Ever been
Honestly yes I have. I'm in that situation now. Thing is I wouldn't have giving him a second look 10 yrs ago but now I can't go a day without talking to him. He waited 3 yrs for me to deal with pain from a broken heart and is there for me and my kids. Especially my daughter, who I will have to explain to one day that the man she calls daddy is not really her dad. Yet he's the one whose been here for her. My perfect
I think it depends on the recipe or personal preference.
friends with "benefits"
Derek I'm just curious why the total change in opinion on FWB. I understand you were reborn but to totally change your opinion.
gay marriage goes against everything god intended for the people. A man and a Woman should be married to go off and reproduce etc. what does god have to do with it ----------- Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. --------- that says leave god out of it so till you find a nonreligious argument i agree it should be legal |
friends with "benefits"
FWB can turn into something more special and sometimes yes it can ruin a friendship. I look at it this way you never know til you try.
Rapunzel How is your daughter doing? How are you doing?
I want some
I want someone to find the cause of the flu and strep throat. That and get rid of them.
Like I said I love my grandmother dearly she's just grouchy. We ate to much and still have left-overs or at least she does. I only left with a plate for my boyfriend who had to work.
Rapunzel you'll remain in my prayers angel mother
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I did. Me and the kids went to my grandmothers. Grouchy old woman but I love her. Then I stayed in bed all day Saturday and most of Sunday with the flu. Still not over it but I can't stand being in bed anymore.
Walk up and ask to borrow some sugar. Then attempt to kiss her.
Wierdest thing I've ever eaten. I must admit was home-made soup with spinach or if I'm daring enough what ever my grandmother concock as a new recipe. Soup with spinach was my dad's doing and we've never let him live it down.
Worst I've had used on me was "Excuse me are you alone?" When the IDIOT just saw me walk in the store ALONE. Hello He had 3 guesses and the first 9 didn't count.
Thanks again and both my kids are my angels. I also look at they are my BIGGEST inspiration to keep going. Another thing is they are our best teachers and they don't even know it.
I'm trying to stay positive and look at everything from the point of she doesn't know what she's missing. I will keep everyone posted.
I'm pretty upset....
OK what are the seats in Charlotte made of GOLD or something
Thanks to everyone of ya'll. NJmom I didn't mean to make it sound as though you were being negative about normal kids. Z'Anna has Cortical Vision Impairment I think that's what it's called. Her brain doesn't registar what her eyes are seeing. Yes I've been crying my head off. As I'm sure I will many times again. Our next obsticale is her hearing. One Dr tells me her hearing is fine but I'm getting a second opinion because how many kids don't respond when someone else drops something right next to them. My son dropped a glass right next to Z'Anna and she never moved, flinched, or nothing.
I got news back today from my daughters eye Dr.. She is legally blind. I'm on the brink of tears but at the same time I had a feeling she was blind.
Njmom to define normal is hard because to these special kids. They are normal aren't they? They all feel, smell, see, hear and taste. Just may not be like everyone else, so to me they are normal. We love them all the same too.
Last time was...
I'm just saying in general not nessesarily on a date.