Community > Posts By > gccrazyozgrl

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Fri 05/27/11 02:53 AM
i broke up with my boyfriend about 6 weeks ago because for the last 6 months his work was keeping him away from home all the time and he was always going out with friends and not turning up home til the next day and he stopped giving me money to pay bills and rent and there was the issue of him taking drugs without me knowing...i kinda starting liking this guy i work with about a month before i broke up with him but nothing ever happened between us....

about a week after i broke up with my boyfriend i started seeing this guy from work and we are having a good time spending time together but i feel really bad for lying to my ex about it. my ex still comes to my place because he hasn't moved out as yet becuase of work (he's an interstate truck driver)and i feel bad that he has no where to really go and we have had alot of fights over the last few weeks, he thinks i am seeing this other guy and that's why i broke up with him but it's not...

now my ex is saying he realises everything he's done wrong and still rekons theres a chance for us to fix things and i guess thats why i feel bad that i havent been honest with him about me being with someone else....

sometimes i think maybe i have been selfish for not giving him another chance because he says he didn't realise just how upset and angry i was about the things he was doing to me..i kinda think that i gave him plenty of chances to change before because i had alot of talks and fights with him to make him realise but he seemed to never care....

now im feeling guilty for lying to my exand i feel bad for this other guy because i put him in the middle of my break up when i should have given myself some time to deal with it all on my own and sometimes i do think maybe i should be giving my ex another chance to prove himself because he does really seem sincere but i feel like it's all too late and not a good idea because then i'd be going back into a relationship with lies on my behalf about being with another guy and when im with this other guy he sooooo good to me and makes me feel really good about myself and he does make me happy hes so caring...i just feel like such a horrible and bad person

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Mon 05/24/10 02:05 AM
i was angry and upset at my boyfriend the other day because of stupid insecurities as you sometimes do and i was talking to my mum and a friend that i was thinking twice about being in a relationship and im better being single and thinking about the future and how i couldn't see a life with i'm feeling guilty because i know that it was selfish and i was being ungreatful because he really is the best thing that has ever happened to me and that was the first time i had ever thought horrible things like that when it comes to him and because of the guilt i don't know whether to tell him what i was thinking or not it's weird but it's like i feel like i want to apologise to him...

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Sun 10/11/09 05:07 AM
my ex boyfriend seems to only call me up to have a hi how are you chat when he's been drinking...why on earth would he just not do this when he's sober???

and no there's never anything about wanting to see me or wanting to sleep with me no i miss yous or i love yous..

just a normal chat....i didn't think i was a scary person to talk for him to only do it when he was drunk.....

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Sat 09/12/09 08:35 PM
my boyfriend and i break up, he says it's not going to work out, he says to me that he wants to be friends, i say to him that i don't know if i can do that because that's not what i want it will be to hard. he says he needs to work things out and he doesn't want to keep me waiting he continues with saying that i'm a good person and he still likes me and that he still wants to talk to me and asking me to please not ignore him when he tries to call because he wants to be friends, so at the end of it all i wasn't sure what i was going to do the next day he calls me and i answer and he was so happy i answered the phone because he thought i was going to ignore him but we continued with anormal hi how are you conversation..neither of us has tried to contact each other for the last couple of days which i believe to be a good thing...

anyways i'm really not sure how to take what he said surely it is as simple as lets be friends??

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Mon 08/31/09 05:38 AM
the other night he rang me to say he'll give me a call after work to plan what we would do for the night a few hours later he calls to tell me he's down at the club with his frends and thought he better see if i wanted to come out...when i got there he seemed so fake like he really didn't want me to be there....he's done this a few times however when he has made plans with me or has said he will call to make plans with me but he's either alreay out with them or calls to see if i don't mind changing plans with him because of them......the relationship is only new so i don't know if maybe i'm over reacting or is it something i should be talking to him about because it's not making me feel so good that he wants to be changing plans or delay seeing me so he can go out with his friends...i don't mind him going out with his friends i like them but surely it's right to be leaving me behind in the process...i'm scared to say anything coz i don't want to sound needy or jealous

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Sun 11/09/08 02:55 PM
since i broke up with my ex nearly two months ago we've done a little chasing each other. hes been telling me hes sorry about the way he treated me and wants to make it up to me he loves me and misses me...but i found out hes been seeing a women at work (whom is older than him) for nearly 2 months and hes now hes told everyone about it..i went to confront him and he wouldnt admit to seeing anyone like she thinks they are all he told me was that shes a friend and he has feelings for and doesnt know if he will date her...he said he only told me those things because he never thought he was going to see me again and he had to get it out of his system it was never his intention for us to get back im in two minds whether to try and stay friends with him in the long run or whether to tell her about him playing the both of us but then im just going to sound like the jealous ex which im not i just want her to know to be careful because of the **** he has and is still putting me through for the last 2 years but you know it might not mean much to her seeing as shes seperated and getting a divorce he might just be a rebound thing to play with so she might not care what i have to say and then ill proberbly just get him abusing me........i just would like the truth for once i cant really understand why he hid me for 2 years and then after 2 months he can be so open about her what exactly was he hiding me for...other women too??? whats some advice on this???

