Community > Posts By > Citizen_Joe
They Lied to us then.
They're lying to us now. They'll lie to us again. It's like the war on drugs. They're playing both sides of the war. Local arrests are only independents or disgruntled government employees. Israel is so entrenched into US politics, it will likely take an equally ugly movement, such as a NAZI party to get them out. I'll get the popcorn. |
Mingle AA
P.S. I never ever smoked or did drugs but I did drink at parties on high school as everyone where I lived did. I never "needed" it and never drunk to excess though I am a light weight when it comes to alcohol. Bipolar drinkers are typically cheap entertainment, often found on table tops dancing. In my case, I wasn't a tabletop dancer. Just an A$$hole. |
Mingle AA
I was never diagnosed as having any addiction but I have impulsive problems. You all know I take medication and go to therapy. Emotions anonymous, and Nami are useful resources, I have been asked out repeatedly by twelve steppers in the past. I do not tolerate drinking, smoking or doing drugs. Do you think it's stupid to date 12 steppers for this reason? I mean for them, there is a a person with zero temptation around and for me, I get my person working on themselves who is no smoking, drinking and doing drugs. Yes, I am aware some still smoke. I only dated one and he was a decent person. Even sewer water seeks its own level. We find people at our own level of health or lack thereof. Your chance of meeting someone who will die sober are 1 in 30, and those odds really don't improve much with time. At nearly 9 years sober, I could easily drink tomorrow, although it doesn't seem likely. I have one baby to love and am planning for a meeting tonight. You must be getting something else out of it. |
Can You Answer 25 Difficult Questions That The Mainstream Media Does Not Seem To Have Answers To? 1. Bilderberg expects to rule the world with a corporate mindset. A cooperative mindset will quickly make most corporations obsolete. Let them play, and arm yourselves. 2. They'll want it to, but it will simply fall back to the previous currencies, one country at a time, Greece, Spain, et al. The heaviest hit by this failure will be the UK, who has a massive debt. 3-5. his is why I'm actually building an indoor vertical garden. among other reasons, such as a global economic meltdown. In the great depression 1.0, money didn't lose value. This time, money will lose all value. As to the monetary issues, one of my crops will be useful for trade. Gold. Virginia Gold. 6. Most modern diseases are government sponsored. Many tests have caused mass extinctions of species. Interestingly, one such extinction may well indicate that we are not alone on this planet. 7. That's okay, the typical farmer is bored, anyway. They will now have something to shoot down, and let George Orwell rest in peace. 8. More likely, Iran, either of which being based largely in lies, propagated by weapons of mass deception, such as tel-Lie-Vision. 9. Certainly. Russian and china are ready to defend China, and Russia clearly is defending Syria. Watch where the USS Enterprise goes, and watch out for Israeli submarines. 10. Got me there. I'm not doing business with that corporation and of greater concern is defence against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. 11. It wouldn't take much in the way of thermal weapons to take these out. In fact, lessons from 9/11 are relevant to this issue. 12. Mostly fear mongering. The last thing we need to be done is giving into fear. The more awake and alert we are, knowing full well that defending our families individually is also defending our families as a country, individual deaths will serve the common good. I'm ready to die protecting my family. Are you? 13. Useless in my case. My gardens are based on rain water collection and particulate filtering. More power is suggestive of more independence from current paradigms in society. You may also wish to read Agenda 21 and see that the ones using more power will be targeted first, as we smart people use more resources. We make more stuff, and are better suited to help our communities, but what better way to breed a population of obedient slaves? 14. This will help the economy, by helping it to collapse. Just be sure your family is prepared for it. The collapse needs to happen, and for a brief period, the country will have the ability to take actions for their communities and families that exclude the crony capitalists. As a people, we can be very productive. It's the big business guys who have devalued us. We HAVE value, mostly based on our character. 15. Why do people watch the Jerry Springer (and similar) show? 16. Have you ever heard of the Public Indoctrination System? Some call them public schools. Same issue, different media. 17. Did you make the debt? I sure didn't. Let the Federal government fail, and liquidate it as a flawed system. 18. Fear mongering... If the people fear the government, that's tyranny. If the government fears the people... The government is afraid of us, knowing more and more, it's losing its grip. What will be the one law the sends people over the tipping point? 