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Topic: ur star sign in a relationship
Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:00 PM

Ariens are not sympathetic creatures and do not express love easily. They can be very passionate however, and if you happen to be the object of their affections, they can be very direct, if not demanding. Ariens can also be very loyal, and they will fight for you and defend you selflessly if they perceive you to be on their side.

Ariens can seem very contradictory in terms of receiving love. On one hand, they want to do everything their own way and yet, at the same time, they want you to be there for them. Support your headstrong Aries and his/her goals and beliefs.


Taurus is one of the most conservative signs of the zodiac being a fixed earth. Taurians like practical shows of affection of a more sensual nature, being ruled by pleasure loving Venus. Taurus will share with you good food or wine, relaxing massages and sometimes even money itself.

Taurians like the good life, so take things slow and enjoy smelling the roses with them. Taurians best exemplify the saying that the "way to a man's heart is through his stomach." They're quite possessive types so make sure you do not meddle in whatever it is they need to possess! If that possession happens to be you, try to adapt if you must because this attitude is unlikely to change.


Geminis can be very verbal about their affection for you, but they are not very emotional. They're more likely to want to try new things with you and will try to make life exciting and fun. Geminis would prefer not to focus on one person; it's not that they don't like spending time with you but rather, they have a have need to keep moving.

Variety is the spice of life for Geminis and they love spontaneity and speed. Don't bore a Gemini, that is practically the kiss of death for them. The best way to entertain them is to do anything new and different. Give them a lot of space to maneuver and don't try to pin them down.


Cancers are very nurturing. Whenever you have a problem, Cancer is always willing to lend a shoulder to cry on. They're homebody types who would like nothing more than to curl up with their loved ones for a quiet, cozy evening. Cancers like to provide you comfort, and if they feel safe, will provide a space to share feelings.

Cancers needs you to be sensitive to their moods. You must be very demonstrative in your affections with Cancers whether it's through physical contact, verbalizing your feelings or giving gifts. Cancers like keepsakes (e.g. photos, letters) and appreciate things that are handmade by you. Don't leave Cancers alone for too long, don't come home late without calling and if you're in a committed relationship, don't even think about cheating.


Leos are loud. They'll shower you with gifts and lavish you with affection. Leo also has a tendency to spoil those they love: only the best for those the care for! Leos will not hesitate to boast about you, so be prepared to be shown off a little bit.

Leos feel most loved when you let everyone know how proud you are of them. They also need to feel special so you ought to be ready to give them lots of attention. Let your Leo know that you're devoted and loyal and make sure to give them some quality time. It doesn't really matter so much what you do, as long as you're doing it with her/him. If you buy a Leo a gift, you better make sure it is the top of the line of whatever it is.


Virgos are not the most amorous of signs. They're more likely to express their love by performing some duty for you: cleaning up the kitchen, fixing your computer or managing your investments. More nitpicky Virgo types may demonstrate their love by worrying over you and nagging you to take better care of yourself!

Virgos need to feel needed. They loathe situations or tasks they feel they are incompetent with. Virgos like to be acknowledged for a job well done and a sincere compliment can go a long way (as does criticism). Virgos don't need showy demonstrations of love; just make sure they feel that their hard work is appreciated and useful.


Libras love to be in love. The smoothtalking socialites of the zodiac, a Libra is happy to flatter, to stroke your ego and make you comfortable. They're also very considerate of your needs and will always try to see things from your point of view.

Libras need good communication with others.They're peacemakers who function on a principal of harmony; so figure out how to iron out disagreements quickly because Libras dislikes ugly conflicts. (You should also try to be fair when dealing with Libra, but be prepared for a little scorekeeping!) Let your Libra know you're listening and always be ready with compliments. Libras also enjoy a pleasant time, so lots of socializing is encouraged. Tasteful gifts are also much appreciated by Librians!


While Scorpios can be highly committed and passionate, they are also very secretive and do not reveal themselves easily. If feeling insecure, Scorpios will resort to manipulation to keep themselves from getting hurt or appearing vulnerable. While Libra is happy to scatter the word "love" about like confetti, Scorpio practically recoils from something so open. A confident Scorpio will be more direct, but even still, s/he will not be so demonstrative. However, if a Scorpio grants you their hard earned trust, you can expect their devotion to you to be unshakable.

