Topic: DEMS & the Working Class...
Quikstepper's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:58 AM
With a DEM majority in DC, & DEMS running my own state I'd like to know WHY haven't THEY done anything to protect American jobs here in the country or in my state???? All you ever hear about is govt. runned healthcare?

It sounds to me like DEMS are the ones who have been lieing to the American people when they scream about jobs when all they are offering is national healthcare instead of legislation to protect our jobs here at home. Sounds like a sell out to me.

I hope McCain brings that up when they start blaming republicans for job losses. What have DEMS done to keep jobs here???? Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds???? There's PLENTY of blame to go around.

usernamefayou's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:06 PM
It's obvious the government as a whole has not done anything to keep Americans working. - With so many businesses here getting sold to foreign investors (ownership is the very heart of capitalism) why not concentrate on that rather than the slaves who are too stupid or unfortunate to realize that their country will be mostly owned by those from other nations soon enough? That is a sell-out quite literally.

BobbyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:14 PM
Gee, I wonder which party has controlled the Senate for the past two years and has done nothing, just like the party that controlled it before them! Americans just haven't quite gotten it yet! The Republicrats are ALL bought and paid for by the corporations and it's the corporations that run this country, not the citizens.

We ARE a Capitalist society, not a Democratic one!

no photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:10 AM
“I refuse to be part of a generation that celebrates the death of communism abroad with the loss of the American dream at home.”

Bill Clinton

Lynann's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:31 AM
Geez...another post full of hot air and no facts.

Can you back up your post with facts? Since, you know, no one wants to see random posts without facts to back them up around here.

t22learner's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:44 AM

Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds????

To pay for your war.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 09/07/08 03:26 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sun 09/07/08 03:26 PM

Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds????

To pay for your war.

I think you forgot to mention the Big Govt. Liberal programs to the list. How convenient.

Reality check...

t22learner's photo
Sun 09/07/08 03:36 PM

Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds????

To pay for your war.

I think you forgot to mention the Big Govt. Liberal programs to the list. How convenient.

What would you cut?

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 09/07/08 03:44 PM

Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds????

To pay for your war.

I think you forgot to mention the Big Govt. Liberal programs to the list. How convenient.

What would you cut?

I would cut the raid on these funds all together & make sure that the funds get put back.

That money should never be earmarked for programs that have nothing to do with SSI & people are in jail for pension raids...why are the politicans exempt from that?

t22learner's photo
Sun 09/07/08 03:47 PM
Edited by t22learner on Sun 09/07/08 03:56 PM

Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds????

To pay for your war.

I think you forgot to mention the Big Govt. Liberal programs to the list. How convenient.

What would you cut?

I would cut the raid on these funds all together & make sure that the funds get put back.

That money should never be earmarked for programs that have nothing to do with SSI & people are in jail for pension raids...why are the politicans exempt from that?

I meant what programs, but most questions I pose to you are rhetorical. Anyway, this is one thing that irks me about the Republican's phony tax stance. They spend the money; they just don't collect any to pay the bills. That leaves the debt to be paid by future generations. It's a disgrace.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 09/07/08 06:36 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Sun 09/07/08 06:38 PM

Why are they also raiding our SSI & pension funds????

To pay for your war.

I think you forgot to mention the Big Govt. Liberal programs to the list. How convenient.

What would you cut?

Ron Paul had an interesting debate about this... Cut departments he said... Department of homeland security, department of education, department of energy, the IRS, bring troops home to beef up security, let states collect their own taxes, which will in turn give them more power. Not to mention it will get rid of everything that we waste our money on that doesn't actually work. All i hear from the dems is "bring troops home" "raise taxes for the corporations", nothing that would really produce any sort of results. Face it, the dems are just as guilty. They are all out to win votes while making a very few much richer.

Lynann's photo
Sun 09/07/08 09:27 PM
Ron Paul has some interesting arguments.

I am not a rabid Obama follower. I have serious doubts myself.

But, if all you are hearing from the dems is bring the troops home and raise taxes you haven't accessed all the info you should.

Obama has some info on0line that explain his positions. Check them out

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:39 PM
Please, dear god, tell me a couple of his points... I have read his campaign website and i found that he wants to throw money at a few programs Bush started like the whole no child left behind thing. He says he is looking out for the middle class but there really isn't much for actual plans he has. His up sides are his public speaking ability, and he does seem like the type of person to think things through before jumping to a conclusion about anything. What he says in his speeches sounds good. He is supposedly against lobbyism. And he is pro gun control but wont take our guns away. (Which i am very much against gun control, mostly anyways.) I could list a pile of stuff i don't like about McCain too. But i really haven't found anything of substance to back up what Obama is preaching. Whenever i ask anyone on here to point out a thing or two all they do is attack me and tell me that i should do my research somewhere else. If that's the only type of people that support Obama i question the wisdom of standing behind such a candidate.

Yeah, i would really like to see Obama debate with someone like Ron Paul.

I will continue to try to research Obama's plans. I will, yet again, read through his campaign ideas.flowerforyou

Lynann's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:51 PM
Reality check??

The federal government is larger than ever before, our spending is out of control, the deficit is obscenely large and growing, there are more people on the federal payroll after nearly eight years of a republican administration than ever before.

So, you can do one of two things...keep believing what you are fed...or check the facts.

It's pretty hard to imagine how the dem's could increase the size of government. Maybe some folks are mad cause they haven't been hired yet. After all, Bush hired a horse show judge to head FEMA..your turn has to be just around the corner. Maybe not though...

Your beloved republicans have bloated the size of government creating more new departments and increased the size and scope of federal red tape in the last seven plus years.

So...ummm never mind...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 09/08/08 10:48 PM

Reality check??

The federal government is larger than ever before, our spending is out of control, the deficit is obscenely large and growing, there are more people on the federal payroll after nearly eight years of a republican administration than ever before.

So, you can do one of two things...keep believing what you are fed...or check the facts.

It's pretty hard to imagine how the dem's could increase the size of government. Maybe some folks are mad cause they haven't been hired yet. After all, Bush hired a horse show judge to head FEMA..your turn has to be just around the corner. Maybe not though...

Your beloved republicans have bloated the size of government creating more new departments and increased the size and scope of federal red tape in the last seven plus years.

So...ummm never mind...

Im sorry if what i said sounded like a slam against dems... Lately both sides have been playing their game of wealth and power. There are a few who still have our best interests in mind, but you can't label these people as democrats or republicans.

Anyhow, like all the others you have successfully evaded the question in hand.

I now feel the urge to repeat that i am no republican, nor am i a democrat. I have seen corruption come from both sides. Repubs use fear to make laws that take away rights. Dems just expand the government, consolidating power. Put them together and potentially you have a recipe for total corruption.

I Obama's defense he does plan to cut taxbreaks for businesses that are outsourcing their workers. But from what i gather he also wants to increase their taxes which will in turn move these businesses out of our country. He also has no plans to make big changes. What i find ironic is the fact that people preach "big change" when it comes to Obama. I did find some more useful info on him under his website again, i just had to filter through all the motivational speech crap to get down to his plans. I will admit he makes a couple good points.