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Topic: Tips For Beating the Lonliness
PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/05/12 05:56 PM
Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?

TammyA's photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:05 PM

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:33 PM
Luckily for me I have three kids, so there isnt much down time. When I do get lonely i watch tv or movies. Take a nap, come on mingle, :tongue:

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:52 PM
lonely? you should go for a drive. companionship is usually right around the corner

no photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:57 PM
Not being lonely? Lolzbigsmile

galendgirl's photo
Tue 06/05/12 06:59 PM

lonely? you should go for a drive. companionship is usually right around the corner


lilott's photo
Tue 06/05/12 07:11 PM

Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?
Mainly daydreams.

Totage's photo
Tue 06/05/12 08:30 PM

Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?

I try to stay busy and distracted. I try to be productive. I actually go out and socialize.

Come to think of it, I haven't really felt lonely for a long while.

My cat helps, although he tries to kill me, I know he loves me ( I have to believe that otherwise it would just be insane to keep a homicidal maniac close to you. :P).

wux's photo
Tue 06/05/12 09:52 PM
Edited by wux on Tue 06/05/12 09:53 PM


What do you mean. Beat the grandkids, instead of the loneliness?

BTW, OP, I read your title first as "tips for beating the ladies?"

I am tired. Had a loooong and rougggggh day.

Tizar's photo
Wed 06/06/12 01:33 PM
play with your friend :p

no photo
Wed 06/06/12 03:10 PM

Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?

Anytime we do things for other people, thoughts of loneliness diminish. Loneliness is just a feeling of being disconnected. When we discover a need we can fill in others lives, we reconnect.

boxerbrown79's photo
Thu 06/07/12 07:21 PM
Loneliness- something i dont like. Recently i have experience my heart being pulled out and stomped on. Now i amsuffering as i am hurt. It not good for anyone to go through loneliness, having too much time on your hands to think. It isnt heathy, we were made to have friendship with the opposite sex, and live out life at its fullest and best.

Bravalady's photo
Thu 06/07/12 10:05 PM
The Web of Loneliness is great for those who are chronically lonely. Good for those who are just going through a bad patch, too. People there understand what it's like and avoid the cliches.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/08/12 02:58 AM

Luckily for me I have three kids, so there isnt much down time. When I do get lonely i watch tv or movies. Take a nap, come on mingle, :tongue:

^^ this,, I dont even KNOW loneliness

always had/have family around

actually look forward to moments when I am ALONE,,,lol

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 03:08 AM
Edited by Rawrr_Girl on Fri 06/08/12 03:13 AM
sorry for the double postage. oops

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 03:08 AM
Edited by Rawrr_Girl on Fri 06/08/12 03:15 AM

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 03:10 AM

Well now, this guy can come to my house anytime he likes. I seem to really have a thing for men with messy rocker hair. biggrin
Back on topic.....I normally find plenty of things to do. I never feel lonely or bored. Sometimes we just need the right kind of support from family and friends.

SeekforBride's photo
Fri 06/08/12 06:47 AM

Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?

My sugguestions are a few ideas that helped me somewhat. Make a few friends. That is one. Do things with them such as maybe go out for dinner on friday nights at a simple restaurant like Panera Bread or something like that. Sort of create your own Coffehouse fellowship as I call that.

Second, you should consider volunteer at some organization. It has two-folds: great for your CV (resume), and you can meet people and never know you will find someone at the organization. Say, try Meals on Wheels, Scouting, Senior Community Centers, Church Ministries, Singles Organization (that one I volunteer as greeter and that is how I met my wrong wife but the idea worked for me). I am bad example but great idea to do things like that. Or get a job that you can work 12 hours a day. I used to work for a car dealership and this guy on his desk next to me (we were internet sales consultants) got divorced and cant stand lonely so he got that job and it really helped him to forget the past or lonelness.

Third as I recommend is to spend more time with your family. In this time and age with the way of ecomony, one world government creeping in, communism, etc, enjoy your life now before too late.

Fourth, I would say that with your interests, do those things more often. It is almost the same as number two. Use your interests into volunteerism. You like.. say camping, you can join scouting or you can do expensive trips to go camping tour. Or you can go on vacation. Go on a cruise! Get once in lifetime experience before you are hitched. Be out there! Enjoy the day. Get a jacuzzi if you want and enjoy it. Get a snowmobile and ride in winters and if no snow in winters anymore, convert it to street legal machine.

My advice is not just for you but everyone else on here.

Be free!! You are a freebird and take advantage of those ok?

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 06/08/12 08:01 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Fri 06/08/12 08:02 AM

I dont know what I would do without my 4 legged daughter, "Boogie", and my turtle, "ManOfewwords".

Boogie is so tall, that when we sleep,(and she sleeps in my arms) it feel just like having a person there.

I never feel lonely having her. When I miss human companionship, I just go out for a nice long run with Boogie, and its all good.


I couldnt live without music! Its a time machine. Put on the music from a certain time in your life, close your eyes and listen, and "voila" you are there.
Dance, sing as loud as you can, just enjoy the music however you do it, and you will instantly feel better!

I do!

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 08:48 AM

And yes, pets can ease loneliness - can I borrow Boogie, Kitten? I am giving-away my Buttons, he's been bad lately like acting weird and irresponsible.

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