Community > Posts By > LoisBl

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Mon 06/11/12 11:22 AM
There are many things that I wish I didn't know and there are bunches of times that I have thought that it would be better not to be smart enough to figure something out.

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Mon 06/11/12 11:19 AM

Does avoiding the police count as a hobby?

No, but whatever you do to get them to look for you might!

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Sun 06/10/12 12:13 PM

i know where i'm at; this is the only state that would vote for newt gingrich. it ain't just politics, white georgians outside of metro atlanta, would keep black people in chains or football fields. georgia state university just announced that more blacks are graduating from there than any other school in the state and one day later, a board meeting was called to up the admission's scores. this is the state that would rather send illegals somewhere else, as long as they don't have to deal with them now that the housing boom is over and they have legal somali's and russians to fill the void.
between the two numbers?

So either every black person voted like 5 times or some other races voted for him..

I reject the race is a factor reasoning because he has a record on the economy and its a failure..

Jimmy Carter was a white from Georgia and he lost his a$$ in 1980 because his economic record was a failure..

You can keep going down the road of race..

But it is just another excuse in a last ditch effort to make this election about anything but his failure on the economy..

You have to remember, lots of dead people voted too!

I would not vote for Gingrich unless he were running against Obama. I think that you are thinking about the good ol' boy mentality, and I really hope that that isn't so prevelant anymore.

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Sun 06/10/12 12:08 PM

i know where i'm at; this is the only state that would vote for newt gingrich. it ain't just politics, white georgians outside of metro atlanta, would keep black people in chains or football fields. georgia state university just announced that more blacks are graduating from there than any other school in the state and one day later, a board meeting was called to up the admission's scores. this is the state that would rather send illegals somewhere else, as long as they don't have to deal with them now that the housing boom is over and they have legal somali's and russians to fill the void.

atlanta has always been known as "the mecca of black america." i'll never understand that crap. sure it has great houses for the money, good colleges, but they don't educate the masses unless they come out of gwinnett county. so, who gives a rat's *** about you saying, "it's political." it's always been about race. the reason you won't vote for obama is (1) he's black, (2) you think he's a muslim, (3) he's black and (4) if you were being led down an alley, you'd rather it be someone that looked like you.

i got news for you, americans would rather have someone in the white house that looks black, than a mormon or a jew. so it's about race!

The only reason that I would vote for Newt is that he is not Obama.

Is Obama black? I don't care. I would vote for a mormon or a jew if I agreed with their policies. I try to stay out of alleys.

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Sun 06/10/12 12:01 PM

Perhaps it will at least help people with the words in the OP. That would be nice.

It seems that me and I are the only ones who are bothered by the butchering of the King's English.

Here's one for all us sports fans. Whatever happened to athletic ability? All I hear today is "athleticism". I guess the dumb ex-jocks think it makes them sound smarter.

It bothers me too, but not enough to fuss over. I also notice punctuation errors. Maybe I'm just anal.

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Sun 06/10/12 07:34 AM
If I smoked, that commercial would only get me to quit watching t.v.!

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Sat 06/09/12 11:51 AM
I am late to this thread. I would advise anyone who has not read the Bible through to start in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They tell about the life on earth of Jesus our Savior and how to be born again. These books are fairly simple to understand.

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Sat 06/09/12 11:41 AM
Education has nothing to do with intelligence. I think that if we have to dumb down for our mate, that perhaps we should not be together.

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Sat 06/09/12 11:27 AM
Remember, this is Georgia! It is a red state. Most of us voted against him once and will not hesitate to do so again. I don't care that he's a democrat. I care that his policies are failing and that the country is going farther and farther into the hole.

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Thu 06/07/12 02:06 PM
I am wondering if crematoriums will be able to sell off fat as another source of energy.

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Wed 06/06/12 02:32 PM
John was referred to as the disciple whom Christ loved.

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Mon 06/04/12 10:20 AM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!drinker :banana: flowers

A late happy birthday Liz!

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 09:32 AM

OH? you wanted something cute?

Great pictures! I wish I could give you a hug! Or a snuggle.

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Sat 06/02/12 09:30 AM
Are women with manual cars a minority?

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Sat 06/02/12 09:26 AM
I would hope for the best, but expect the worst. Expect this person to renege but don't give them a reason to.

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Sat 06/02/12 09:22 AM
What was your request?

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Sat 06/02/12 09:20 AM

There has been nothing wrong with your posts. I need no apology as no offense has been done. Go easy on yourself, its probably just the meds making you sensitive. Go to your doctor and get something to help you sleep. hugs.

Uh, the OP of this thread was posted a few months earlier. I returned. Didn't you get the warning?

Welcome back! I didn't even realize that you had been gone! Ooops!

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Sat 06/02/12 09:19 AM

I want to apologize to everyone for my conduct and ill-chosen words during the last few days.

For the last 3 months I have been struggling with a medical disorder that has left me crippled to the point that I can no longer work. Without medication, I experience severe bouts of pain. A little more than a week ago, a neurologist gave me a prescription for a drug that is supposed to keep my pain at a tolerable level. However, the medication has unpleasant side-effects. One of them is chronic insomnia. This has resulted in me being sleep deprived and having cloud thoughts. At time I act as if I am intoxicated when I am not.
The effect of the medication has resulted in my poor judgment while posting things. Now that I have obtained some sleep, I can see what I have done.

I enjoy my participation here, and I value the people here who have befriended me. However, it may not be wise for me to continue being active in the forums. So, I will cease participation in the forums until such time that my condition improves. I will continue to use private messaging to communicate with anyone who is still willing to talk to me.

I am also suffering from a back condition that makes me unable to work. It is hard. And the meds are hard too. I do hope that things get better for you, and no, I have not noticed you saying things that are too terribly inappropriate. I come here and spend too much time on the web because there is not a lot of other stuff than I can do at this point. Please do not give up your Mingle2 activity, I appreciate the diversity.

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Sat 06/02/12 09:14 AM
Did you know that I am going to stay out of public pools and spend less time sitting?

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Sat 06/02/12 09:12 AM