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Topic: Girls, when can a guy relax?
no photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:54 PM
And actually fart out aloud?

6 months?


Its all natural, but pls give me some feedback. U know u do it. Silent but deadly ones...I hate those :-)

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:56 PM
Never. You're under constant surveillance as far as that's concerned. And you're pretty much boned if you're caught.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:07 PM
A guy can NEVER relax.

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:08 PM
get a pickle

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:12 PM
A bloody one at that.

Tromette's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:12 PM
You should always get it out of the way on the very first date.

You should do it right on her. Like her thigh or something.

Trust me. She will not be able to wait to take you home.

michala's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:12 PM
the guy I'm seeing farted on our first date and excused himself right away. we are all grownups as long as you excuse yourself and don't do any "pull my finger" bits or the like you should be okay. just don't be excessive. its natural, but it can get really rank.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:18 PM

And actually fart out aloud?

6 months?


Its all natural, but pls give me some feedback. U know u do it. Silent but deadly ones...I hate those :-)
:smile: 1yr:smile:

Derekkye's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:20 PM

the guy I'm seeing farted on our first date and excused himself right away. we are all grownups as long as you excuse yourself and don't do any "pull my finger" bits or the like you should be okay. just don't be excessive. its natural, but it can get really rank.

i wonder who was more embarrassed

michala's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:22 PM

the guy I'm seeing farted on our first date and excused himself right away. we are all grownups as long as you excuse yourself and don't do any "pull my finger" bits or the like you should be okay. just don't be excessive. its natural, but it can get really rank.

i wonder who was more embarrassed

why would I be embarassed that he farted?

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:24 PM
So making weird music with it is completely out of question then? lol

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:25 PM
I really dont know know every one makes such a big deal out of all that,unless there childish and play stupid little games.thanks it funny
there aint a prob

were all human it happens

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:26 PM
Edited by moofooga on Thu 01/15/09 11:27 PM
It's all a double-standard-

When guys break wind, it's "farting" or "cutting the cheese". Ladies, on the other hand, don't "fart"... they "aerate".

So of course they're gonna say something when that happens.

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:32 PM

It's all a double-standard-

When guys break wind, it's "farting" or "cutting the cheese". Ladies, on the other hand, don't "fart"... they "aerate".

So of course they're gonna say something when that happens.

aka "stealth bomb" silent but deadly. LOL.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 12:20 AM

And actually fart out aloud?

6 months?


Its all natural, but pls give me some feedback. U know u do it. Silent but deadly ones...I hate those :-)

On average, men and women fart 14 times in a day. That's roughly, 28 farts to share. -snif- Oh, I didn't remember eating that.

Holly4459's photo
Fri 01/16/09 12:23 AM
<-------*farting right now*.......pffffffft

keepthehope's photo
Fri 01/16/09 01:10 AM
I didn't think that there was a set time. Don't be rude about it and like someone said, apologize for it!

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 01/16/09 01:45 AM
It all depends on how frou-frou the woman is.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 01:54 AM

So making weird music with it is completely out of question then? lol

That's what belches are for.

papersmile's photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:06 AM

the guy I'm seeing farted on our first date and excused himself right away. we are all grownups as long as you excuse yourself and don't do any "pull my finger" bits or the like you should be okay. just don't be excessive. its natural, but it can get really rank.

awwww the 'pull my finger' is the very best part of it.

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