The number one factor of importance to Scorpios is dependability. Scorpios loathe those who back out on their word, or who disappear when the going gets tough. Let your Scorpio know you'll be there for them but be very careful when committing yourself; Scorpios have very high expectations and rarely do they forgive and forget!


Sags aren't keen on commitment and can have a very flirtatious side. Don't be offended by their wandering eyes, for Sags are more likely to express their caring by opening you up to new and foreign vistas in learning and life. Sags are very warm, generous people and their light hearted enthusiasm and forgiving nature can be very healthy for those they love. You can also always count on a Sag to give you their blunt, honest opinion!

Sags need to feel free first and foremost. They want you to let them be independent, and to explore and roam to their heart's content. Sags don't appreciate being cornered and if you try, they will just wriggle their way out. The best thing to do is to give your Sag space to live it up and party all night long!


Capricorns have a heavy sense of duty and responsibility and will express their love practically by taking on obligations and commitments although this may be a little cold for some. Certainly Caps do not show much emotional warmth and they may be perceived as distant. They try their best to be dependable and trustworthy. Their love may not be very obvious when it comes to expressing it, but it is durable and steady.

Caps don't like surprizes and need stability and reliability. They also need you to think highly of them; honour is a big deal for Caps. Don't bull**** a Cap or play mind games with them. They haven't the time for what they perceive as foolishness. Be serious and get down to business.


Aquarius is the most emotionally detached sign and their love is founded more on respect and friendship more than anything else. They would like to treat you as an equal, regardless of age, social role etc. They are not sentimental types when it comes to demonstrating love, but they don't withhold emotions for fear of being hurt; they just function on a more abstract, intellectual plane.

Aquarians, like Leos, need to feel special and unique. They need for those they love to accept them for who they are and to respect their differences. Don't try to tell an Aquarian what to think and don't push hard to involve them deeply with your emotions. Like all air signs, Aquarians value communication and socializing; the best way to care for an Aquarian is to be an open minded friend.


Pisces is the most romantic sign and their love for you will be very warm and fuzzy if not spiritual. The thing to remember about Pisces is that they'll mean what they say when they're saying it. They have this tendency to be wishy washy about things. Pisces can be rather inconsistent about their expressions of love. They can show themselves to be remarkably thoughtful in their actions and then flake out the next day; try not to take it personally if a Pisces suddenly changes gears.

Pisces require a lot of understanding and patience. They're heavily influenced by their surroundings and need to have positive people around them. Because of this, you need to be gentle (but not insincere!) with sensitive Pisces. Try your best to empathize with a Pisces and to let them feel that you understand them (or are at least, trying to!).

no photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:02 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Where ever you found is SO off base on the Leo sign....guess I am the 'cheap' version of the sign laugh laugh laugh laugh

izzie's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:03 PM
i am a possessive doormat!!


Taurus is one of the most conservative signs of the zodiac being a fixed earth. Taurians like practical shows of affection of a more sensual nature, being ruled by pleasure loving Venus. Taurus will share with you good food or wine, relaxing massages and sometimes even money itself.

Taurians like the good life, so take things slow and enjoy smelling the roses with them. Taurians best exemplify the saying that the "way to a man's heart is through his stomach." They're quite possessive types so make sure you do not meddle in whatever it is they need to possess! If that possession happens to be you, try to adapt if you must because this attitude is unlikely to change.

Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:04 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Where ever you found is SO off base on the Leo sign....guess I am the 'cheap' version of the sign laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh its off for me too.I'm a just general i guess

A64WOODY's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:05 PM
I would be the adveturous Gemini. It is somewhat close but then again not really on my account.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:05 PM

<--------- Libra

mommyof1's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:05 PM
Scorpio :smile:

While Scorpios can be highly committed and passionate, they are also very secretive and do not reveal themselves easily. If feeling insecure, Scorpios will resort to manipulation to keep themselves from getting hurt or appearing vulnerable. While Libra is happy to scatter the word "love" about like confetti, Scorpio practically recoils from something so open. A confident Scorpio will be more direct, but even still, s/he will not be so demonstrative. However, if a Scorpio grants you their hard earned trust, you can expect their devotion to you to be unshakable.

The number one factor of importance to Scorpios is dependability. Scorpios loathe those who back out on their word, or who disappear when the going gets tough. Let your Scorpio know you'll be there for them but be very careful when committing yourself; Scorpios have very high expectations and rarely do they forgive and forget!


probably the most accurate description I have read of myself to date! Good Job finding it Brenda! flowerforyou

Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:06 PM

Ruler: Mars / Element: Fire / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Positive / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Unbridled expression of your inner nature; activity that is self-motivated, unaffected by others; new beginnings, the start of new cycles, birth; enthusiasm and vitality.

