Community > Posts By > honeyrobber
I strongly agree on the amount of content I am finding in the profiles of people(women on my part). I know I tried to express who I am in the content of my profile. But the picture thing is a different issue. Like you said you did not have one till rescently. I am working on getting one made to post for a few reasons that have been brought up in other threads on this topic I do not have a photo that I can post, YET. |
Not if you do not have one and it is our point. You do not know why the people do not post a picture. I have only 2 possible pictures of me from the last few years. One I refuse to put up because it was a picture of the ex and I kissing over a candle lit dinner I had made(oldest daughter took the pic). The other was me finishing licking the icing off a large butcher knife at my sons bday party. It looked real scary like I was a mad man going on a rampage and I still had to wear my back brace. BTW I got a camera today but it is rainy. So in the next week I will have some pictures of me on cd and will load one. I sure have nothing to hide like others have said. |
The ex's girlfriend was molested by her uncle. Her girlfriend can not even watch a porno with a man in it as the ex loves pornos and rented a couple from them one night. My ex still wants me to be her best friend like any good husband should be and tells me way more than I want to know and ask questions like how to please her girlfriend better orally which I refuse to answer. I guess it could be worse. |
Steph I have drove 300 miles to meet a friend from the net. This was a friend and we had a great time together as families. Our kids played together and such. We spent the night at a motel that night and her husband had to work but we still went to a park near by together. She was much more of a friend to my ex than she was to me but we had chatted alot as well. Now for meeting someone off the net with a relationship in mind like you said would greatly depend on chemistry and if I had something else I could plan the trip for in that direction if it was really far away. I want to make a trip to South Texas and to Dallas so if I hooked up with someone along this path or in the areas I was planning to go to it would be great. Then if there was even more of a conection between us I would discuss the options at hand(moving) and see if there could be something worked out or even see if we could plan another trip to make sure we would move to further the relationship. So I say anywhere in the 48 states has a chance with me as long as they are willing to live in the south(I can not stand cold) and if they are in the south I would think about moving to where they are. |
Your "turn on" button
Long hair being dragged along my nude body drives me nuts. It also is a turn on for me just seeing a woman with long well taken care of hair. Curly or straight and color does not matter. |
biggest turn on?
Long Hair and color does not matter. |
Well I told why I did not have any pictures worth posting. And I even asked what people like most about pics used on this site with bad results. I had a migrain so I did not stop and pic up the camera today like I said I would but I plan on having a pic. So for a few of us there are real reasons for not posting a picture. If I still had the digi camera I would have had one up by now taken by candle light(love that feature). But I was not going to put a pic of me and the ex kissing over a candle lit dinner as that is the only picture I have that has been taken in the last 3 years of me. I think to many of you are taking this to far. Just read my thread about what do you like about pics. When I asked about making a picture for this site I still got where is your pic when I explained I was making one. |
I got slapped by the ex for staring at a nice 68 camaro. She thought I was looking at the hot blonde driver which I had not noticed until she brought it up. |
Paterafan, Your pic is what I like to see for the most part. You show yourself and not what others would want you to be. But you have your hair brushed and clothes on unlike many pics on here. I am into heavy metal as well. I prefer the older stuff like Black Sabbath and Metalica. |
I am 34. No she does not want a 3some she wanted me to knowingly allow her to stay with her girlfriend some night and then be my wife on other nights as she saw fit. Hell no will I live like that. Her girlfriend is a true man hater due to being molested as a child. There was never a chance of a 3some with her. I did tell the ex when she told me she was bi I would try a 3some if we found a willing stranger as I guess it is something all men want to atleast try once. |
Welcome. I see you already have a good idea of how to jump into the threads(another post you made). You will fit right in. Enjoy and I hope you find what you are looking for. |
The ex got the 96 plymouth neon 2 door expresso. I have to say that it
has been a good car. When we was shopping for a car though all the dealers kept telling us we wanted a 4 door because we had 2 kids at the time. Well I am not that tall(5 8) and I could not get the seat back far enough in the 4 doors. I do not mind small cars that I can get in and out of but those are fewer and farther between now with my back injury. But the sport and highline neons do perform. This car registered 120 and I had it pegged out with plenty of pedal left on a late night trip to florida. |
Yes my computer and tvs are set with the bright very low because of my eyes. Some dark movies like The Others and such I have to turn the bright up to watch them. Most guest complain about the house being dark. The shades are never opened. No I did not "freak out" but I can not understand why someone would post what you did unless they did not read the post. I never post without reading the whole post and many times will not post unless I read the whole thread. |
Would you date a bisexual?
NO. It is plain and simple I knew how to please my exwife yet she still wanted a woman. It was a secret she hid from me until about a year before she had a lesbian affair and left me for her. The ex keeps asking me for advice how to do oral, so I know I was doing it right. What she told me after having a woman is that she honestly thinks she will have a hard time as she wants a man and a woman to love as in 3 in the house or to house hop(which she asked if I would let her do before I showed her the door). I have to say I have always wanted to try a 3some but from a few people I know who have tried it it is not that great. I know if I was to try it it would be while I was not in a serious relationship as to not hurt anyone emotionaly. |
date movie
The notebook was great. One of the few love stories I really got into. I prefer horror for date movies. Nothing like her jumping into your arms every few minutes. The exwife was just as big as a horror buff as I was so it did not work with her but I had plenty of great dates from horror movies. The excitement has a few other perks as well. |
I learned to watch better for signs of cheating. I feel I was over trusting and I should have caught it much sooner. I knew I had not put a hicky on her neck that one day but let it pass as she did bruise easy and other out in your face signs. Also make sure the woman knows who she is ahead of time. My ex announced she was bi sexual to me about a year before she had her lesbian affair whom she left me for. She keeps saying how much she loves me and how she wished I could have been happy sharing her with her new lover. She said she had these feelings before we got married so why did she not speak her mind back then and save me the hurt/pain. |
I feel people say I love you way to freely. I know I lost one good girlfriend because I would not say "I love you". But to me those words are more than words. When I say it it means it. It took me 5 months of dating before I told my exwife I loved her. I asked her to marry me about 6 weeks later. There are many of us good guys that mean it when we say it. I know I want another long term relationship with rings. I just tend to scare the women away by not saying I love you soon enough. But I feel it is worth the risk as they know I am not just saying I love you without the feelings. Later, John |
DID YOU NOT READ GOING TO MAKE ON DUMB ASS!!!!!! I know you read and posted to the thread about not having pics and have my reason for not having one as of today. |
I got the impression that this person asking a 101 naughty questions is still exploring her sexuality and asking to learn whether she wants to try some of this stuff or not. I know I am going through a divorce but I bet I know more about keeping a relationship going than she does. I hope this does not piss her off as I do like her comment just would like to understand what she wants from her time here. If I had a mate I would not be here. I would be exploring the notions I wanted to with them and those that were truely out of the question(rimming) would be left out. Every couple is different and with different people you end up doing different things with sexually. |
favorite sents
I dislike coconut but I would not mind nippling on an apple, LOL. It is nice to see other who can not tolerate the perfumes. Most I am ok with as long as they are not to strong. Since my back injury I get pain induced migraines and they are not fun. I feel sorry for anyone that has them. |