Community > Posts By > IAreRei

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 08:23 AM

It's raining here and work is busy, but I'm in a good mood :smile:.
That's good.. I'm not really in a good or bad mood. Just kind of ready to go home already.. but I have one class left at 12:30 and I always eat my lunch before that class starts, Pb&J today! Yum! <3

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 08:15 AM

you are very welcome you have to email Lilbug to give her your home address...have you done that
Of course =)

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 08:12 AM
We can talk about life... : D tv, the news..
I'm not even sure what the big news stories are recently : D
Anything wacky in the world? =/

And no LilyPetal.. rain is not better =/ It didn't do anything for my hair

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 08:08 AM
Well.. I will give it a try =)

Thanks DragonFly

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 07:58 AM
I agree with ledi : D

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 07:52 AM
I, much like the Walrus.. am bored as well.

Perhaps if it were a nice day outside I could go for a walk.. around campus.. like the loner I am lol : D

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 07:50 AM
Ditto =/
I had a long weekend and had my first class this morning at 8:30 and I had to shower.. so now my hair looks like crap and I'm tired.

Oh and it's raining.. joy.

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 07:49 AM

stop going to gay bars
I've only been to a gay bar once and even they hated me : D They changed the age to 21 and up recently


IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 07:49 AM

scared Don't date this personscared
What? =(

IAreRei's photo
Mon 04/20/09 07:47 AM
Hello fellow mingle-ers!

How is everything this morning?

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:56 PM

So... I seem to have a problem.. or ...something:

I feel as though I turn men gay and/or gravitate gay men to me. My first relationship ended up with my ex boyfriend turning gay and experimenting with guys and such.

My second relationship... though he never came out of the closet.. I am fairly certain that he was and is gay.

The last relationship I was in.. well he didn't officially go gay but he did admit that he used to think that he liked guys...

And while those are the only times that relationships have gone the wrong way.. in the past two days I have two gay guys compliment me.. but it was rather obviously that they were gay.

WHAT THE CRAP? Where are all the straight men? And why can't they compliment me? Not that I don't like gay guys.. but they are into guys so obviously it would never work out =P

Do I have a problem here?

Does anyone have this same issue?

To be fair, the only guy you can positively identify as gay in that group of guys you mentioned, is the your first. The second "gay" identification is tenuous at best and unfair to him (and flamboyant straight men everywhere) at worst. The third told you something that at best identifies him as confused,and at worst, Bi. I think you are putting far too much energy into this worrying business; three men is hardly a sufficiently large sampling to base any sound conclusions on. You are a very attractive woman (compliment from a straight man - I promise you that!!!)and still young, you have years ahead to attract straight men and you will, so stop obsessing over the one confirmed gay boyfriend and get on with a full life. After all - it's raining men around here!

Perhaps I cursed myself a few years ago when saying that I wished I had gay friends...and now I have plenty.. but now I just need some good straight friends/ potential boyfriend(s).. lol

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:54 PM

I've actually never had a chick hit on me to be honest lol.

how U doin'. hubba hubba bigsmile


Huzzah! There's a first : D
Lol thanks hun.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:47 PM

Well, I'm straighter than a laser beam and I think you're pretty darn cute. flowerforyou

So there's a compliment from a guy who's not gay.

And I have that same problem. Unfortunately just about the only people who ever hit on me are gay guys.

Huzzah! : D It's good to know that I am still attractive to some straight guys out there lol

Thank you hun =)
And here's a compliment from a chick who is also fairly straight.. you're quite the cute one yourself.

I've actually never had a chick hit on me to be honest lol.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:35 PM

AH... I wouldn't worry so much about who you hang around with, your friends are YOUR friends.

In my opinion, you seem like a great girl, based on your profile.

the only complaint I have is that you like Dominos and you would prolly pwn my newb @$$ in Halo 3


Gamer Tag: Xlasher

Pssh.. what's wrong with Dominoes?

And bring your newb ass on! : D I am actually at work right now but when I get online tonight around 9 or so.. be ready for a challenge...or.. an ass-whooping. However you want to take it.

