Community > Posts By > northrn_yanke

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Tue 03/11/08 01:07 PM

question: did this happen BECAUSE she's illegal? or was it just an honest mistake? would the same mistake have ever happened to a citizen?

what type of restitution should she receive?

it was just an honest mistake like anyone can make...and restitution?....nothing because if she wasn't illegal she wouldn't have been held in the first now she isn't not being held until the trial like she was going to be after the initial hearing...

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Tue 03/11/08 12:59 PM
Her husband, Cruz, said he thought his wife was being held in the Washington County Jail.

maybe if the family wasn't illegal her husband wouldn't had to think where she was and would made a few phone calls...noway

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Tue 03/11/08 12:48 PM

i feel that the born in the united states


is abused greatly

i believe that this cluse was established for those legally in the country

not for whom ever sneaks across any borders

but i am taking liberty in saying this

so maybe it is incorrect

I think you're right and it makes sense so that a child born in the US isn't born without a country. I think it was a welcoming gesture to immigrants who came here legally but now the illegals are using it to their advantage. The sad fact is the poor child is being used as a pawn by their parents. These types of parents should never have children...

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Tue 03/11/08 12:40 PM

i'll tell you what terrorists support, ignorant dumbass crap like that which ruins our nation.

drinker drinker drinker drinker

I totally agree. They aren't dumb and they actually use some of this stuff to manipulate the people (much like the NVA/Vietcong did in Vietnam. Worked then and is working now.

when they read some of the posts in here they'll be happy that there are a few already manipulated and supporting the terrorists..

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Tue 03/11/08 12:37 PM

you can't even grasp the point?....well no wonder you can't understand what you post has no value...I guess your one of those that just keep plugging along in their own miserable world trying to make everyone else's just as miserable...

you know you want

you think?...well maybe I good are you cleaning toilets and putting out thing though you'll have to put out the trash the nite before or they may mistaken you for trash and leave the real trash behind if you put it out the morning of...

oh got it bad for me dont ya?smooched

no but I'm sure your neighborhood dogs sure do...

cant stand it when you dont have the last word doncha?

it's not that...I want to make sure that with your twisted mind you don't show up at my doorstep and my dog is a capitalist and has been trained to kill socialists on site...if you want the last word then please take it..I didn't know this was a contest...

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Tue 03/11/08 12:21 PM

you can't even grasp the point?....well no wonder you can't understand what you post has no value...I guess your one of those that just keep plugging along in their own miserable world trying to make everyone else's just as miserable...

you know you want

you think?...well maybe I good are you cleaning toilets and putting out thing though you'll have to put out the trash the nite before or they may mistaken you for trash and leave the real trash behind if you put it out the morning of...

oh got it bad for me dont ya?smooched

no but I'm sure your neighborhood dogs sure do...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:03 PM

you can't even grasp the point?....well no wonder you can't understand what you post has no value...I guess your one of those that just keep plugging along in their own miserable world trying to make everyone else's just as miserable...

you know you want

you think?...well maybe I good are you cleaning toilets and putting out thing though you'll have to put out the trash the nite before or they may mistaken you for trash and leave the real trash behind if you put it out the morning of...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:23 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/11/08 10:24 AM

oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world...yawn

I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now....:angry:

maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them...

your comments are thinly veiled attempts to antagonize and get a rise out of me. I dont know why you personalize everything I say,and then attack me... maybe your hot for me..? :wink:

hot for you??...I despise want to take my earnings and spread it out to pay for the people who lack the ambition be self reliant...and my comments are not attempts to antagonize comments are my opinion of you and those like you...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 10:18 AM
Speaking from north of the border the issue with these workers is I wonder what their real purpose for entering the country was not work related since they left the employment position that they legally held. It is a well known fact that it is easy to slip across the US border from Canada than it is by any other means how long will it be before they have stricter controls at this border and cause hardship to us who legally cross the border. This overly pc government up here needs to grow a backbone and deal with immigration in a realistic manner...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:15 AM

Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider...

We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917.
We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941.
We could have let Russia take over after 1945.
We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's
We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990.

The question is, would you want to live in that world?

The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world.
The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself.

oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world...yawn

I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now....:angry:

maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:13 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/11/08 08:13 AM

Everyone lives in a glass house... just make sure you get dressed in the basement.

let me guess....your voting democrat...laugh laugh

laugh let me guess, you're not getting dressed in the basement??? laugh laugh laugh laugh

I wonder if you really understand what your posting..

:wink: dont struggle laugh laugh I am just having fun... I know exactly what I am saying, just keeping topic light :wink:

believe me I'm not struggling...the only problem I have is having to lower my standards to respond to some of the garbage that is posted...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:09 AM

you missed responding to this part, I'm sure you didn't deliberately ignore it......

All they do is troll the websites for negativity about our president, our country, and even our military. All these people do is cut/paste/post items that are meant to bring on an onslaught of viciousness and take us all down another depressing road.

didnt miss it...Im sure there are plenty of websites one can "troll" to find positive things....cut/past your own.... what is your(yank) point????

you can't even grasp the point?....well no wonder you can't understand what you post has no value...I guess your one of those that just keep plugging along in their own miserable world trying to make everyone else's just as miserable...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:57 AM

Everyone lives in a glass house... just make sure you get dressed in the basement.

let me guess....your voting democrat...laugh laugh

laugh let me guess, you're not getting dressed in the basement??? laugh laugh laugh laugh

I wonder if you really understand what your posting..

