Community > Posts By > IAreRei

IAreRei's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:00 AM
Spitting.. gross ><

IAreRei's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:34 AM
I didn't know Michigan had waterfalls and bugless campsites : D

IAreRei's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:08 AM
I'm 5 ft 1 =/
Soo : D asking for a guy who is taller than me is really not too difficult lol

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 01:46 PM

I'll find a guy like this some day..

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:54 AM

Those are just the ones pullin' off mind games on you. Even when they say they don't wanna get in your pannies, they actually DO wanna get in your pannies.

We're all jerks, you know? ALL of us! laugh
So are you saying I am better off going lesbian?
But I'm sure some women can be just as sexually crazed.. just not me... because I am strange lol

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:51 AM
Edited by IAreRei on Tue 06/16/09 08:51 AM

Anyway : D

I was just hoping for a better understanding of men

and I know not all of them are like the guys I deal with here in West Michigan.. but perhaps a move out of the State within the next few years will do my young body good.

nope, we're all jerks and pigs and we all are searching for that space you women keep hidden away in the front of your undies. some of us are just better than others at treating well the girls who allow us access to that space.

. . .

Ah so THAT is really what it's all about?!

yep, since the dawn of man it's all been about that special space.

. . .
What about the ones who refuse to have sex until marriage? : D

Not that there is anything wrong with it but at least they aren't seeking their naughty pleasures until they're married..

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:41 AM
Hmm well it was a few days after I joined so I guess I wasn't as much of a virgin as I : D Ironic

but this is the thread.. if you want to read it. It's quite funny:

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:40 AM
My first post! Or as far back as it tells me... :

"That gave me a wonderful "laugh out loud" moment.
I feel rather sympathetic to the poor sad life of the penis.

And I thought my life was bad. "

Wow.. wtf?

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:38 AM

Steelz, look back in the forum... I believe that your first post was addressed to gypsy.

We should all click our posts number thingy, and repost our first post! rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Let's do it!

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:32 AM
All the time.. in fact it's about to happen again..

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:29 AM

A guy virgin post: Hey all the sexy ladies out there. Just looking for some good time. Hit me up! And NO Homos!!!


A dumb virgin: I don't go on this site all the time. So e-mail me at ***********.com. Or AOL or Yahoo me at *********.com. And if you want to call me, here's my number (***)***-****.
Lol.. I can't stand the screaming ones..and they talk like that all the time.

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:28 AM

but perhaps a move out of the State within the next few years will do my young body good.

I've been thinking the same thing.
Let's go! Road trip? : D

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:23 AM
Anyway : D

I was just hoping for a better understanding of men

and I know not all of them are like the guys I deal with here in West Michigan.. but perhaps a move out of the State within the next few years will do my young body good.

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:13 AM

Uh.. ouch.
No.. it isn't all about me, what part of waiting for the guy to be ready makes you think it's all about me?

Well, let's see....just from your one prior post, you wrote:

When it feels right I will ask the guy out but if not then meh..

I would rather they ask me and I can formulate an opinion for them when they ask..

And that's only from that one post.

How does that make it all about me?
I believe in taking things slow and sometimes it is hard to speak my mind and guys don't always speak theirs, so I have no idea what they are thinking unless they ask.. and that's also depending on the circumstances, regarding what they are asking and how long I have known them for.

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:08 AM

...are hella confusing.

Maybe I should just seek out men instead of boys.

Men who will call.
Men who don't disappear and then come back and say they love you.
Men who pay for dates, when they ask you out on one.
Men who don't meet you, like you; meet your best friend, like her more.
Men who don't cheat on you.
Men who don't get jealous over everything.
Men who do what they say they are going to.
Men who don't use you.
Men who have jobs.
Men who don't waste their money on alcohol and cigs.
Men who are MEN!

Maybe I am asking for too much.. or perhaps I am impatient.. but I know I am young and have all the time in the world.. I hope.

But I hate how it takes most men a longer time period to mature but I know that there are some out there... maybe : D

I also know that even at 50 some men aren't fully mature..

So tell me boys.. what exactly goes through your mind? (aside from sex)

As you can tell I have had bad experiences with "boys" be gentle.

I just LOVE blanket statements and generalizations!

You're 19 years old, you haven't got a frickin' CLUE about any MEN yet!

I never said I knew everything about men either .. I was just stating my experiences thus far..
And while I may not have a clue about men I have some sort of clue about boys and how some work..

And don't make assumptions of me based on my threads.. you don't know me and you certainly don't know my life.

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:03 AM

When it feels right I will ask the guy out but if not then meh.. =/ that goes along the same lines as the women asking the guy to marry them, or asking to date, but with that also I just fear that the other person isn't ready so I would rather they ask me and I can formulate an opinion for them when they ask.. it's so difficult to read men sometimes though!

So, it's just all about you, huh? whoa
Uh.. ouch.
No.. it isn't all about me, what part of waiting for the guy to be ready makes you think it's all about me?

I care deeply about how the other person feels, especially when in a relationship with them so don't assume I'm self-centered

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:54 AM

I'm not saying that ~you~ should pay. However, I do believe that if it is a first-time thing you should probably just pick up your own tabs, checks, what have you.

Now, if the date were to go well enough to warrant a second one, and he asks/insists then, by all means, I could see your point. But then again, comparatively, how often does the woman ask the man out?
True..I've asked a few guys out before but none that really caught my fancy. We're still friends and all but usually they do all the asking to hang out and such.

When it feels right I will ask the guy out but if not then meh.. =/ that goes along the same lines as the women asking the guy to marry them, or asking to date, but with that also I just fear that the other person isn't ready so I would rather they ask me and I can formulate an opinion for them when they ask.. it's so difficult to read men sometimes though!

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:47 AM
LOL I first read the topic title and thought you were going to talk about Posters with Virgins and I was wondering how anyone can tell if a girl is a virgin just by a picture..
buuut now that that blond moment is over I thank you for opening my eyes to the virgin-ness of the sight.. not that I really pay attention to it.

I haven't seen a "Give me your virgin posts" thread though..

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:43 AM

Your list of grievances with your dating stock/situation is fair, but I thought I'd add a guy's perspective/spin to your list. Disclaimer: No, harm meant - written with levity.

Just as your outlook states, maybe I should be looking for women - not girls.

Women who don't call incessantly.
Women who don't say they love you after the first week.
Women who don't expect you to pay for every date (or the 1st 'meet').
Women who don't meet you, like you; meet your friends, and haul ass.
Women who don't cheat on you.
Women who don't try to incite jealousy.
Women who don't keep an itinerary for you.
Women who don't use you (or your bank account).
Women who have gainful jobs.
Women who don't waste their money on booze, or smokes, as well.


Women who don't take three-quarter-angle, "myspacey", photos that only show their face - and are then surprised that you're upset, when they outweigh you by fifty pounds.

Women who don't claim to be open-minded, when they aren't.

Women who don't get pissed when someone shares an opinion outside their own.

Women who are woman enough to tell you there isn't any chemistry, etc after a date/meet not just ignore your phone calls.

Women who are women!

Thank you very much for a man's point of view : D
I will take that into consideration and I am woman enough to do all of those things except for the guy paying for the date thing. If he asks for the date then I believe he should pay for it =P But that is just my opinion

IAreRei's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:40 AM
Am I the only other member? I'm so confused.. I've never used YahooGroups before

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