Community > Posts By > Citizen_Joe
I am an adult male who lifts weights and works out 5 days a week. My caloric needs are over 2000 to maintain my weight. The point with kids is if you can't afford them you shouldn't have them. Tax payers and the children shouldn't suffer for parents decisions. I am not opposed to people needing help and receiving some. I am opposed to pople feeling entitled to said help. Yes people can contribute and not make money, but if you are draining money you are not contributing. people are not FORTUNETELLERS Chaz people dont have them and foresee their financial future for the next EIGHTEEN YEARS people hit UNEXPECTED Hard times and need help,,, its not about 'having' them when you cant afford them its about already having AFFORDED To have them and finding things have changed,,,, If you are mentioning baby formula then yea it's pretty recent. Yes a minority of people are fine and hit hard spots. Lots of people are already on welfare and having kids. Many are single and having kids. Many are not educated. Again people are not entitled to welfare. They are lucky they live in a country that offers aid at all. There are plenty that abuse the system and people like me pay for it. Let's just say if someone received what I pay in taxes every month then they would be over the poverty level. And people want Us working people to pay even more. its a male who mentioned baby formula, Im pretty sure he cant breast feed. On a positive note, the mother will be coming home tomorrow most likely, but because of medications she takes, breast feeding is not an option. I was also very clear that I am not receiving any services. I'm paying my own way and refuse public aid that is freely available, such as WIC and medicaid. My own background reminds me to be empathetic towards the poor and to never crimimalize them for being poor. With the attack on food stamps to the tune of $90.00/month per family combined with hyper-inflation on food, I'm deeply concerned about my community. There is no room for arrogance in this economic crisis. Rich or poor, which are arbitrary terms based on a monetary system about to collapse anyway, we are all the same. Our wealth is really not what we have but who we are and what we can do for others. MOST poor people, have not had such a craps shoot with picking the right job at the right time,, and thats more about how the capitalist economy is DESIGNED (for only a minority to have those jobs) than it is about being unproductive or unentitled,,,, Let's be clear. The financial conditions at this moment are already significantly worse than they were in the great depression and we are in the great Depression 2.0. In fact, they're about to get much worse. Contrary to the selfish assertion that every individual for themselves assures survival, it's us working for our community will assure our own survival. In fact, I wont be surprised at all if I spend a significant amount of my own money to help set up systems for people who can't afford them in addition to free time to produce the modular components, at least for as long as money continues to have some delusion of value. |
I'm surprised its even on the news. I thought it was still classified. Press TV has it too, which I trust much more than MSM. |
The Depression Goes Global
At the last city counsel meeting as they were talking about increasing local taxes and restoring reciprocity, the last part of my response was, "It's not all bad. With the coming collapse of the dollar, I'm working on this vertical garden, which should be able to feed a family all year long, indoors". As I displayed the components and how much time it took to make, I heard chuckling.
This coming meeting I doubt anyone will be laughing, I'll be opposing the tax increase for reasons that should be obvious to anyone, speaking out to restore local tax reciprocity, and suggesting that it's time for the counsel to ask us as a people with a common goal of survival for help in solving the city's challenges. |
I never mentioned the US getting involved. We are not the world police. NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved. Where's the link? Or is it another CT? It's on Fox news, which means I'm going to keep looking anyway, but if even Fox claims it, wow. It's awfully strange to see fox reporting things like this. |
I never mentioned the US getting involved. We are not the world police. NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved. I was wondering when someone would say it. And Russia is balancing the equation, unlike us, with a 0% GDP deficit, ready to kick our collective a$$es into the next decade if we invade. |
As for food. Breakfast oats 328 or. 11 per serving, eggs 1.5 or. 12 per service, milk 3 or. 19 per service. Breakfast total 0.42 back apple bag of 10 is 2.70 or. 27 Bread 1.4 or. 12 for 2 slices, peanut butter 5.50 or. 16 per, jelly 2 or. 05 lunch 0.33 back banana 0.26 each Dinner 10 pound bag potatoes 3.50 so half a pound 0.18, rice 20 pound bag 11 or 0.06 per, can veggie. 70 0.2 per, chicken $2 a pound. Serving size for poultry is 4 oz or 1/4 pound so 0.25 Dinner 0.69 total 1.97 if we assume $100 a month we need 3.33 a day for 30 days and I still have 1.36 left over. Not to mention that if you kid is school aged and you are poor school provides both breakfast and lunch. There is a serious case of fecal saturation in all of this math. I don't depend on any services, and for starters, in baby formula alone, I spend at least $100.00/month, not to mention diapers clothing, et al. I'm not complaining, but rather, suggest you try to feed yourself on $100.00 a month before telling others how to live. That being said, I know how it would be possible, but it wouldn't be by buying food, it would be by growing it, which I'm pursuing for the sake of the poorer communities and involving the city in it. What are you doing, other than treating the poor like substandard creatures? I was raised in poverty. What is in schools just barely qualified as healthy and contrary to your claim, there was only free lunch, no breakfast. In fact, it's one of the reasons I rarely missed any school, because there just wasn't enough for everyone. Summer months were the hardest. People blame the poor, when in fact, it was the very rich that caused the problems in the first place. Name one poor person who could bring drugs in from Afghanistan, Iraq, or South America. Name one poor person who could figure out how to rob the world blind of resources. Name one poor person who was involved in the creation of the Federal reserve. |