So far my ratio for meeting guys on Mingle2 who have Halo 3 and lost to me is 2-0.. meaning I won twice : D and so far no man on here has beat me yet 1 v 1.

I would like that, but I am going to be rolling out of here in a few hours for Denver... I have the 360 in the truck, throw ya a friend invite as soon as I can.

I already sent you an invite via
So once you get online you shall see that I have sent you a friend request =P
Enjoy your trip.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:34 PM

AH... I wouldn't worry so much about who you hang around with, your friends are YOUR friends.

In my opinion, you seem like a great girl, based on your profile.

the only complaint I have is that you like Dominos and you would prolly pwn my newb @$$ in Halo 3


but she isn't asking about more friends. she's asking about heterosexual potential suitors flowerforyou

Caught that...

I am a hetero Male, I was paying her a compliment...

I was also implying that it does not matter what sexual orientation her circle of friends are for finding said suitor.

And the fact that IAreRei is 19 there is plenty of time in the world to find men that are her type. NO reason to force anything.

I really don't feel like I have enough time to date just to date, for fun, though =/
I know it sounds odd and possibly a bit soon, but the fact is.. the guys I am looking for to date I am also keeping the possibility of one day marrying them as well. Not rushing it at all but I want to have ample time to get to know them as just friends..and then if we date and such.

Perhaps it is because I saw my parents marriage fail and I am just fearful that if I don't spend enough time getting to know some one, that if we did get married with not enough time to grow as friends and then lovers, that it wouldn't work out and divorce would occur.

I feel so much older than 19.. and I want to have a family before I am Thirty.. and I want to live to watch them grow. I guess I don't feel like I have enough time to live my life and I know I should.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:22 PM

In the words of Sean Connery"Well! then it's the FairMount Hotel"rofl But seriously U do need 2 check yourself & initiate an entirely circle.Not 2 mention the danger of Aids/Std's that U are leaving yourself vulnerable to.Careful sweetheart.
Godspeed!Cy :smile: flowerforyou
Uhm.. I didn't say I was having sex with gay men =/
I have only had sex with three men in my life and they were all my boyfriends at the time..

unless... the sex is so bad I turn guys gay? : D

Oh lordy...

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:20 PM

AH... I wouldn't worry so much about who you hang around with, your friends are YOUR friends.

In my opinion, you seem like a great girl, based on your profile.

the only complaint I have is that you like Dominos and you would prolly pwn my newb @$$ in Halo 3


but she isn't asking about more friends. she's asking about heterosexual potential suitors flowerforyou
Well I do enjoy the whole situation of being good friends with a guy first and then dating him :)

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:19 PM

AH... I wouldn't worry so much about who you hang around with, your friends are YOUR friends.

In my opinion, you seem like a great girl, based on your profile.

the only complaint I have is that you like Dominos and you would prolly pwn my newb @$$ in Halo 3


Gamer Tag: Xlasher

Pssh.. what's wrong with Dominoes?

And bring your newb ass on! : D I am actually at work right now but when I get online tonight around 9 or so.. be ready for a challenge...or.. an ass-whooping. However you want to take it.

So far my ratio for meeting guys on Mingle2 who have Halo 3 and lost to me is 2-0.. meaning I won twice : D and so far no man on here has beat me yet 1 v 1.

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:15 PM

To have sex

Wow.. either you are really sex-deprived...or you have nothing too serious going on in your life?

Isn't that what jerking off is for? =P

IAreRei's photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:12 PM

my 2 cents is that straight men are useally too shy to talk to you where as gay men have nothing to lose cause they arent picking up on you, i have always been able to pay a compliment to a girl i know, but to someone as beautiful as yourself, i would probally turtle up and say nothing.
Aw.. but guys shouldn't be afraid of talking to me at all. I'm easy to get along with and usually get along with everyone.

But thank you very much for the compliment hun =)
And no! I refuse to allow you to turtle up! Get back out here!