Aggressive, willful, powerful, assertive; enthusiastic about whatever interests you at the moment, focused in short bursts, unlikely to sustain interest in the long term; ego expression; adventurious, pioneering; Warrior-type energy; impatient with having to cooperate with others, works best alone or in leadership role; unconcerned with approval or acceptance; lacks persistance and stamina; honest and forthright, "what you see is what you get", not given to airs or pretenses; the first expression (or incarnation ) of spirit within a new cycle on the physical plane.


Ruler: Venus / Element: Earth / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Negative / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Grounding, bringing down to earth; constancy, steadiness, fixedness; spirit becoming embodied, entering matter, taking on a form; a vessel or container for spiritual forces.

Earthy, grounded, in touch with the body; sensual, pleasure seeking; stubborn, fixed, stands their ground; focuses and concentrates energy, gives it concrete expression, practical, provides stamina and persistance; slow, steady, methodical; fertile, productive; unreflective, content to simply be; spirit becoming involved with the material world.


Ruler: Mercury / Element: Air / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Positive / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Curiousity, cleverness, skill, communication; making connections with surroundings, trying to "figure things out"; the first display of intelligence by embodied spirit.

Talkative ("a Gemini is born with a telephone in each hand!"), communicative, sociable; loves to interact with others (at least on a superficial level); unemotional, impersonal, ruled by "rationality"; requires great mental stimulation, curious to a fault; playful, the Trickster, the Devil's Advocate; changable, inconstant, attention easily drifts to something new, seeks novelty.


Ruler: Moon / Element: Water / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Negative / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Nurturing, support, belonging, emotional bonds; your roots, source, ground of your being; the unconscious, feelings, emotion; the Great Mother, Universal Womb; spirit's first emotional attachments to the world.

Mothering, emotional and physical nurturance; experiences and imprinting during infancy and childhood; family, ancestors, heritage, relationships to the past; belonging, feeling "at home"; maternal love, caring; feeling supported by the world, that your needs are provided for; insecurities and fears if your needs haven't been fulfilled; possessiveness, "twisted love", inability to nurture others are negative expressions.


Ruler: Sun / Element: Fire / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Positive / Third: Individual / Half: Subjective

Spirit entering the realm of the individual person; ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world, becoming your own person; self-expression, being true to your inner nature, acting from the heart; dawning awareness of self in relation to others.

Ego, self-centered, arrogant; fixed, stubborn, persistant; artistic or creative expression as a vehicle for revealing "who I am"; needs to be a center of attention, requires acknowledgment and approval, likes to be noticed and appreciated ("ego-strokes"); personal integrity, true to self, honorable, trustworthy; kingly, self-assured, confident.


Ruler: Mercury / Element: Earth / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Negative / Third: Individual / Half: Subjective

Embodiment of the individual in the world; problems of adjustment dealing with the world and others; perfection of your approach to life, development of mundane skills; ability to change to adapt to life better.

Service, helping, self-effacing; perfectionist, always seeking to improve, efficiency; practical, functional, interested in crafts and projects; true to self in a simple, unassuming manner; reacts to defeats and setbacks by pulling back and altering approach, lacks confidence in the face of opposition; lives up to duties and responsiblities; interested in maintaining the body as a fit vehicle; diet, exercise, herbs, etc.; aware of conflicts with others, of the give and take required by life.


Ruler: Venus / Element: Air / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Positive / Third: Individual / Half: Objective

Spirit as individual entering into relationship with others; partnership, one-to-one relationships, meeting others as an equal, interdependency; encountering repressed parts of yourself through others (via projection); going beyond ego boundaries; peace, harmony, balance; social awareness.

Partners, marriage; learning how to get along peacably with others, treating others as equals; "I vs. You", conflict, enemies; art, beauty, harmonious surroundings; distressed by stressful, inharmonious interactions; intimacy; people in counseling professions.


Ruler: Pluto / Element: Water / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Negative / Third: Individual / Half: Objective

Transformation, change, ego-death, rebirth, transcendence; intense emotional involvement with the process of personal growth; movement from individual certainties to the "mysteries of life"; spirit breaking through the limitations of individual ego.

