Community > Posts By > dia_licious

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 06:49 PM

oh dear... :laughing:
well as long as your fine now flowerforyou i wish you all the best because you seem like such a genuinely nice chick.

hey i forgot to tell ya, that guy i asked ur advice on, he was flirting with me yesterday, said he remembered me because i was "the most beautiful" but he couldnt say it then. bigsmile

:) so whats going on between you two now?

nothin blushing we're just friends at the moment, i'm tryna remain single for a while

awww youre still giddy about it ;)

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:01 PM

oh dear... :laughing:
well as long as your fine now flowerforyou i wish you all the best because you seem like such a genuinely nice chick.

hey i forgot to tell ya, that guy i asked ur advice on, he was flirting with me yesterday, said he remembered me because i was "the most beautiful" but he couldnt say it then. bigsmile

:) so whats going on between you two now?

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:42 PM

why does my shoulder hurt?

there could be many reasons for that dear...

been doing any hardcore lifting/throwing/moving lately?

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:40 PM
i think i just really needed to puke up all the alcohol in consumed last night...

spent an hour hackin it all up and ruined my new tank top :( lol

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:35 PM

hey dia...flowerforyou ohwell

hey gorgeous :)

im feeling better today!

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:34 PM
anything really, as long as i have music :)

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:31 PM
im not a shallow person at all...

shallow minds are like clam shells...the dont open up very often...

ok bad analogy...

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:14 PM
first off, i would like to thank goof for making this really is a confidence booster...

and id also like to thank all of you guys for making it a fun thread. after a long rough week, you guys rock at making me smile :)

i will totally be a member of the chubscouts!

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:03 PM

I love being perved. Oh wait...wait....stop perving me. How dare you perve me! How rude!:tongue: laugh laugh laugh laugh

ill perv you if i want!!!

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:47 PM

20/21 yrs difference ok but I can't say nothing there's 18 between me and my boyfriend. He's 54 I'm 35

yeah but thats different...because you guys arent my parents lol

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:42 PM

Why do I see this board turning ugly?

because people feel the need to validate why its not acceptable to be chunky...

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:34 PM
i think that douche bag from last night needs to wear apathy body he can see what its like to have a "few extra pounds"

maybe then he wont be such an a$$...

i dont particlarly LIKE being the weight i am, but im comfortable with myself, and im slowly but surely shedding the lbs...i just wish others would see that too...

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:29 AM
i am never. drinking. again..

dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:08 AM

We're always here for you to talk to.

thats what i thought until i was told that he was too busy to talk to me...


dia_licious's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:02 AM

thank you guys, it really does mean alot to me...

since the one person that i thought would be able to give me some words of wisdom and advice is too busy in his little thread to talk to me, im just gonna go have a few more shots and take a shower...

thank you guys again

Dia. If you need someone to talk to, just email me. Seriously.

i will, thank you...

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/31/08 10:53 PM
thank you guys, it really does mean alot to me...

since the one person that i thought would be able to give me some words of wisdom and advice is too busy in his little thread to talk to me, im just gonna go have a few more shots and take a shower...

thank you guys again

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/31/08 10:04 PM

I don't have a driver's license

...or insurance...i dont even know who i stole this car from...

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/31/08 10:00 PM
"lemme guess...3 more tickets and your wife gets a brand new toaster?!?!"

"youre not gonna look in the trunk are you?"

"i didnt know they made police uniforms that big"

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:58 PM

flowers flowers flowers flowers

thank you, youre sweet :)

dia_licious's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:42 PM
thank you guys...its been a really rough night...and as much as i try to find that silver lining it doesnt seem to be in sight

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