Community > Posts By > blueeyez40

blueeyez40's photo
Mon 11/23/09 03:11 AM
i liked this one i saw on a neighbor's car. CAUTION: Driver doesn't give a ****! LOL

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 07/26/09 09:48 AM
Loved the post! Although i could stand to lose weight and am trying, it's a battle when u have an underactive thyroid and slow metabolism.
I saw a cute quote the other day, ''If swimming makes u thin,then explain whales to me.'' hehe

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 07/26/09 09:47 AM
Loved the post! Although i could stand to lose weight and am trying, it's a battle when u have an underactive thyroid and slow metabolism.
I saw a cute quote the other day, ''If swimming makes u thin,then explain whales to me.'' hehe

blueeyez40's photo
Tue 07/21/09 04:56 PM
would it be ok if i sat next to you and told ''people of color'' jokes? probably not, for then i'd be called predjudiced or racist.
Shame on you.

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 07/19/09 09:09 PM
I was in the Navy. Didn't have any problems unless and until some smartass said us females were ''easy'' then he reconsidered after getting his butt kicked.

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 07/19/09 10:54 AM
I'd go too and make a fresh start. Since I don't have kids or anything else holding me back.

blueeyez40's photo
Wed 07/08/09 06:04 AM
There's 1 on here from Yakima too but haven't seen him in awhile.

blueeyez40's photo
Wed 07/08/09 05:03 AM
I've seen a couple good ones hear in Yakima too.
1)CAUTION: Driver doesn't give a ****!
2)4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions.
3)Of course you can trust the federal government, just ask any indian.

blueeyez40's photo
Mon 07/06/09 04:58 AM
LMAO! Good thing I use a debit card.
I have a thought too. If swimming makes you thin, explain whales to me.:-S

blueeyez40's photo
Mon 07/06/09 01:12 AM
Thank you so much smiles for the reading. It's accuracy awestruck me.

blueeyez40's photo
Thu 07/02/09 05:59 PM
11-19-67 2:50 a.m.

blueeyez40's photo
Wed 07/01/09 11:33 PM
There are 4 rings to marriage:
Promise ring
Engagement ring
Marriage ring and

blueeyez40's photo
Wed 07/01/09 10:17 AM
Awesome tribute! At times i'd forget what i was serving for but it would always soon return. I'm a Persian Gulf War Veteran and my older brother wil soon retire from the Army like my father did from the Coast Guard.

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 06/28/09 02:44 AM
if u have yahoo messenger, go to the top once u have logged in. double click messenger, go down list, click on join chat, then click on cultures and communities from there click on crime and then choose police and fire chatroom. lot's of LE,FF,RN'S and those types of professions. I wore a uniform for 4 years having served in the Navy during the Persian Gulf War. The uniform and gear are nice, but some people tend to forget that underneath it all we're only human like every body else.

blueeyez40's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:51 PM
Never hold your farts in. They travel up your gut, then your spine, and eventually to your brain... this is what leads to ****ty ideas.

blueeyez40's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:40 PM
Not to mention there was rarely childhood obesity as we were outside playing or trying to outrun our parents with the belt when we'd gotten in trouble.

blueeyez40's photo
Tue 06/16/09 09:37 AM
I know the feeling. Took me 4 years to be approved 4 social security benefits. When the judge asked why I wasn't there, my attorney informs him i'm in the state hospital under court order. Instantly approved for benefits......dumbasses.

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 06/14/09 10:26 PM
What is 7 inches long, in a man's pants, and women love to blow??? Yep, money!

blueeyez40's photo
Sun 06/14/09 10:48 AM
A friend sent me this and it really touched me.
A girl asked a boy Do you think I'm pretty? -NO he replied. Do you want to be with me forever? Again he said NO. Would you cry if I left? Again he said NO.
She decided she'd heard enough and began to walk away tears streaming down her face.
The boy grabbed her arm and said You're not pretty you're beautiful.
I don't want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever.
I wouldn't cry without you, I'd DIE.

blueeyez40's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:19 PM
I also have yet to meet a man who doesn't like some form of porn.

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