Community > Posts By > IAreRei

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:34 PM
Aww.. if you ignore the eyes...and the nose...and the's quite cute lol..and fuzzy.

Yay cats

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:15 PM
Grace Kelly by Mika

(Mika is genious!)


Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?
Am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?

I got to be wholesome
I could be loathsome
Guess I'm a little bit shy
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me without making me try?

I tried to be like Grace Kelly (mmmm)
But all her looks were too sad (ahhh ahhh)
So I tried a little Freddie (mmm)
I've gone identity mad!

I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

[Getting angry doesn't solve anything.]

How can I help ya
How can I help it
How can I help what you think?
Hello my baby
Hello my baby
Putting my life on my brink
Why don't you like me
Why don't you like me
Why don't you like yourself?
Should I bend over?
Should I look older just to be put on your shelf?

I tried to be like Grace Kelly (mmmm)
But all her looks were too sad (ahhh ahhh)
So I tried a little Freddie (mmm)
I've gone identity mad!

I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Walk out the door!

Say what you want to satisfy yourself
But you only want what everybody else says you should want
you want

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:11 PM

im so jealous

Aw.. just write a random letter to a non-existant form and you'll feel better

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:10 PM
I won't ignore you.


IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:07 PM
What is that look for? Lol

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:07 PM
Neopalotan... >>;

That's my flavor.

That was the question after all, correct?

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:59 PM
Dear Jealousy,

I am writing today to inform you that you will no longer be included in my every day activities.

You made me go off on my friends, my face turned as green as a rotten tooth and to top it all off I broke a nail.

You seriously think you have any right to be a part of my life after what happened? Well, you can just take that idea stuff it up your regretful back end.

To give you some ideas of how to go on without me, I suggest you join your pals hatred and depression, though the last I heard they were a thing.

I will not apologize for making this short and instead wish you the most jealous of all endings.

From the not so bottom of my heart

No-Longer-Jealous friend

(( Blagh.. I'm too bored and that song popped into my head ))

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:51 PM
Allo and welcome!

If you have any questions just ask, though I am fairly new here as well.

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:28 PM
Hmm.. well really I wouldn't be controlling anything but my life.

A person's life is their own life and that's all they really need to worry about,

Blagh, I don't know. I feel like I'm digging myself in a whole of crappy relationship issues that couples go through every day.

Oh well, I'm not one of them

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:25 PM
Hmm.. then I would be in control if I made the decisions, right?

Lol jk. But I really don't approve of that in a guy's mindset, thinking that just because they're male that they think they own the relationship.

This is one female who isn't about to let that happen. drinker

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:21 PM
Hey, you're the one who wants to be king. Lol

If I gave you ideas then that would make me king, right? laugh

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:19 PM
And just how do you plan on gaining that? I'm rather curious

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:14 PM
I can cook Italian dishes.. and Macoroni and cheese..and ramen. Is that good enough? Lol

Not that I'm looking for sex at all, because I am not.

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:04 PM
Lol, yea, but I'd rather they fell in love with my personality and not my looks.. or any other way of adverstising.

Is there any other way?

Other than sexuality..?

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 04:58 PM

Okay Hi. Usually a White Russian makes me write poetry, but it can turn erotic and I don't know you that well. Lol! Just kidding.

So, Just Saying Hi is all it takes huh? I once knew a girl that it took like saying just the right catch phrase to her to have her talking. If you could say "Buttery Nipple" and "Keep em coming", she was all yours.laugh However, I like your style so "Hello".

Yeah....I basically just rambled on about sh*t but it is what I do. Anyways....hello and welcome to JSH!:wink:

A white russian? ..Aren't all Russians white? Or perhaps I've only ever seen white russians.

Hi, or a line like that, sure. Lol. Basically any guy who has the balls to talk to me at all is worth getting to know, ya know? Otherwise how would I know what they're like.

I wish guys were more open at my school, but no matter. I can't please them all.....

or can I?

No jk

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 04:52 PM
Check your mail now.

IAreRei's photo
Wed 01/09/08 04:48 PM
That's all it takes to get me interested in some one pretty much. If they are willing to take the effort into at least saying "hello" then I am open to whatever they have to say and pass no judgements or make decisions based on appearances.

I'm in a writing sort of mood, but my words wont seem to come out the way I want them.

Perhaps I shall ponder some more and come up with a poem.

Lol, don't laugh but my Jones Soda told me to write a poem.


IAreRei's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:49 PM
That gave me a wonderful "laugh out loud" moment.
I feel rather sympathetic to the poor sad life of the penis.

And I thought my life was bad.

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