Community > Posts By > AdventurousOne

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 08:19 PM

So I was drivin along with a friend today,when a drunk a$$hole decided to run a stop i'm sitting in a car hurt..and all this jerkoff could think to do..was pick up the pieces of his own vehicle..I hate stupid people!explode

If this person was seriously is a great remedy. You get out (if you can) and beat the living sh*t out of them, break some of thier bones when possible. Then when the cops arrive, you say he was already like that. Who are they going to believe, you the sober victim, or the drunk driver? drinker

Good answer I agree

noway Oh, let me count the ways............. this is Not, I repeat NOT, the correct answer.noway noway

Why not?? You can't kill the irresponsible pieces of sh*t, so why not mame the idiots???

You have someone close get killed by one of these kind, then you chime in to what is right and what is not. Personally, I think they should serve LIFE and if they kill someone, automatic death sentence. Maybe make some of the idiot lame brained Americans THINK before they do something so damn STUPID. drinker

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:47 PM

well i guess it's niether right nor wrong then....we all have been out on a date the man or woman has spent money and you both go home and you get sex.....that doesnt classify us all as hookers....does it????

Well not to me, but would seem some may term it as that. yawn

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:41 PM

So I was drivin along with a friend today,when a drunk a$$hole decided to run a stop i'm sitting in a car hurt..and all this jerkoff could think to do..was pick up the pieces of his own vehicle..I hate stupid people!explode

If this person was seriously is a great remedy. You get out (if you can) and beat the living sh*t out of them, break some of thier bones when possible. Then when the cops arrive, you say he was already like that. Who are they going to believe, you the sober victim, or the drunk driver? drinker

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:32 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Thu 04/03/08 07:33 PM

So is this person you??? And if so what you going to do??? you gonna go for the sex???? or not?????
i think if you know she is a gold digger it all depends on what you want..if you want sex then go for it...if you want a more meaningful thing then dont...Look for the real deal and dont waste your time on the golddiggers....

See thats more to the question. The guy is looking for the "real deal", but as we all know, that just does not happen overnight and there are times when there is not many good prospects on the horizon. It does not matter if you have money or not, we have ALL been in that spot at times...some more than others.

So when there is nothing else going on..everyone is single, no promises made or implied, NO MONEY is EVER exchanged at ANY time (have to make that point clear too, even though they still could be classified as a hooker)

This is just a question to get peoples opinion. If you think its ok, state why you think its ok. If you think its wrong, state why you think its wrong.

There is no RIGHT answer here for everyone. Life doesn't work that way. yawn

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:25 PM

Well if you make it known you have "lots of money" you've put yourself in the situation to be used!!!!

Ummm no one made anything known. Gold diggers have a kind of radar that picks this up. huh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:17 PM

yeah and men with tons of money probably have hired hookers before and no amount of money will keep you from getting a disease. there's no telling with some of those people just cuz they go after men with 100k car doesn't mean their clean...

wait whats the point here? are you trying to justify something? everybody is telling you pretty much the same thing and it's like you don;t want to believe it or something.....

Not at all, just curious of what the general opinion is. Not trying to justify anything. As you see from the posts, many say its wrong, some say its ok.

Just taking a poll here. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:11 PM

ultimately she is a hooker, she using sex to gain monetarily....

thats a hooker. doesn't matter if she gets it right before or right after, she's doing it for money and that makes her a hooker......

OK, high class hooker who is looking to marry a real rich guy, pop out a kid or two and then divorce for the money. huh laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:08 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Thu 04/03/08 07:09 PM

there's nothign wrong with it if she goes for it. but seriously, if she spread for you that easily then chances are she's spread for everything along the way there to. as long as your both consenting adults it doesn't matter.

but as we all know herpes is the gift that keeps on giving.....

and it's still not nice to pick on hookers........

