Community > Posts By > miksit29

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:55 PM

as long as u contribute to the offering

laugh laugh

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:50 PM
yes and i've gotten like another 3 messages. he wants to hang when he gets back into town from vacation. grrrrr I hate love

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:39 PM

"how do guys know when you've been thinking about them, how do they know just when to pop into your life and bust open the wound all over again. "

Pain is all in the mind yes but, people can hurt you intentionally. Even if they didn't you are the one one that still has to deal with sucks cuz most of the time, know matter if you seek comfort you have to take it alone

I'm sorry if this sounds mean but nomatter what anybody does to you, you being happy is up to you.

But I hope this helps.flowerforyou

You are soo rite, no matter who I talk to about it, I have to suffer through the emotional pain it brings. I love him very much and I cannot walk away mostly for him, he really needs someone who truly cares about him, his friends do not, they encourage his sometimes crazy behavior. I won't dessert him.

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:25 PM
ok, so I just got a myspace message from a guy that i have had a thing for, for awhile now. More than a thing, I have been in love with him for about 8 months. It was an on again off again kinda thing. Been off lately. I played it cool and just said a casual hello to him and asked how he was but I feel like I'm gona puke. how do guys know when you've been thinking about them, how do they know just when to pop into your life and bust open the wound all over again.

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:15 PM
did you hear about the woman that had the car accident that left her completly disabled mentally. Her family sued the other driver and got like 800,000 bucks and walmart sued her and her family to get the money back they paid for her medical bills. Plus rite after her accident her only son died in Iraq. He hubbs had to divorce her so she could get more money in diability. Wal-mart sucks!!!!!!

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:13 PM

Hell I could get a pro for a few hundred!

laugh laugh laugh drinker

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:07 PM

exactly how good do you think it is dear? 10

laugh its

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:56 PM

Would you?

I don't think that I would in all honesty. Cause what kind of person offers to have sex for money. Now if it were like 10+ figures well then hell tell me how you like it.....

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:53 PM

what if it were some kind of freaky weird sex...

thats be best kind.
especially when you can't find most of your clothing in the morning.

laugh drinker

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:51 PM
what if it were some kind of freaky weird sex...

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:50 PM
have sex with someone if they offered you a large sum of least 5 figures

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:42 PM
we all do stupid things. A married person Coming home drunk at 6:30am several times a week is not stupid it is disrespectful to his wife. I am assuming since you said they were married for 10 years they aren't in their 20's, we all came home drunk at 6:30am drunk in our early 20's, but eventually we get over it, if we are married we should be more responsible especially if we know it really bothers our significant other, as it should.

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:38 PM
I have a mother who is sooo overbearing and controlling that she rivals a warden. I am almost 32. I do not live anywhere near her, 8 hours to be exact and she still tells me what to do about everything to the point where she is just down rite hurtful. Don't get your hair cut like that it looks stupid, don't eat that you'll get fat, its your fault your getting divorced, no wonder guys don't like you, you'll never be anything. At this point in my life I don't need poisonous relationships so we do not speak. Maybe one day we will but it will be on my terms. You have to live your life and if you live with her then yes you should be respectful, but at the same time not let her be disrespectful. Does she not like your boyfriend?

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:30 PM
just curious, why does your mom have that say at your age?

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 09:30 PM
just curious, why does your mom have that say at your age?

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 03:16 PM
well i've considered lots, but everything there is to consider is too expensive and since I am newly divorced and unlikely to get married anytime soon I'm afraid that it'll just be too late by the time I do find someone to share my life with.

There is such a difference tho when you don't ever want to have children and not ever being able to have your own. I can get pregnant but I cannot carry.

I tell myself that I don't want kids, but I've been telling myself that for awhile now, so I'm not sure if I just tell myself that and now I believe it or if its how I feel. I know sometimes it really gets to me. Today I saw soooo many people with their children and it hits me, hey, that'll never be you. You will never have your own. I feel like the life that I had planned out, to be a wife and mother is just a fantasy. Oh well, no pitty party. That doesn't make it any better.

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 03:02 PM
definately quick. No fire, no shark attack. Don't wana know its coming...

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 03:00 PM
just curious how you deal with that. I have known that I cannot have them on my own short of invetro. But I have gone through this for about 6 years now and hubbs and I divorced and well I don't think I could ever put myself thru it again. All the pain and loss. I have lost 8 babies.

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 02:54 PM

drinker Nuditydrinker

haha, a strip club.....that would rock.

miksit29's photo
Sat 04/12/08 02:49 PM
hmmm. something different. Of course I cannot say no to the movies, I love the popcorn. :)

A guy being inventive and using his immagination. I understand why guys ask what we would like to do, because of course it is a first date and they don't really know us to know what we would like. But I know for me I would love for a guy to ask me out on a date and then just have the date planned. Make it a suprise. But thats just me, and well I live in a very deep fantasy world where romance still exists. :) lol

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