19. Look at the number killed, and how big of a story it became... Sensationalism at its best. What allowed them to get so big is probably a dirty little secret that will come out later. 20. Have there really been, or are they being reported more? The same question applies to the race baiting stories. What is on the rise is crime and suicide, as would be the case for any great depression. This one will be much worse. 21. People don't realize how controlled they really are, and most barely know how to use a mouse. Getting them to engage in critical thinking is an even greater challenge. We have all been plugged into a way of brainwashing for way too long. 22. Globalist agenda. What has caused the birth rates to drop to status quo? Research on US Birth rates as well as what part of the population is actually growing would be in order. The strongest suspicion I have are those medical treatments that are the most heavily marketed, such as vaccines. 23. It's not just for soldiers. Read the ObamaCare law closely. We're in there too. Also, research into portable electronic EMP devices would also be useful on this topic. 24. Power and control. Why do you suppose so many have the Obama phone? 25. The TSA agents are being busted because they are going indepenent of the established system of organized criminals, such as the DEA, FBI, CIA, etc. Why, after 40 years of the war on drugs has there been only an increase in drug use? Could government agencies be playing both sides of this war? I mean really, Afghanistan produces 8000 tons per year, and this decade represents the strongest rise in junkies ever... "Support our troops"... When they knock out the Federally sponsored drug cartels, yes, and not one second sooner. |
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Thu 06/07/12 10:37 AM
1 gbp = 1.23 euro 1 gbp = 1.54 dollar when I traveled in 2004 the pound was worth almost two dollars, so (at least for britain) the dollar is coming back up in value None of the above currencies are actually going up in value. The reality is some are going down faster than others but all of them are losing value and fast. based upon what measure? Track back to 1913 for starters, and then, simply move forward from 1971 to the present. For reference, when inflation is calculated and reported on, food and fuel are not generally counted. What was the price of milk a year ago? What is it now? Something else to ponder. What is the end result of 40 years of inflation being just slightly higher than increases in minimum wage? |
I don't like or trust Romney, the same goes for Obama. I started this campaign backing Ron Paul and I will finish with him. I was taught never to loose sight of any target and my target in this case is a Ron Paul victory. If it doesn't happen, it sure as hell won't be because I deserted him. I'm on board the same, but it's more extreme than that for me. This election for me defines whether the revolution will be intellectual or bloody. Already, liberties have put our community on watch against invasion of the domestic variety. In fact, we're all headed towards self-sufficiency and defence for the common good of our community. Some of my own innovations actually provide for an alternative commodity for trade, renewable and profitable. 1776 had the tea party. Ours is the Tobacco party, and it will certainly define a new middle class out of the ghettos of Kenton, with each vertical gardening station capable of producing more than enough in trade or food to provide for a family. There is no adjacent neighbor that is not gardening, and preparing for the crash that is imminent. |
The only way I would vote for Romney is if Rand Paul runs for VP. I wouldn't vote for him either way. It would define Rand as a sellout. |
Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness? Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions? Anytime we do things for other people, thoughts of loneliness diminish. Loneliness is just a feeling of being disconnected. When we discover a need we can fill in others lives, we reconnect. |
1 gbp = 1.23 euro 1 gbp = 1.54 dollar when I traveled in 2004 the pound was worth almost two dollars, so (at least for britain) the dollar is coming back up in value None of the above currencies are actually going up in value. The reality is some are going down faster than others but all of them are losing value and fast. |
Both the dems and the repubs are in the pockets of corporations. Both have supported legistlation to reduce personal liberties. Both have supported costly wars. on all points. |
Voter fraud isn't the largest issue with the election process. As a matter of fact, Voter fraud would barely qualify as a rounding error. Mainstream Media and who buys the elections. Gotta agree with you there... well mainstream media and those who spend the media dollars to buy votes indirectly. For the former, we tossed all Tel-Lie-Vision programming out the window and have saved nearly a thousand dollars already. For the latter, eventually, the rest of you will.