Oh I agree. But these gold digger types are after the big bucks. If you're not driving at least a $100K car, you don't even get a second look. So if a person considers them in the hooker catagory, then they are the top of the line and usually take very good care, ya know?

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:06 PM

all the money in the world shouldnt change a person and it makes most people even more unhappy
but on that note they are both wrong her for her wnat of mony and him because well hell she want his money so he gets a trade so it would be like buying sex but hell if i had that much money the way i am right now he is right but with the way i used to be hes wrong and is very unhappy with money to cover it up so i guess he is only bein fair

OK I agree money should not change a person. And who said he was payiong for anything???

this is NOT a "hooker" situation, its a gold-digger situation. Some may consider them like hooker, because they are ultimately out for the money. They spend thier time looking for LTR's with finacial benfits.

But here, no money is given or ever offered. Just wanted to clear that one up.

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:02 PM

As you know she probably knows too. Keep an eye on your wallet. Wrong if either of you is not single - wrong if you lead her to believe you care about her.

I agree with this. Again, he's not misleading anything. She hitting him up HOPING to snag a sugar daddy. Nothing ever promised or really anything even said as far as that goes. And yes, everyone is clearly single.

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:00 PM

i'd say it's wrong, but if your gonna get laid how wrong can it really be?????

OK, and WHY would you consider this wrong? I'm seriously curious. huh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 06:54 PM
Here's one for everyone to join in on. General situation. The guys is very wealthy, unttached in every form, so no cheating or misleading going down.

And because he is very wealthy, the "gold diggers" throw themselves at him on many occassions.

So here's the question. If the guy knows for certain the woman is only going after him because of his MONEY, is it wrong for him to only go after her for the sex??? I mean she is throwing herself at him and all he is doing is accepting, so is this wrong? huh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 06:47 PM
Ummm correct me if I am wrong,but at least in my definition, you have to be "in love" to be able to "make love". That's different than "sex".

So can we change this depressing subject matter?? huh flowerforyou smokin

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 06:40 PM

Fear of Regulating
The New York Times | Editorial

Thursday 03 April 2008

"The Fed’s role in the Bear debacle has put taxpayers at risk of having to shoulder big losses, but the administration’s so-called regulatory reform does not address what the Bear mess...............

Thanks for the post. Not sure, but if anyone finds this a surprise, they might consider pulling thier heads out. flowerforyou

The US government has been piling on the debt in so many forms over the last 8 years, I'm kinda surprised we have not gone bankrupt yet. From the "bail-outs" and the "war" alone is reaching QUADRILLION status. What's more amazing is how the American people/tax-payers seem to be OBLIVIOUS to WHO DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO PAY FOR ALL THIS!!!??

The answer....the US TAX PAYER..and thier great great great grandkids!!! All thanks to a sorry-*ss government and a apathetic and lazy nation with an average IQ now of around 96 to 103 (I'm surprised its even still partly in triple digits) Kiss this great country GOOD-BYE because its NOT great anymore! noway huh smokin

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 02:40 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Thu 04/03/08 02:44 PM
Ummm "curiosity" is NOT the proper word here...just like with most all "rate me's".

Better fits :

lacking self esteem
lacking self confidence
cry for attention

etc.etc drinker laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 02:33 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Thu 04/03/08 02:36 PM
Hey, they are playing to Americans, they'll pay for ANYTHING. Look who is running the country for crying out loud.

Not to worry, when the movie industry goes belly up, the government will bail them out too! noway :tongue: laugh drinker

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 02:25 PM

lay off the crack man........

and go heavy on the Jack Daniels!! huh

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/03/08 02:14 PM

look good so far but i can't make an accurate assesement without nudes.......

Thats my hero! noway drinker laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:06 PM

Not so adventurous tonight, huh?

Sorry, had to edit that. You only gave TWO choices, neither fit my situation. :tongue: laugh

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:01 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Wed 04/02/08 07:03 PM
huh Ummm.. neither???? Commando. :wink: