Community > Posts By > Aikido

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Thu 04/10/08 04:03 PM

ignorance is bliss

yes it is and slavery, the only real freedom anyone has is making up your own mind. Giving that up is done to quickly nowdays, scary I'm a dying & unwanted breed(a thinker & doer)

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Thu 04/10/08 03:59 PM

whats wrong with a playa

you know your white right?noway

white is only a skin color

What about ignorantance?

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Thu 04/10/08 03:41 PM

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Thu 04/10/08 03:40 PM

What ever happened to needing eachother, like my grandparents. They love eachother & need the other to create a home for their kids(now grandkids, they taught me more than anyone else)

It's a different world now. When your grandparents got together, there was no "out". You got married, you had kids, had grandkids and then you died. I think that even though it says in wedding vows that you take them "in good times and bad" that once the bad times come, no one wants to ride them out. It's unfortunate but the chances of a couple staying together after marriage nowadays is a slim 15%.

Guess I'm old fasihioned, that sounds like narvina to me(Wife & kids running around the house)

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Thu 04/10/08 03:35 PM

People don't stay together much anymore ohwell

I was hoping i would have what my grandparents had

I tried ohwell

Me too, too bad she didn't care about our kid as much as herself.(she's a leo dont hold it agist her)

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Thu 04/10/08 03:30 PM
What ever happened to needing eachother, like my grandparents. They love eachother & need the other to create a home for their kids(now grandkids, they taught me more than anyone else)

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Thu 04/10/08 03:06 PM
I've just become apathic to all but my kid. F*ck em all, humans will kill themselfs with time-glad I'm already dead to caring about them just looking for an alien hottie to marry

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Thu 04/10/08 03:03 PM
F*ck the world ICP

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Thu 04/10/08 03:02 PM

to stop radical terrorism just kill them all? Isn't that what their trying(we just have better weapons)?
How about to help solve there problems of poverty and hoplessness we plant an american flag and destroy poverty and sickness instead of the people? Then the same for Mexico.

Have you NOT been paying attention???????? They don't want your frickin' HELP!!! They want you to get the hell out of there contry. They want you to take your religion, your Coke, Levis, McDonalds, your western hypocrisy and everything that western civilization entails and leave.

Americans are the most hated people on earth. I have discovered this first hand.

Yes they are, but if your going to conqure another country do it right. All I'm saying, plant a flag call it your own then fix it(or at least appear to fix it)

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Thu 04/10/08 02:58 PM

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Thu 04/10/08 02:57 PM
Thank you, just tired of the playing.

Of the lieing,

no photo
Thu 04/10/08 02:55 PM

So my sons father and I were dating, became great friends. I wound up prego and he left for a year to go to school in china. I had the baby, and three months later he returned and came and saw me and Austin. He brought me presents back from China and things seemed ok. He wanted a DNA test, so we got one done, and when it came back that he was the father (already knew it was) he decided that he didn't want anything to do with us. Gave me a chunck of money and said Adios.

Fast forward to today. I'm kinda broke, and I sent him an email today asking for some money to help me until I start getting paychecks from work. I've never asked him for anything at all, mind you. So here I am patiently waiting a reply, but I think I already know what he is going to say.

I guess what I am asking here, is if he refuses to give me a little money (all im asking for is 200 bucks) should I take the next step and try to force him to? I have never wanted the courts involved in my life, cause I don't have the patience for this kind of stuff, but it would help if he gave me a little something every now and then.indifferent


Very serious, please write me

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Thu 04/10/08 02:53 PM

I think the meaning of player is in a secret man took over the chapter on HOW TO BE A GENTLEMAN......

Took th F*ckin book over. Men will do what it takes to get/keep a good woman(same with women), just taught the way to get in the pants not hearts & needs

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Thu 04/10/08 02:50 PM

So my sons father and I were dating, became great friends. I wound up prego and he left for a year to go to school in china. I had the baby, and three months later he returned and came and saw me and Austin. He brought me presents back from China and things seemed ok. He wanted a DNA test, so we got one done, and when it came back that he was the father (already knew it was) he decided that he didn't want anything to do with us. Gave me a chunck of money and said Adios.

Fast forward to today. I'm kinda broke, and I sent him an email today asking for some money to help me until I start getting paychecks from work. I've never asked him for anything at all, mind you. So here I am patiently waiting a reply, but I think I already know what he is going to say.

I guess what I am asking here, is if he refuses to give me a little money (all im asking for is 200 bucks) should I take the next step and try to force him to? I have never wanted the courts involved in my life, cause I don't have the patience for this kind of stuff, but it would help if he gave me a little something every now and then.indifferent


How much you need. If its for you kid email me the amount, only one condition- the kid gets it(something they really need like meds, food, shelter)

Very serious, please write me

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Thu 04/10/08 02:44 PM
The point was there should be no players. One is too many

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Thu 04/10/08 02:39 PM
I think eveyone needs to stop padding them selfs on the back for things your supposed to do. JUST DO IT

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Thu 04/10/08 02:32 PM

men are wussy when there a little ill??laugh laugh

They are the biggest babies!!! laugh laugh

Not as women , they pretend more sick than they arelaugh

noway When we are sick, we still take care of the children.
When we're vomitting, we still have to make dinner and drive them to school.

hmm i take care of 3 kids and take them to school and cook so gona have to do better than thatlaugh

That makes you a good father.


I'm i wrong parents dont get to be good or bad, everything you do effects your kids. He is teaching his kids that just cause your sick doesnt mean you get a break, you sill have to take care of your family.

Thats a GREAT Thing. Need more MEN around

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Thu 04/10/08 02:27 PM
Never got any approval or attention from my mom when was a kid cause I was male(she hates all men). Will/how do I stop looking for it in women?

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Thu 04/10/08 02:24 PM
so sad, even helped a few get better- both men and women. Used to help my best friend(for 20 yrs) get laid, but stoped cause thats all he was after.

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Thu 04/10/08 02:21 PM

whats wrong with a playa

you know your white right?noway

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