Edited by
Thu 06/21/12 12:04 PM
Congress seems to think people on welfare can live on $90.00/month less while the cost of food has gone up 30% over the past year. Democrats are arguing that it's a GOP budget plan, but the real test will be which sellouts vote for it. In the bigger picture do you really think the government cares about America? Welfare is ruining the country. Sorry but poor people are not entitled to my paycheck. People say we need illegals to do jobs Americans won't. Take away welfare and see if they don't do those jobs. He'll I wouldn't work either if the government is gonna pay for me to have housing, food, cell phone, etc. And yet, the very wealthy are entitled to huge tax breaks. You probably don't see how you're being pitted against other Americans. When other Americans are pitted against you, you'll remember this topic. Welfare is the result of a corrupt monetary system and crony capitalism, not the cause of our nation's problems. |
a family of four cannot eat off of one young man does,,, fatness and protein have nothing to do with the cost of FEEDING A FAMILY,,,, what one needs to eat healthy is still not going to be covered for 100 dollars per month I can afford to spend as much as I want to on food. Growing my own food all year long, I will likely spend less than $200.00/month on food for my family before too much longer. This is because my garage, in just over 32 square feet will have 144 square feet of gardening area in 3 vertical gardens. 1 array will be exclusively tobacco, and the remaining 2 will be for food, with minimal effort. Tobacco? I don't plan to give up my vices, but are you also aware that tobacco is also used as a pesticide? On a side note, I probably don't have any bugs in me. |
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Thu 06/21/12 10:38 AM
Congress seems to think people on welfare can live on $90.00/month less while the cost of food has gone up 30% over the past year. Democrats are arguing that it's a GOP budget plan, but the real test will be which sellouts vote for it. In the bigger picture do you really think the government cares about America? |
The CIA needs to do what we pay them to do. Is this what we pay them to do? Really? Degrade us as a society? Kill people for corporate interests? Really? Import drugs and aid in the enslavement of Americans to a system that sold us out at least 4 decades ago? |
Hiv tainted condoms
Who is sending these tainted condoms to Africa?Could this be neo-colonialism,wickedness or racism? Likely, assuming the story is true, the same people who are sterilizing millions with vaccines. |
You have no clue. There is nothing I can do to help you until you come out of your trance. again, who asked for help? did i miss something here? If you've ever watched "The Matrix", it's a metaphor for our reality and society and isn't just a sci-fi story. There are many issues that parallel what goes on in our reality and have a deeper meaning. The thing is, for much of reality, we can't assume to know what's really going on, especially if it's published on television, and if you haven't figured that out, I hope you do. In what we call the real world, there are clues that something's not right, and as with the movie, it eats at you.. You don't trust what you see but you can't put your finger on it. Eventually, you unplug, and see the lies for what they are, but there are layers of lies, layers of controls, layers of 'code'. Some are too ridiculous to believe, or lead to the ridiculous. These are typically from controlled opposition forces, of which, there are many. You know this pattern because at first, they make sense. Eventually, however, groups like these take a turn in a direction that is completely delusional, leaving their followers lost. In every case, there is only one follower that each of us has. Look in a mirror, and look inside for that leadership. There is your truth, your morals, and the only person on this planet you can trust. Think critically of what is put in front of you, and if in doubt, look for answers outside your normal sources of information, and decide for yourself what to believe. Ultimately, each of us walks alone, or in small groups, and each of us knows the difference between right and wrong. If you can observe and detect deception of Tel-Lie-Vision, you're half way there. Oh boy, here we go. I guess The Matrix is a historical documentary eh? L. Ron Hubbard would be proud. Apparently you don't know what a metaphor is. I don't believe necessarily there are reptilians in government, but at the same time, they tend to act that way, incapable of empathizing with regular Americans. Another more literal term would be Sociopath. As for L Ron Hubbard, even as a gullible teenager in Riverside, CA, it was pretty obvious that group was out there. If your eyes start hurting, congratulations. You're finally using them. Again, a metaphor. |
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Wed 06/20/12 10:12 PM
Muslim kills Jews shocker? French Spree Shooter is a Muslim Named Mohammed Who Fought With the Taliban in Afghanistan Other Than That He Fits The Media’s ‘Far-Right’ Profile Perfectly - PJ Media Someone remind me... Why did we invade Afghanistan in 2001? |
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Wed 06/20/12 08:49 PM
I've been hesitant to follow the Illuminati theme and still am, but the clues are out there to follow. Sometimes I just wonder if it's just a small handful of greedy ba$tard psychopaths and that particular title is just a distraction, as was the older and now resurrected communist threat. This particular video appears to support and be prophetic about the future of our economy. |
There's another QE happening this week, so yea, another power grab to scoop up more foreclosures. As if no one noticed how steady the market has become, while food and fuel costs soar. We need to make our own currency, independent of these criminals. Even the dynamic QE attempts are failing, and the nervousness of the Fed is showing. They're flatlining. |