Intense, passionate, brooding, magnetic; stubborn, unyielding, driven by emotions; stands up for self, usually covertly, manipulates power; understands deeper layers of the psyche beyond the ego, unable to communicate this well leading to misunderstandings; intrigued by the "dark side" of life; the underground, people whose job involves going beneath surface appearances; sexuality, especially the transformative power of the orgasm; self-mastery, breaking free of illusory limitations, the Hero.


Ruler: Jupiter / Element: Fire / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Positive / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Spirit moving beyond the realm of the individual into the world at large; becoming a member of a wider society; experiences that lead to consciousness expansion, being receptive to new points of view, wisdom, enlightenment; using your talents for the benefit of the greater whole.

Freedom loving, idealist, unfettered by "small thinking"; inspiration; religion, philosophy, the law; awareness of your connections to the rest of the world; can be distant from others, afraid to give up freedom, reluctant to be tied down; on the other hand, aware of the value of the social contract; enthusiastic, gregarious, generous; loves abstract, theoretical ideas, sees the big picture, ignores the details; in love with an ideal; foreign travel, liberating experiences.


Ruler: Saturn / Element: Earth / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Negative / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Spirit's attempt to bring about the perfect society, to create heaven on earth; making practical, efficient connections with others on the physical plane; ambitious, feels pride in accomplishments; concern with truth, reality, "hard facts"; relationship to authority.

Serious, determined, disciplined, focused; needs to play more; fathering, disciplining love; authority figures; seeks certainties in life, wants things "cast in concrete"; the Businessman, concerned with the practical relationships to support yourself within society; not interested in "blue sky" ideas, needs to bring theory into concrete reality; "knowing the rules and playing the game"; making a niche in the world.


Ruler: Uranus / Element: Air / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Positive / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Spirit's attempt to create ideal relationships and organizations, based on freedom and cooperation between individuals; free-thinking, unorthodox, not shackled by outdated ideology; the perfection of society.

Even though ideas are often far-sighted, they can be held and expressed in rigid, dogmatic fashion (this is a fixed sign, afterall!); "everyone should be free to be just like me!"; idealistic, utopian; derives sense of identity from groups and their goals, tends to dominate them; impersonal thinking, detached from emotional considerations; produces "humanitarian without compassion"; friendships based on common goal.


Ruler: Neptune / Element: Water / Mode: Mutable
Pole: Negative / Third: Universal / Half: Objective

Surrender to the universe, to higher goals; ego sacrifice; compassion and empathy, selfless work; seeing the unity of all things; the ends of cycles, forming "seeds" for the next cycle of growth; spirit as individual dissolving back into pure spirit.

Mysticism, escape into the One; sees the unity, fails to make "normal" distinctions, often weak ego; victim, martyr, servant; tends to escapism, fantasy, drugs (especially alcohol), religion; very receptive, sensitive, even psychic; co-dependency, care-taking; withdrawn from the world; release from the world.

jonny63's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:06 PM
Its pretty close for me, especially the last sentence.

Sexyklp4U's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:07 PM

Virgos are not the most amorous of signs. They're more likely to express their love by performing some duty for you: cleaning up the kitchen, fixing your computer or managing your investments. More nitpicky Virgo types may demonstrate their love by worrying over you and nagging you to take better care of yourself!

Virgos need to feel needed. They loathe situations or tasks they feel they are incompetent with. Virgos like to be acknowledged for a job well done and a sincere compliment can go a long way (as does criticism). Virgos don't need showy demonstrations of love; just make sure they feel that their hard work is appreciated and useful.

this is me to a TEE!!!:wink: :smile: drinker

Lady73401's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:07 PM

Cancers are very nurturing. Whenever you have a problem, Cancer is always willing to lend a shoulder to cry on. They're homebody types who would like nothing more than to curl up with their loved ones for a quiet, cozy evening. Cancers like to provide you comfort, and if they feel safe, will provide a space to share feelings.

Cancers needs you to be sensitive to their moods. You must be very demonstrative in your affections with Cancers whether it's through physical contact, verbalizing your feelings or giving gifts. Cancers like keepsakes (e.g. photos, letters) and appreciate things that are handmade by you. Don't leave Cancers alone for too long, don't come home late without calling and if you're in a committed relationship, don't even think about cheating.

