Community > Posts By > littleredhen
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Sat 01/17/09 05:36 PM
The old way to check was to twist the leg, the leg should move easily in the socket. This would reflect a temp of 180, as Justme suggested.
lol havnt done this for a while im baking a whole chicken <5 1/2 lbs.> at 350 how long do u suggest? im using a cooking bag guess is an hour... of course im not always right! ![]() Iv'e never used the cooking bags,but the usual guideline for poultry is 20 minutes per lb, unstuffed. Smaller birds need to be checked sooner. Maybe the bag will speed it up.I check with a thermomiter in the thigh & breast. Lowest reading should be 165. I Hope this helps. |
Just ask JustAGuy - part 5
I knew, the difference is the berry is whole with a skin & steam builds up. I don't like making blueberry pancakes.
i think ,
Oh good! Thanks for letting us know !
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Actually, some of them are successful business people, lawyers & politicians. Charming & ruthless.
Which are you?
I believe each should do what they are most efficient at,also considering thier work schedule, & what they prefer doing. In my case that would probably tend to lean towards some traditional roles.
I prefer to clean the bathroom myself,that way I know it's done to my satisfaction. I don't want someone cooking in my kitchen unless they know what they are doing,& understand basic rules. If they do, it's really nice to come home sometimes & have dinner started,& not be afraid to eat it. I don't like my chicken rare. I will get pissed if you cut onions or meat on my bread board. |
More Stripping in the News
Littlered I agree. We are now raising a generation of children who will believe that it is completely normal to be subjected to constant video monitoring as well. Makes me want to puke. My daughter & I had this discussion after Columbine. I told her if she ever felt she was in danger at school she was to LEAVE, go to the nearest phone & call me. I told her to trust her own judgement about where she is safest. I'd rather have her suspended than in danger. She knew I'd back her up. You would not believe the fire drills where I work! They have the herd trained to head down a hall, away from the nearest exit, past 2 rooms full of chemicals, pass 2 more exits & all go through the same double door at the end of the hall. I head in the opposite direction, get out, walk around the OUTSIDE of the building & meet them in the parking lot. They are worried about people falling out back because it's not shoveled & salted. SCREW THAT! I am getting out of the building! I am not being crushed at that designated exit, I am not staying in a building with cyanide or smoke. People are getting STUPID! |
More Stripping in the News
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Sat 01/17/09 08:57 AM
Our children are being raised to accept lack of privacy & total submission to authority figures. My kid would not have allowed this, she would have raised such a fuss they would have needed 4 big men & a soundproof room, & when Momma arrived, LOOKOUT!
Just ask JustAGuy - part 5
Yes. Yes it is. But ya know what?? You talked yourself out of wanting it...but the job, it would seem, wants YOU. Apparently you were all knowing and wise once again, JAG...the job wants me! I've been told a Board member will contact me no later than Tuesday to offer for me and negotiate my contract. I am still a little overwhelmed by the way this has all been very surreal. I'm excited but still in a state of shock, I think! Wow... Thank you for your support and friendship, everyone! CONGRATULATIONS! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
i think ,
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I'm Confused.
![]() Why are you putting up with this? You don't need a big,lazy,smartmouthed kid hanging out out your place & telling your child that your rules don't have to be respected. You deserve so much more! |
Girls, when can a guy relax?
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Fri 01/16/09 11:43 AM
Girls, when can a guy relax?
I was taught go to the bathroom or outside.
Seperated means still married. There are many degrees of seperation & many reasons why people may not be divorced yet, but I don't want to be involved with someone who is still married. I don't even want to be the 1st girlfriend after the divorce. I want the ink dry & the bouncing from the rebound over.
| leave your table to use the rest room. You notice another person is also using the facilities. The person exits without washing their hands. You return to your table only to be greeted by the person who was in the rest room with you. That person is your server. How do you react? There's alot of germs on the door handle they grabbed to get out of the bathroom. I use a paper towel to open the door after washing my hands. Winx, that used to be taught in the sanitation classes for food workers. Touching the handle on the way out makes washing pointless. |
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Fri 01/16/09 08:39 AM
This thread should be retitled... WHY SOME OF YOU ARE STILL SINGLE. If you take offense to that so be it, ripping other people apart isn't quite the best impression to make to anyone looking to date you. Don't like someones profile, move on? Is it really that hard to do. Everyone always uses the classic defense "I'm free to give my opinion", well this is my opinion. Different people, different opinions.. and the world still goes on. The whole point of a profile is to give you some insight into someone you "may" be interested in. If you hate the one liners or the other garbage you see there, you just saved yourself time and effort. So be greatful every profile isn't picture perfect.. saves you the time of finding out someone was never right for you in the first place. Can't believe i actually read all the pages on this post.. so much bitterness.. Best of luck on your search for true love. I agree. There are some people here that would like to customize the site & exclude anyone that does not meet thier prerequisites. I would not consider a relationship with most people here because most would not be compatable with me but that's a big reason I am here; it's a way of screening incompatable people before you get into an awkward social situation. I still enjoy reading profiles & chatting with people of varied interests & ideas after I have decided there could be no romance. |
It's -18 in Western Wisconsin.
Genetic Anxiety
I'd like to see what happens when they medicate the s/l monkeys.
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Thu 01/15/09 11:12 AM
There are comments after this article. One poster claims to know the family & stated they had drug & drinking problems & family services had been involved with them before. |
Genetic Anxiety