Community > Posts By > dia_licious

dia_licious's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:11 PM

Who will be in the next Superbowl along with the Packers?


dia_licious's photo
Tue 10/28/08 06:57 PM

why am i still up?

because you cant sleep

dia_licious's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:49 AM
sorry guys, had a family emergency last night, ill be up at the hospital most of the day, ill try to get online later...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:43 PM

Do you know Chuck Norris?

nope, but i did see him in tulsa when he did some karate demo thing

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:42 PM

How much alcohol does a man that weighs 250 and stands 5'10 have to drink to be almost at the point of alcohol poisoning.

well that would depend on how his body reacts to alcohol and if youre drinking on a full stomach...usually 2 ltrs of vodka or 36 cans of .5 beer will do it...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:07 PM

Good question just wasn't excepting that one.
Tonight/today is full of the surprising

welcome to MY world :)

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

aww thanks :)

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:56 PM

Good question just wasn't excepting that one.
Tonight/today is full of the surprising

welcome to MY world :)

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:37 PM

What is your question?

i dont really have any questions...thats what everyone else is supposed to post, so i can answer them :)

I don't buy it you have one or more, so I am giving you a break:wink:

lol ok then...what is one thing that you want to accomplish before you die?

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 06:36 PM

What is your question?

i dont really have any questions...thats what everyone else is supposed to post, so i can answer them :)

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:41 PM

ok, im really that bored, so...

ask me one question. any question. im an open book...i have no shame :)

dont make it boring...


are you still bored?

i am...the questions have been dying down lately :(

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:57 PM

Whats worse, if you Partner had 30 other Partners, or 40 other partners, before youhuh

ummm well 40 would be worse for obvious reasons...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:23 PM

Your Partner love too put Vanilla Flavor on you Private Parts, and Lick it off until the only Flavor left is yoursdrool But you Hate the Smellill Do you hold your nose, or do you let them comtinue too go at ithuh

psh if theyre goin at it, who am i to stop them? ;) lol

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 03:20 PM

If you invented a pill that would allow you too live forever, and not allow you to get any older,
would you keep it secret, or tell peoplehuh

well it oculd only stay secret for so long...people are eventually going to wonder why im not getting older. i would definately market it, make some gonna need alot of money if im going to live forever you

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 02:24 PM

see chance. If you'd quit picking on me. lol Dia what are your feelings on spanking children?

another IMO answer :)

personally, im not a big spanker...tristan gets a warning, if he continues then he gets time out, if hes still at it then he has to go sit on his bed, and after that if hes STILL goin at it, THEN he gets a spanking. im more about making sure he understands what he did was wrong and understands the consequences for his actions...
that's cool you're saying it's a last resort.

well when i was a kid i got spankings and i hated made me more rebellious...
huh it just made me scared of my dad cause he was the one who always spanked me.

i had alot of courage when i was younger...i used to push the limits all the time lol

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:57 PM

see chance. If you'd quit picking on me. lol Dia what are your feelings on spanking children?

another IMO answer :)

personally, im not a big spanker...tristan gets a warning, if he continues then he gets time out, if hes still at it then he has to go sit on his bed, and after that if hes STILL goin at it, THEN he gets a spanking. im more about making sure he understands what he did was wrong and understands the consequences for his actions...
that's cool you're saying it's a last resort.

well when i was a kid i got spankings and i hated made me more rebellious...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:28 PM

see chance. If you'd quit picking on me. lol Dia what are your feelings on spanking children?

another IMO answer :)

personally, im not a big spanker...tristan gets a warning, if he continues then he gets time out, if hes still at it then he has to go sit on his bed, and after that if hes STILL goin at it, THEN he gets a spanking. im more about making sure he understands what he did was wrong and understands the consequences for his actions...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:05 PM

why dont u answer mine?

what questions would that be?

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:00 PM

here we go agian

psh whateva chance. dont hate :)

i love answering questions...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 12:54 PM

What makes purple purple?

the combination of blue and red...

dia_licious's photo
Mon 10/27/08 12:15 PM

how amny ridges does a dime have?

i think its around 120-ish, cant say ive ever really counted. but i do remember watching about the dept of us treasury and learning aobut the currency
damn are u likie some sort of enstein?

nah, i just like to learn, hense i watch channels like the history channel lol

you never answered if u were gonna run for president?

lol i dont think this country could handle me as president
ok u can be my sexatary lmao

lol gee thanks

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