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:44 AM


You have put forth some food for thought, but there is no trend of "Let's not talk about the bad; let's only praise the good." Take a look at these political sites. Where and when is there talk about the good? There are certain people on this site who have never posted a positive thing. All they do is troll the websites for negativity about our president, our country, and even our military. All these people do is cut/paste/post items that are meant to bring on an onslaught of viciousness and take us all down another depressing road.

Just as an example of the above, take a look at the site on the President's Shuffle. The President does some dancing and it is turned into a Bush-bashing event. I still don't understand how anything so basic as dancing can be turned into such a mean thread. I suppose if Bush had turned out to be a Fred Astaire, the posters would have shouted he was showing off and not displaying modesty. So, I repeat once more that I disagree with your statement that there is a trend of "Let's not talk about the bad; let's only praise the good." If there were such a trend, our country would be a lot better for it.

...the idea that a "noble" profession like firefighters should be protected and that any talk about a few rotten apples was disrespectful of that profession was the focus of my original comment.
As far as the Bush shuffle incident..well what can I tell you? Politics is dirty business, politicians dont deserve the same respect as firefighters (in my opinion) because they are elected to serve the interests of ALL the people. Firefighters, Paramedics and other human services providers do what they do willingly, sure they get paid, its a small compensation for putting their lives on the line for others.
Politicians..? hell if they cant stand the heat they should get out of the kitchen...remember Ford?? the guy fell down a couple of times and they were all over him and it never comes with the territory.

you missed responding to this part, I'm sure you didn't deliberately ignore it......

All they do is troll the websites for negativity about our president, our country, and even our military. All these people do is cut/paste/post items that are meant to bring on an onslaught of viciousness and take us all down another depressing road.

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:35 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/11/08 07:35 AM

Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider...

We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917.
We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941.
We could have let Russia take over after 1945.
We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's
We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990.

The question is, would you want to live in that world?

The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world.
The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself.

oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world...yawn

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:32 AM

Oh Christ on a stick........

I've about had it with everyones holyer than tho attitude, show me one person who is in power that isn't corrupt in one way or another, so this guy likes to get laid..... I can think of things much worse.

Yes, it is illegal

Yes, he should uphold the law

Yes, he has a moral obligation to his family and the people that put him in power....

But for one, to point out that he is Hilary's friend, is simply propoganda, did she arrange the meeting, did she have knowledge of it? I would venture to say NO she didn't. Just as she could not control what her husband did.

No, it is not OK that people in power abuse it, but for Christ sake, getting laid is not as horrible as using tax money that could be used to help the people in this country to fight wars in other countries that are not our business.

So the guy gets his rocks off by paying for sex... would you be so upset if it was the guy down the street? No, you wouldn't give it another thought.

Everyone lives in a glass house... just make sure you get dressed in the basement.

let me guess....your voting democrat...laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:23 AM
Lindyy...I trust your son's view on how some people judge those in professions like his...I do know that the majority of people however highly respect your son and his peers. It is disturbing when we hear of what some people as these volunteers did but the unreported valor that your son and his peers perform on a daily basis paramounts the reported stories of misdeeds...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 06:07 AM
They also included he probably won't get anything from this event

I think they are a little late...from what I heard he got everything he asked and paid for at that "event"...laugh

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 06:05 AM
well being north of the border we need as much snow as possible to build our igloos...bigsmile

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Tue 03/11/08 06:02 AM
For those who think that the illegal workers should be given the legal right to work in the US take a look at what the foreign workers who are legally let into Canada to work do....they don't even have to sneak into Canada anymore...noway

March 11, 2008

Foreign workers ditching jobs worry employer
The Calgary Sun

Temporary foreign workers are ditching the jobs they'd agreed to take, melding with the population, and Ottawa appears incapable of keeping track of them, says a city employer.

Brad Petitclerc, who runs an auto detailing shop, said two Filipino staffers he recruited recently on a two-year work permit quit after working only a few weeks and are now probably working illegally.

When he voiced concerns to federal officials that such workers could be engaged in criminal activities after gaining entrance to the country as badly needed labour, authorities shrugged it off, said Petitclerc.

"The immigration people asked me 'are they involved in illegal activity?' And I said 'I don't know -- I'm not going to stalk them,' " said Petitclerc, adding he was told unless there's proof the men are engaged in illegal activity, there's nothing Ottawa can do.

"They just disappeared into the sunset ... the federal government isn't regulating anything."

He said foreign workers need a fresh Labour Market Opinion issued by the federal government if they switch to a new job, but it takes about three months to receive one.

"And they pretty much have to work, or be involved in really illegal activity," said Petitclerc.

He said an uncle who operates a landscaping outfit has had Mexican workers quickly leave his business.

In 2006, more than 22,000 foreign workers came to Alberta compared to just 7,000 in 1997

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