Topic: 150 Achievements Of Liberalism | |
That Conservatives Seek To Destroy
According to virtually any conservative today, the government has been just one big liberal establishment. The current extremists that own and operate the GOP are hell bent on destroying anything and everything that even has a hint of liberalism or progressivism in it, even if Republicans helped pass it. So what would America be like without liberals and progressives? Here is a list of programs, legislation, and achievements that we would not have if extreme right wingers had their way. Some items on this list were indeed passed or created by Republicans, but that doesn’t make them conservative achievements. It only means that at one time, Republicans favored liberalism and progressivism or that they were willing to work with Democrats for the common good. 1. The 40-hour work week. 2. Weekends 3. Vacations 4. Women’s Voting Rights 5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities. 7. Public schools. 8. Child-labor laws. 9. The right to unionize 10. Health care benefits 11. National Parks 12. National Forests 13. Interstate Highway System 14. GI Bill 15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights 16. Marshall Plan 17. FDA 18. Direct election of Senators by the people. 19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws 20. Social Security 21. NASA 22. The Office of Congressional Ethics. Created in 2008. 23. The Internet 24. National Weather Service 25. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws 26. Rural Electrification/Tennessee Valley Authority 27. Morrill Land Grant Act 28. Public Universities 29. Bank Deposit Insurance 30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 31. Consumer Product Safety Commission 32. Public Broadcasting/Educational Television 33. Americans With Disabilities Act 34. Family and Medical Leave Act 35. Environmental Protection Agency 36. Clean Air Act 37. Clean Water Act 38. USDA 39. Public Libraries 40. Transcontinental Railroad and the rail system in general 41. Civilian Conservation Corps 42. Panama Canal 43. Hoover Dam 44. The Federal Reserve 45. Medicare 46. The United States Military 47. FBI 48. CIA 49. Local and state police departments 50. Fire Departments 51. Veterans Medical Care 52. Food Stamps 53. Federal Housing Administration 54. Extending Voting Rights to 18 year olds 55. Freedom of Speech 56. Freedom of Religion/Separation of Church and State 57. Right to Due Process 58. Freedom of The Press 59. Right to Organize and Protest 60. Pell Grants and other financial aid to students 61. Federal Aviation Administration/Airline safety regulations 62. The 13th Amendment 63. The 14th Amendment 64. The 15th Amendment 65. Unemployment benefits 66. Women’s Health Services 67. Smithsonian Institute 68. Head Start 69. Americorps 70. Mine Safety And Health Administration (This has been weakened by conservatives, resulting in recent mining disasters.) 71. Food Labeling 72. WIC 73. Peace Corps 74. United Nations 75. World Health Organization 76. Nuclear Treaties 77. Lincoln Tunnel 78. Sulfur emissions cap and trade to eliminate acid rain 79. Earned Income Tax Credit 80. The banning of lead in consumer products 81. National Institute of Health 82. Garbage pickup/clean streets 83. Banning of CFCs. 84. Erie Canal 85. Medicaid 86. TARP 87. Bail Out of the American Auto Industry 88. Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act 89. Wildlife Protection 90. End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell 91. Established the basis for Universal Human Rights by writing the Declaration of Independence 92. Miranda Rights 93. Banning of torture 94. The right to a proper defense in court 95. An independent judiciary 96. The right to vote 97. Fair, open, and honest elections 98. The right to bear arms (Do you really think extreme right wingers would allow anybody besides themselves to have firearms if in power?) 99. Health care for children and pregnant women 100. A stable and strong government established by a Constitution 101. The founding of The United States of America 102. The defeat of the Nazis and victory in World War II 103. Paramedics 104. The Brady Handgun Act 105. The Glass-Steagall Act (It has since been repealed and we’ve been paying the price for it.) 106. Oil industry regulations (The Gulf paid the price after conservatives tore many of these regulations down.) 107. The Affordable Care Act which makes insurance companies more honest and fair. 108. Woman’s Right to Choose 109. Title IX 110. Affirmative Action 111. A National Currency 112. National Science Foundation 113. Weights and measures standards 114. Vehicle Safety Standards 115. NATO 116. The income tax and power to tax in general, which have been used to pay for much of this list. 117. 911 Emergency system 118. Tsunami, hurricane, tornado, and earthquake warning systems 119. Public Transportation 120. The Freedom of Information Act 121. Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery 122. Antitrust legislation which prevents corporate monopolies (These laws have been savaged by conservatives, which is why corporations are getting huger and competition is disappearing leading to less jobs and high prices.) 123. Water Treatment Centers and sewage systems 124. The Meat Inspection Act 125. The Pure Food And Drug Act 126. The Bretton Woods system 127. International Monetary Fund 128. SEC, which regulates Wall Street. (Conservatives have weakened this regulatory body, resulting in the current recession.) 129. National Endowment for the Arts 130. Campaign finance laws (Conservatives have gutted these laws, leading to corporate takeovers of elections.) 131. Federal Crop Insurance 132. United States Housing Authority 133. Soil Conservation 134. School Lunch Act 135. Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act 136. Vaccination Assistance Act 137. Over the course of nearly 50 years, liberals contributed greatly to the eventual end of the Cold War. 138. The creation of counterinsurgency forces such as the Navy Seals and Green Berets. 139. Voting Rights Act, which ended poll taxes, literacy tests, and other voter qualification tests. 140. Civil Rights Act of 1968 141. Job Corps 142. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 143. Teacher Corps 144. National Endowment for the Humanities 145. Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 146. National Trails System Act of 1968 147. U.S. Postal Service 148. Title X 149. Kept the Union together through Civil War and rebuilt the South afterwards. 150. Modern Civilization It is safe to assume that if the current breed of Republicans had their way, ALL of the above list would have never happened. The fact is, the people need government. Government protects the people from the greedy power hungry hands of the wealthy, especially when liberals are in power. The corporations and extremists that own the Republicans today will always only do what is profitable to themselves, and would also get rid of most of the things on this list. So, the next time a conservative complains about all those “socialist” liberals, remind them of what liberals have accomplished. Any conservative that claims anything on this list as a conservative achievement would be a hypocrite. Conservatives would lead us back to the Dark Ages. Liberals and liberal ideals have time and time again, led the way to a brighter future for everyone. |
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Don't see ACORN listed there.