I like being a Cancer

Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:09 PM
the second random star sign posting, is like everyday things..the first one is in a realtionship

Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:16 PM
oo more..also for reltionships

aries love astrologyAries (March 21-April 19)

The ruling planet of Arians is Mars, the planet of power and enormous personal strength. It kindles their passion and romantic moods. Intimacy and sexual impulses are high but very much short-lived. Aries lover has no patience and sensitivity and this may be the reason for the most of the relationships to turn sour. They are blessed with optimism and enthusiasm that keeps the fire in them burning and igniting their lover as well. Aries lover is burning with sexual energy and likes to be in charge. They are boldly passionate and willing to take risks for their love.

taurus love astrologyTaurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taureans are very lusty and sensual. They have a huge sexual appetite. Taurus lover takes his own time with everything and is slow to turn on. You cannot rush them in sex but they are gloriously seductive. They are sensual and masculine . The Taurean woman is also equally sensual. They love good food and good sex. They look for stability, security and make serious commitment in their love life. Tender and steady caresses of hand and physical stimulation excite the Taurus lover .

gemini love astrologyGemini (May 21 - June 21)

Geminis are aroused by intellectual communion. They have a fierce desire for independence and freedom in their relationships. They are witty and very amusing lovers. They are not fierce or aggressive as lovers but can arouse their lover by sensual erotic fantasies. They are experimental in lovemaking and constantly keep analyzing their love life. The variety and change is the spice of life for them. Sex is fun but life with them. But they can get frenetic as they are liable to become insensitive or somewhat blunt at times.

cancer love astrologyCancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer is a very emotional sign. Cancer lovers have a highly developed sense of touch. Outwardly they may pretend to be very cool but they are very sensual and loving. In lovemaking, to be emotionally involved with their lover is very important for them. They are very moody and sensitive. For them sex is an emotional bond that they form with their lover. They are very revengeful and slow to forgive infidelity and unfaithfulness in love. Since for them sex is not just simply a physical gratification but an emotional commitment between two hearts.

leo love astrologyLeo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Passions burn in the mind and the body of a Leo lover. They radiate sexual confidence and like a majestic king of jungle they like to take charge in bed. The Leo lover likes to explore the pleasures of sex. Do not hurt the ego of the Leo lover and instead if possible sing praises. They have to be attached or fond of their lover to enjoy sex. No other zodiac sign can be so majestic and theatrical and grand in lovemaking.

virgo love astrologyVirgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Virgos have a deep buried sensuality. Outwardly they maintain a cool and calm composure but buried deep inside are great passions. Virgos are very choosy about their lover. In sexual relationship they are very caring and controlling too and can make their partner feel the most wanted person on the earth. They are perfectionists and secretive by nature. The sexual relationship with a Virgo lover may not be a bed of roses (in fact more thorns). The effort has to be made to unearth and stir the deep buried passions and then you become the vortex of their life.

libra love astrologyLibra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Libra is an airy sign. Libra is a sensual and generous lover who has deep desire to satisfy and please their lover in bed. They are flirtatious by nature and masters in lovemaking. A combination difficult to resist but you have to be patient with them because for them to have sexual relationship it is important that the other person must appeal to their romantic and passionate fantasies. They want to be loved and desired as they are sentimental and romantic at heart (remember to be patient) before they can teach you a trick or two in bed.

scorpio love astrologyScorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Scorpio is a watery sign. It is the most sexual of all the zodiac sign. They are sexually highly volatile and volcanic. Their sexual appetite is insatiable. For you to relate to a Scorpio it is important to match his hunger for sex. They are highly sexual but have some hidden agenda. Scorpio lover can use sex to manipulate and overcome you. There is some powerful magnetism attached to a Scorpio and of course the intensity of their love that invites you towards them. But beware its a spiders invitation to a fly to catch you in its web!

sagittarius love astrologySagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius is a fiery sign. Sagittarius lover is full of passion and loves to explore. They can be boldly passionate and full of fun. Do not try to invade their space because they are claustrophobic in nature. They are wild, passionate and adventurous in lovemaking. There are two conflicting sides to his personality. Sexual relationship with one partner for long bores them and they get this urge to move. Sex is great but in fact like sports or a game where they must perform to win.

capricorn love astrologyCapricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn is an earthy sign. Earthy Capricorns sexual nature is as powerful as his earthy aspirations. Capricorn lovers will remain aloof and would not like to make a first move until of course s/he is truly in love. Sexual intimacy and expression has to be developed over a period of time. They have a very serious and aloof attitude hence they miss out the fun in sex. After the passion wears off usually the relationship spells trouble however sexual relationship without any emotional involvement can be exciting.