Who's "we"? We I was speaking about my immediate family. We, however are not alone. CNN viewership is down 50%, and even fox took a 17% hit. In our neighborhood, most do not watch television, at all. |
Many of the federal agencies created are nothing more than criminals with a government paycheck. I really wouldn't consider them accomplishments unless that was the goal.
Voter fraud isn't the largest issue with the election process. As a matter of fact, Voter fraud would barely qualify as a rounding error. Mainstream Media and who buys the elections. For the former, we tossed all Tel-Lie-Vision programming out the window and have saved nearly a thousand dollars already. For the latter, eventually, the rest of you will.
The governor may have survived, but the government he presides over will not.
Has returned
Wow seems like the romance thing is really a rocky road . I wonder if it is really worth the misery sometimes. My little one, who makes my face look really cute will say yes, when she's capable of understanding the question. |
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Tue 06/05/12 11:01 PM
The Six-Day War was "a turning point in our relationship with Israel," says -----^ Israel eventually paid $6 million in restitution to the survivors of those ------------------------^^^^^^^ killed and, in 1980, another $6 million to the U.S. government to end -----------------------------^^^^^^^^^ litigation. That $12 million was less than half the cost of the ship's SIGINT equipment alone. As the aniversary of this horible attack nears we should all be demanding the truth for the families who lost loved ones. 6 million jews... This propaganda existed well before WWII. In fact, there are nearly 200 occurances of 6 million jews prior to the war. The actual number is really unknown. Do you really think it was an accident that they paid it in 6 million dollar increments? Easily. For starters, the origin of 6 million. And finally... Six million is a religion based propaganda number. How closely it was to reality on 4 different uses, well. Let's let the evidence in corpses decide that. Now, onto the Soviet union... Didn't they kill more than 4 times that number in their purge? Where's the outrage over that? |
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Tue 06/05/12 10:19 PM
sigh Patriot Act is an 11 year old bill,,,signed into Law under BUSH And written by now VP Joe Biden, in 1995. I dont know of a war we 'declared' without congressoinal approval,,, nor do I believe we have been 'sold' to the UN Of course we have and will be again, once the LOST bill becomes law. In the mean time... the world exists further than our borders, and further than the original 13 colonies could have predicted or prepared for the constitution NEEDS growth along with the growth of the world and our nation The constitution is fine. It's the implementation of it that sucks. who fills THIS PRESIDENTS white house? An illegal immigrant. |
I have always wondered.
On a date is it a requirement for a couple to do something that requires spending money? Would the date be any less romantic if absolutely no money was spent? Are you actually associating money with anything of value? Growing a plant and plucking a single rose from it has more value than dozens of flowers. Putting on an apron and cooking a dinner has more value than dragging someone to a restaurant and spending money on someone else's work. One you buy, the other you put a piece of yourself into. |
The Six-Day War was "a turning point in our relationship with Israel," says -----^ Israel eventually paid $6 million in restitution to the survivors of those ------------------------^^^^^^^ killed and, in 1980, another $6 million to the U.S. government to end -----------------------------^^^^^^^^^ litigation. That $12 million was less than half the cost of the ship's SIGINT equipment alone. As the aniversary of this horible attack nears we should all be demanding the truth for the families who lost loved ones. 6 million jews... This propaganda existed well before WWII. In fact, there are nearly 200 occurances of 6 million jews prior to the war. The actual number is really unknown. Do you really think it was an accident that they paid it in 6 million dollar increments? |
Ron Paul
But he's the crazy loon of the bunch! Goes to show just how dumbed down the American public really is! It's easy to confirm his statements. A lot of what I look at related to the monetary system is a cause and effect. |