You have no clue. There is nothing I can do to help you until you come out of your trance. again, who asked for help? did i miss something here? If you've ever watched "The Matrix", it's a metaphor for our reality and society and isn't just a sci-fi story. There are many issues that parallel what goes on in our reality and have a deeper meaning. The thing is, for much of reality, we can't assume to know what's really going on, especially if it's published on television, and if you haven't figured that out, I hope you do. In what we call the real world, there are clues that something's not right, and as with the movie, it eats at you.. You don't trust what you see but you can't put your finger on it. Eventually, you unplug, and see the lies for what they are, but there are layers of lies, layers of controls, layers of 'code'. Some are too ridiculous to believe, or lead to the ridiculous. These are typically from controlled opposition forces, of which, there are many. You know this pattern because at first, they make sense. Eventually, however, groups like these take a turn in a direction that is completely delusional, leaving their followers lost. In every case, there is only one follower that each of us has. Look in a mirror, and look inside for that leadership. There is your truth, your morals, and the only person on this planet you can trust. Think critically of what is put in front of you, and if in doubt, look for answers outside your normal sources of information, and decide for yourself what to believe. Ultimately, each of us walks alone, or in small groups, and each of us knows the difference between right and wrong. If you can observe and detect deception of Tel-Lie-Vision, you're half way there. ok, so if this is happening, what are you, JB, and opti going to do about it? you guys seem to have all the answers, so tell me, what is your plan of action here? if it is happening on the grand scale your telling us it is, we are all along for the ride, because there is nothing anyone can do. why worry about things we have no control over? if the aliens attack tomorrow, is anything we can do going to help? i think not. If Israel attacks iran in the next hour, and WW3 starts, are we going to stop it? no, we can't... so why worry so much? I'm not counting on any god to rescue us and am not convinced yet that it's time for any greater being to do so. If there is a god, we are still being tested. Are we going to love our neighbors or hate them? In fact, Project Bluebeam would suggest any alien invasion is more likely going to be a false flag attack. I also don't claim to have any answers, but rather my own understanding from what I've researched, which could be flawed. Based on what I've researched, here is what I'm doing. I'm already attacking the war on drugs for what it is, one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on the American People, and will do so once again in Monday's City counsel meeting. I am going to protect my family, or die trying. I am going to feed my family with or without money and without robbing anyone in the process, by making my home a living home. I am going to protect my family by sharing my accomplishments with my neighbors and anyone else interested in surviving the deflationary depression we are already in. I will stand with my neighbors in mutual interests of survival which includes an expected invasion from enemies of a domestic nature, armored or otherwise, knowing full well, many of us will die defending ourselves from these enemies. I will be the guilt that weighs on any enemy soldiers rifles, knowing that they were complicit in the attack on American Families on American soil. Each time this happens, these soldiers will have a more and more difficult time doing what they're told, until ultimately, a revolt occurs. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be a father and that particular change in my life is what drives me to fight for her freedom. I don't want my baby girl to grow up as a slave. If you don't see your own slavery, it will become much more obvious soon. |
You have no clue. There is nothing I can do to help you until you come out of your trance. again, who asked for help? did i miss something here? If you've ever watched "The Matrix", it's a metaphor for our reality and society and isn't just a sci-fi story. There are many issues that parallel what goes on in our reality and have a deeper meaning. The thing is, for much of reality, we can't assume to know what's really going on, especially if it's published on television, and if you haven't figured that out, I hope you do. In what we call the real world, there are clues that something's not right, and as with the movie, it eats at you.. You don't trust what you see but you can't put your finger on it. Eventually, you unplug, and see the lies for what they are, but there are layers of lies, layers of controls, layers of 'code'. Some are too ridiculous to believe, or lead to the ridiculous. These are typically from controlled opposition forces, of which, there are many. You know this pattern because at first, they make sense. Eventually, however, groups like these take a turn in a direction that is completely delusional, leaving their followers lost. In every case, there is only one follower that each of us has. Look in a mirror, and look inside for that leadership. There is your truth, your morals, and the only person on this planet you can trust. Think critically of what is put in front of you, and if in doubt, look for answers outside your normal sources of information, and decide for yourself what to believe. Ultimately, each of us walks alone, or in small groups, and each of us knows the difference between right and wrong. If you can observe and detect deception of Tel-Lie-Vision, you're half way there. |
He'll probably get it as all he really is is a controlled opposition. I think you're giving Julian too much credit.... Am I? Note what has been released to date. Annoying, yes, but nothing devastating in terms of our government. Oh and yea, he got it. Extradition starts all over again. |
Make your mind up who it is you dislike more Obama or Terrooists There's a difference? |
The Warmongers will say without blinking an eye-lid that it is a price worth paying while sitting comfortably in their armchairs watching the Awesome firepower but being saved the brutal realization of burning flesh of innocent men women and children. Going To Post a Thread on Depleted Uranium I know, and disgusting how the value of humanity is so degraded by propaganda. That last line, people don't see where the bombs hit up close. They only see them fired and say ooh and ahh. Mental Fluoritosis. |