aquarius love astrologyAquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius is an airy sign. Sex with Aquarius lover can be wild and totally unpredictable. They not only want to possess your body but also want to know what is going on in your mind. Sex is pure lust and better if no emotional involvement is there. Explosive instant physical gratification (please no emotional strings) works best for them. Being an airy sign they are imaginative and experimental in lovemaking. There is no thumb rule to judge sexuality of a Aquarius because they can be passionate and can also be aloof.

pisces love astrologyPisces (Feb 19 - March 20)

Pisces is a watery sign. Sex with Pisces lover is erotic and pure enjoyment. They form a kind of spiritual bond with their lover in union. They have intense sensual fantasies and lovemaking is an expression or outlet of their personality. They are sensitive and psychic towards their lovers desires and needs. Pisces is lazy by nature so does not like to chase its lover. Pisces lover is happy to swim in the deep waters of emotions and would like to solve all their personal problems in bed using sex as a key.

Dopey180's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:16 PM
So very true for me I am an Aries

Kelly7717's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:20 PM
<~~ Libra

cityfangels29's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:24 PM
Edited by cityfangels29 on Fri 04/11/08 05:25 PM
yes i agree with you i am a cancer too it is right about cancer we do like to take care everyone . but we do not take it very well when someone dishonest with us .we can go either way

blonderockermom's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:24 PM
Edited by blonderockermom on Fri 04/11/08 05:25 PM

Ariens are not sympathetic creatures and do not express love easily. They can be very passionate however, and if you happen to be the object of their affections, they can be very direct, if not demanding. Ariens can also be very loyal, and they will fight for you and defend you selflessly if they perceive you to be on their side.

Ariens can seem very contradictory in terms of receiving love. On one hand, they want to do everything their own way and yet, at the same time, they want you to be there for them. Support your headstrong Aries and his/her goals and beliefs.

bigsmile drinker drinker

aries love astrologyAries (March 21-April 19)

The ruling planet of Arians is Mars, the planet of power and enormous personal strength. It kindles their passion and romantic moods. Intimacy and sexual impulses are high but very much short-lived. Aries lover has no patience and sensitivity and this may be the reason for the most of the relationships to turn sour. They are blessed with optimism and enthusiasm that keeps the fire in them burning and igniting their lover as well. Aries lover is burning with sexual energy and likes to be in charge. They are boldly passionate and willing to take risks for their love.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:25 PM

Geminis can be very verbal about their affection for you, but they are not very emotional. They're more likely to want to try new things with you and will try to make life exciting and fun. Geminis would prefer not to focus on one person; it's not that they don't like spending time with you but rather, they have a have need to keep moving.

Variety is the spice of life for Geminis and they love spontaneity and speed. Don't bore a Gemini, that is practically the kiss of death for them. The best way to entertain them is to do anything new and different. Give them a lot of space to maneuver and don't try to pin them down.

(Great! I'm a Ho when I get bored...ohwellgrumblelaugh)

Brenda_Darling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:26 PM


Geminis can be very verbal about their affection for you, but they are not very emotional. They're more likely to want to try new things with you and will try to make life exciting and fun. Geminis would prefer not to focus on one person; it's not that they don't like spending time with you but rather, they have a have need to keep moving.

Variety is the spice of life for Geminis and they love spontaneity and speed. Don't bore a Gemini, that is practically the kiss of death for them. The best way to entertain them is to do anything new and different. Give them a lot of space to maneuver and don't try to pin them down.

(Great! I'm a Ho when I get bored...ohwellgrumblelaugh)

i like this one better

gemini love astrologyGemini (May 21 - June 21)

Geminis are aroused by intellectual communion. They have a fierce desire for independence and freedom in their relationships. They are witty and very amusing lovers. They are not fierce or aggressive as lovers but can arouse their lover by sensual erotic fantasies. They are experimental in lovemaking and constantly keep analyzing their love life. The variety and change is the spice of life for them. Sex is fun but life with them. But they can get frenetic as they are liable to become insensitive or somewhat blunt at times.

mamacat2007's photo
Fri 04/11/08 05:27 PM
Wrong on the Virgos at least the one I know best,he was a hard nut to crack at first but when you get to know him he is the most sincere loyal caring friend anyone could ask for and he lets you know he cares about you.

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