Community > Posts By > IAreRei

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:11 PM

Every girl should have a gay guy friend, it's a must............. Think of all the fashion tips you could exchange 9 gay guys are good at this) AND they know how to B*TCH ever so well........... I for one would not like to upset them! And no, I do not think the problem lays with you, people are more open and honest about their sexuality now-a-days and society is far more tolerant, just look at "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."
I actually do have one fairly decent gay friend. I was actually his "boyfriend" for a night a few months ago lol

But he talks about his drama more than tips or anything lol

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:09 PM

seems you like the wild side of life...hanging around folks that are or turn gay will be the least of your worries.............pick a new crowd of people to be with.........noway noway noway
I'm not even all that wild though. I am actually pretty innocent compared to my friends lol.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:03 PM


perhaps you should try to hang with a different crowd. maybe it's just the social circle you happen to find yourself.

and no i haven't had that problem. i long for a gay friend though bigsmile

I do have quite a few gay and lesbian friends.. but I was with my best friend Meg and two other straight guy friends when I thought I was getting hit on : D
I should have known that no straight man would compliment my style lol.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:02 PM

I would fight to eliminate all the stupid people from the planet.
But if we didn't have stupid people, we wouldn't realize how smart we really are : D

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:00 PM
Not have my house go into foreclosure =/

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 02:58 PM
So... I seem to have a problem.. or ...something:

I feel as though I turn men gay and/or gravitate gay men to me. My first relationship ended up with my ex boyfriend turning gay and experimenting with guys and such.

My second relationship... though he never came out of the closet.. I am fairly certain that he was and is gay.

The last relationship I was in.. well he didn't officially go gay but he did admit that he used to think that he liked guys...

And while those are the only times that relationships have gone the wrong way.. in the past two days I have two gay guys compliment me.. but it was rather obviously that they were gay.

WHAT THE CRAP? Where are all the straight men? And why can't they compliment me? Not that I don't like gay guys.. but they are into guys so obviously it would never work out =P

Do I have a problem here?

Does anyone have this same issue?

IAreRei's photo
Sat 04/18/09 10:13 PM
Not one bit : D

IAreRei's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:06 PM

p.s. I love you : D

IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:11 PM
Aww thanks guys : D
You made my night

IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:13 PM

I've never asked a guy out either
LOL! Aw thanks.. I don't feel so alone now :)

IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:10 PM
True.. I guess I could "grow a pair" so to speak.
And if I get rejected then I get rejected.
First step would be finding guys in my own area first lol.

Thanks Liz =)

IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:07 PM
Well usually guys make the first move and ask me out and such..but I guess I'm just kind of afraid of rejection to ask a guy out..and then if it doesn't work out I would feel bad.. because I have too many feelings and care about people no matter what.. so I always feel bad when I have to let some one down.
=/ sigh for being human.

IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:04 PM
I don't think I have ever asked a guy out...or even asked them out to see a movie.


IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:02 AM
Aw I wish I had a motorcycle.. but I have a bicycle...and a car : D

IAreRei's photo
Thu 04/16/09 07:41 AM
I am actually up after the crack of down, but before noon so I can fully enjoy this wonderful morning that I see outside.

I am just wishing everyone else a wonderful morning and a wonderful day over all =)

-Love'ems from Jess <3

IAreRei's photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:19 PM

She's So High Above Me By Tal Bachman
OMG! I freaking love that song! And now it's going to be stuck in my head all day, but I don't mind. It's a good tune.

Thanks =)

IAreRei's photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:12 PM
Oh boy : D
Are you really sure you want to know how much of a nerd I am?

Well.. like I said I started using the Internet when I was around 10 years old and a few years after that I got into Anime and such which is Japanese Animation.

I frequented Anime sites but never really had a good user name.. until I asked a friend to give me a good one and he recommended Rei, from Neon Genesis Evangelion which is som Sci-Fi ish Anime. I never really watched it, but she had blue hair so I thought that was B.A.

So the name Rei stuck and now I use that for pretty much all of my names.. but not being the only human on the planet to know/and like the name Rei I decided that I needed to change up my username.. so I was going to use IAmRei .. but I figured... normal English is boring.. so I made it IAreRei which is totally incorrect grammar.. BUT! It can also be thought of as the IRA lol.

So yep.. I use IAreRei for pretty much every chat site : D cuz I'm a total nerd..and now everyone knows. tears

IAreRei's photo
Wed 04/15/09 01:59 PM

Why am I so open and free and talkative online when if I hang out with a guy in real life I get all shy..even if he knows everything about me and we've been talking for a while?

I feel like I'm living two lives and I dislike it because the hyper-active sort of person that I am online is who I really am and I show my true self to my friends but I guess I just have a hard time opening up to guys?

Perhaps its the fact that I have been hurt and my trust in mankind has withered over the years =/ but I wish I didn't feel like I was lying to people.

Firstly, if ur shy, then that is who u really r too....if ur distrustful, thats different imo.

Ur 19, and will prob experience heartache more than once in ur life, like the rest of us, thats life unfortunately. At 19, u have only just begun to experience life as an adult, so im guessing u dont have too much experience just yet.

Also, where do lies connect to this? wat lies r u telling?

I'm not really telling lies.. but by being so open and what not on here.. I feel like I am not being truthful in person.
Like my ex for example.. even though I actually met him in real life.. I was much more talkative online than I was when we hung out =/

But I guess everyone is right.. I am 19 but I feel older.. and I don't have a whole lot of experience to be worrying =/

IAreRei's photo
Wed 04/15/09 12:17 PM

It's easy to be talkative and extrovert online because nobody on an internet site knows you nor ever will. Opinions of internet people don't really matter and therefore you don't have to be accountable for what you say, so you feel more relaxed and say what's on your mind. In fact, it's almost as if you're just talking to yourself, thinking out loud, or writing in a diary.
Ah.. that is quite true. But usually I end up meeting the people I talk to online.. but it's been a while since I've dared to step outside my house.

IAreRei's photo
Wed 04/15/09 12:09 PM
I'm not the only one then? =/

Part of the problem could be that I pretty much grew up on the internet..I think I was about 10 yrs old when I first learned all about it so I'm just more comfortable typing than talking in person?

-le sigh-

But I've grown less shy over time also =)