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Tue 10/28/08 05:03 PM
broke up with ex about 8 weeks ago, we still keep talking all the time and he's been saying he misses me and loves me etc i've been a bit unsure about my feelings because we've been down this road before but i'm getting to the stage i'm falling for him again....but i've set up a date with another guy tonight and now i'm feeling guilty about it and thinking about cancelling and i don't know if i should say anything to my ex i feel like i should be..i don't know if he's dated anyone else while we haven't been together but i should i be saying anything to my ex or not??

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Wed 08/20/08 06:07 AM
been together about a year. we're both 23

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Wed 08/20/08 05:37 AM
my so called "boyfriend" told me his friend saw a pic he had of me and he told me his friend said im hot and wants to do naughty things to me he even told me his friend asked for my phone number but he said "no" like what else is new i here it all the time and that it would be nice to be thought of in a differnet way for once coz really thats all i here him say to me these days too i even asked him so what did u say about what he was saying and he said "i was like um ok good on ya" i over reacting a bit to feel a little insulted that he'd doesn't care and would just let someone talk like that about me or is just that its giving him a huge ego boost and wanted to come across that way by telling me....

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Sun 08/10/08 06:34 AM
he sent me a message after i saw him the other nite and he said thanks for coming i was so glad u did i really did enjoy the time we had together and sorry u could not stay but it was the best sex i have had in along time.

like i said i feel weird about it...i dont know if its the whole thanks for coming thing..which hes started to say a few times now and never has before...i dont know maybe im going crazy but theres something there in the way it comes across just doesnt sound right to me....not genuine or something....does it sound normal?

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Sat 08/02/08 11:40 PM
Edited by gccrazyozgrl on Sat 08/02/08 11:41 PM
i think im losing interest in him and by the way he acts sometimes i think he might feel the same way...i want to fix things not break up but i think if i do say anything he might just say lets end it....what or how should i do or say thats going to let him know how i feel without seeming as im suggesting we break up?

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Sat 07/19/08 02:46 AM
i think my boyfriend might be cheating on me or cheating on someone with me..this is based on things ive seen on the internet about him and the fact that i caught him out on something and he's gone and changed all his profiles online so i can't find or see anything...

so i was thinking how can i find the proof and not just except his work...

i had thought maybe sending him some kind of sms message on this old number i havent used in years so he wouldnt know the number and say something like i miss you or i want you back and if he is up to something and thinks he knows who it is he proberbly wont go asking who is this incase it upsets the person...dont know...

yes i must sound crazy and just dump the guy but i'd also like to be able to catch him out because he just seems so sly lately

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Sat 07/05/08 05:55 AM
dating my man for a year, he hasn't introduced me to any of his family or friends. i haven't asked him to meet any of my friends either because i feel like he wouldn't be interested, hes met my mum and my sister before but i havent asked him to meet my dad.

i've asked him why he hasn't because everytime he mentioned a story about an ex it involved his friends or family being around in the story and he said that he doesnt do that anymore.

which doesnt make sense coz he was with an ex for 2 years before me and it sounded like i am the gf after really what makes me so different???

should i maybe open up more and get him to meet the people in my life and hopefully he might feel comfortable to do the same thing with me???

we haven't exactly had a stable relationship so maybe he doesn't feel like he can until we maybe get our **** together...

i dont know bit confused??

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Wed 05/21/08 01:51 AM
my partner wants to join the army and im not feeling so supportive of his idea. Im a child of a vietnam vetran and life hasn't been so easy and based on my experiences of living with someone who's been to war makes me feel very cautious about planning a future with my partner with the prospects that he might not be around alot and if he does go to war the effects thats going to have on him and the relationship in the future.

my partner seems a little naive about the whole idea of going to wars thinking it will be challenging and fun.

am i being selfish to think that i can't be with someone just based on really not sure if i can handle all the emotions that come with it all ive been trying to get away from it all my life how can i spend the rest of my life with in the same state just with a different person...

anyone have any suggestions to how or what to say to my partner that im worried

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Tue 02/19/08 04:37 PM
ok i didn't send a card or it's been two weeks now and here i was thinking i wouldn't here from him for a quite awhile and he sent me a text message the other day to say hi and how are things going...i didn't attempt much of a conversation coz i really didnt know what to say and its not like he tried to start any conversation which got me wondering why he bothered in the first place if he hasn't got anything to talk about in now that he's made contact it should be ok for me to contact him whenever i feel like it...should i be the one to make contact next? how long should i leave it for?

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Sun 02/10/08 07:05 PM
He didn't technically say to me "leave me alone" i had asked him wether or not he wanted to see me at all even if it was just as friends and he said not right now i need to seperate myself..he said he doesnt want to lead me on in any way for me to think that there will be a future for us relationship i took that as a leave me alone for now comment...this whole breaking up thing isnt the first time its happened with this guy although he seems so definate and sure about himself this time

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Sun 02/10/08 06:41 PM
My ex and I broke up a week ago.......he decided to end it officially things seemed to end on not so good terms...although he wants me to leave him alone so he can try to "get over me" at the moment before we consider any friendship, I'd still like him to know I care and that even though he doesn't want the relationship i'd be very happy to have him in my life just as my sending a valentines day card or maybe a flower to out of line......

is there another gesture (not on valentines day) besides talking to him at the moment perhaps again a card or something just to let him know I care.....

im not trying to chase after him and get him back, we just have a certain history that I just feel I still want him in my life even just being friends would mean alot!