot? Just food for thought,anyone have any ideas? Thanks for reading, The Rodster the poor me song is pretty stinky as well...not good promo...who wants to be attracted to that???!!! |
Excuse me? How do you know there is no God?How does anyone know for sure?
As for being attracted to "poor me",it is not just an attitude,it is what has been happening for 54 yrs,so how can one not help but feel down about it? Obviously you have had everything go your way in life,eh? Well others arent as fortunate as you,so you could show a little less inconsideration and a little more understanding and compassion! Wouldnt hurt you a bit! |
and you!! will ya pass that thing one of these days!!!???
sheesh bogart |
Excuse me? How do you know there is no God?How does anyone know for sure? As for being attracted to "poor me",it is not just an attitude,it is what has been happening for 54 yrs,so how can one not help but feel down about it? Obviously you have had everything go your way in life,eh? Well others arent as fortunate as you,so you could show a little less inconsideration and a little more understanding and compassion! Wouldnt hurt you a bit! oh yea i have no compassion or's all been handed to me !!! haahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahhahahhahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahhhhahahahhahahahahhhahhahahhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahhahahhaahhahhhahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahaahhaaahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahhahahahahhahahaahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahaaaaahahahahahhahaaahahhahahahahhahhhhahahahhah |
you are obviously one of those misanthropes that always sees the cup half empty
too bad you dont make sense Oh well,what can one say,except you are entitled to your own opinions as am I,so pass my thread up if you dont like it,Ok?
most people go threw hardships in there life...a few are lucky no disputing that...but i always think there are people worse off than me..i have a roof over my head, friends and family and a beautiful son and a new man in my not well off i work hard for what i have sometimes i struggle...but when i do feel down i look at what ive really got and smile
That is indeed a wonderful atitude to have! I understand what your'e saying and I Thankyou for your input very much!
Good Luck to you! |