Some List That
![]() Just taking the top 10 All for the common good ![]() 1. The 40-hour work week. 2. Weekends 3. Vacations 4. Women’s Voting Rights 5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities. 7. Public schools. 8. Child-labor laws. 9. The right to unionize 10. Health care benefits “Always… your Government has had but one sign on its desk—‘Seek only the greater good of the greater number of Americans.’” Franklin D. Roosevelt, |
Edited by
Wed 06/06/12 07:58 AM
and the greatest of them all,BANKRUPTING the USofA!
![]() Besides the Civilrights Act was an Achievement by the Republicans,until Johnson and the Democrats Hijacked it! ![]() Get yer History straight! |
and the greatest of them all,BANKRUPTING the USofA! ![]() Besides the Civilrights Act was an Achievement by the Republicans,until Johnson and the Democrats Hijacked it! ![]() Get yer History straight! What was that derogatory statement by Johnson? Something about now, he'll have those n_gg_rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years? Guess he had a valid point? |
and the greatest of them all,BANKRUPTING the USofA! ![]() Besides the Civilrights Act was an Achievement by the Republicans,until Johnson and the Democrats Hijacked it! ![]() Get yer History straight! What was that derogatory statement by Johnson? Something about now, he'll have those n_gg_rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years? Guess he had a valid point? Looks like you validated that derogatory remark |
and the greatest of them all,BANKRUPTING the USofA! ![]() Besides the Civilrights Act was an Achievement by the Republicans,until Johnson and the Democrats Hijacked it! ![]() Get yer History straight! What was that derogatory statement by Johnson? Something about now, he'll have those n_gg_rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years? Guess he had a valid point? Looks like you validated that derogatory remark Did he say it or no? |
Many of the federal agencies created are nothing more than criminals with a government paycheck. I really wouldn't consider them accomplishments unless that was the goal.
So much for the Dems and Civil-Rights! Yes,and they gave us Solyndra and the Global Warming Hoax! One Liberal even invented the Internet! |
and the greatest of them all,BANKRUPTING the USofA! ![]() Besides the Civilrights Act was an Achievement by the Republicans,until Johnson and the Democrats Hijacked it! ![]() Get yer History straight! What was that derogatory statement by Johnson? Something about now, he'll have those n_gg_rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years? Guess he had a valid point? Ah, Johnson. What a corrupt Democrat he was indeed. ![]() |
I really dislike posts like this.
It just feeds the pep-rally mentality; it encourages people to think in terms of 'us vs them, and we are right'. The actual positions of liberals and conservatives have shifted - swapped, even - over the last century or so. Rather than label our values 'liberal' or 'conservative', lets focus on what is right on a case by case basis, and work with whoever will support us in doing what is right. Both the dems and the repubs are in the pockets of corporations. Both have supported legistlation to reduce personal liberties. Both have supported costly wars. |
Both the dems and the repubs are in the pockets of corporations. Both have supported legistlation to reduce personal liberties. Both have supported costly wars. ![]() |
I really dislike posts like this. It just feeds the pep-rally mentality; it encourages people to think in terms of 'us vs them, and we are right'. The actual positions of liberals and conservatives have shifted - swapped, even - over the last century or so. Rather than label our values 'liberal' or 'conservative', lets focus on what is right on a case by case basis, and work with whoever will support us in doing what is right. Both the dems and the repubs are in the pockets of corporations. Both have supported legistlation to reduce personal liberties. Both have supported costly wars. Naw, It's fun to hate each other. Hee, Haw! |
I really dislike posts like this. It just feeds the pep-rally mentality; it encourages people to think in terms of 'us vs them, and we are right'. The actual positions of liberals and conservatives have shifted - swapped, even - over the last century or so. Rather than label our values 'liberal' or 'conservative', lets focus on what is right on a case by case basis, and work with whoever will support us in doing what is right. Both the dems and the repubs are in the pockets of corporations. Both have supported legistlation to reduce personal liberties. Both have supported costly wars. Naw, It's fun to hate each other. Hee, Haw! a mess,,smh |
Naw, It's fun to hate each other. It most definitely is. |