Community > Posts By > funkyfranky
Somebody to Love - Queen (though it depends on my mood at the time) ![]() thank god the proper football is back today hey Mr Donny, thats not a song by the way lol |
Ordering A Pizza
Can I have plenty of olives on mine please, thin and crispy, the way I like my girls lol
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should I feel guilty?
Hi all first not sure if this be under parenting or not? But i'm a single dad of 16 yo boy (it's hell and fun at same time) and I work 12+ hrs a day, we've finally started getting along, but I want some me time. I've realized paying bills ain't everything and want to have fun and maybe find friends or other now. But to do so i've gotta cut time from somewhere, and feel guilty about anywhere I take it from, when I stay up late so as not to steal time from him or household stuff, I'm late for work! Should I just wait till he's grown or not? Let house fall down around us? Wanna be happy not sure how? I'm really not sure what to say but I just wanted to wish you and your son well. It's clear you have a sense of responsibility and that can only be good. All the best ![]() |
Anyone in a uniform, hey Blondey, lmao Nice pic Joe, chiseled looks and all. So am I right in thinking that not only everything you build falls down around your feet, the ladies do too lol |
Name your poison
Double vodka and coke please
Thanks |
Rose petals
Out tonight so I'm stamping my feet with excitement.
Hi I'm not into men personally but if I was there are quite a few on here who I would date. They are charming, nice, sincere and genearlly good human beings. Hang around the forums when you have time and you will see for yourself. If you would like any references let me know lol Good luck Franky, you mentioned human beings. What about us Melmacians? ![]() David, you're always happy, so why the long face ![]() |
Hi I'm not into men personally but if I was there are quite a few on here who I would date. They are charming, nice, sincere and genearlly good human beings. Hang around the forums when you have time and you will see for yourself. If you would like any references let me know lol Good luck Are you saying you prefer 'pies' instead of 'sausages'? lol, I can think of better ways to decribe it but yes, you're on the right track |
Hi I'm not into men personally but if I was there are quite a few on here who I would date. They are charming, nice, sincere and genearlly good human beings. Hang around the forums when you have time and you will see for yourself. If you would like any references let me know lol Good luck just admit it,you want this <------ ![]() ![]() You would certainly be on my list JT that's for sure, you're a cool dude ![]() |
Shy Guy At A Bar...!!!
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I'm not into men personally but if I was there are quite a few on here who I would date. They are charming, nice, sincere and genearlly good human beings. Hang around the forums when you have time and you will see for yourself. If you would like any references let me know lol Good luck |
a contrast just show how much more eloquent you truly are ff. Thank you David, you are too. |
It's hardly surprising that gay people are castigated and ridiculed endlessly when people like you are around.
You're profile is also discusting. |
Igloo, rub noses
Beautiful Minds Thread
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Sarah's story
Edited by
Wed 11/19/14 01:22 PM
Sarah's story
A few months after starting with cancer research the young lady was asked by one of her tutors why she wanted to study cancer, her tutor knew about her history and he knew just how bright she was, he had been embarrassed on several occasions when she had given him answers to questions he couldn't answer himself. She had corrected him several times during lectures, she was head strong but he admired her enthusiasm and her sense of humour, even if it was sarcastic at times. The young lady began to tell her tutor why, she told him of a little girl she once knew called Sarah and he was touched by her story. He asked her to write it all down and he told her that Sarah's story would make a great presentation. He asked her if she would present Sarah's story to the kids at a local school, she was reluctant at first but once the tutor explained that it could inspire other kids to join cancer research she agreed to think about it. As she was about to leave his office the tutor said, one of the kids in the school may well be the next Sarah, if Sarah was sitting here now would you read Sarah's story to her��. She was warmed by his comments and she just said,�ok, arrange it. She arrived nervously at the school, she walked up onto the stage in front of almost 800 kids, and she put her notes down and began. Hi Everyone, I've been asked to come and present to you a story I wrote about a little girl called Sarah, I have simply called it Sarah's story. (Her nerves began to fade and her confidence grew even after just a few lines. She had practiced her presentation for weeks and she had watched some of the great speeches from world leaders past and present, she knew she had to pause at certain moments to give the audience time to consume what she had said, she continued). Sarah's story started the day she was born into a loving family with her mom and dad and big sister Frances. She was a healthy child and hardly ever cried, as long as she had her bottle she was happy and she would lay in her crib smiling all day long making everyone happy. Her big sister Frances, although only 4 years old at the time of Sarah's birth absolutely loved her little sister and would help mom look after Sarah by helping her to bathe, feed her bottle, help mom with the washing, tidying around the house and all the ways little girls like to help their moms. In fact, the only thing Frances couldn't do to help was change Sarah's nappy. It made her baulk and she would almost be sick at the nasty smell and would have to leave the room while mom changed Sarah. Mom always found this somewhat amusing as Frances would rush out the room. (The young lady heard some laughter from her audience and she knew then that she was winning, she had captivated the kids and they began to listen intently). Sarah and Frances grew up as happy children, yes they would squabble over silly things as all kids do, but they loved each other deeply and Frances would protect Sarah from everything if she could and Sarah looked up to Frances with hero status. As it happened Frances was no ordinary child, she had shown amazing learning ability and had even learned to type like a well experienced secretary at the age of just seven. Even her teachers in school were gob-smacked by how Frances learned so quickly and indeed her headmaster at junior school had told some colleagues of his in the local education department and word soon spread of this child, who, was born gifted and at aged just eight, could pass exams set for sixteen year olds with 100% marks. There is a private school in Frances's home city of Liverpool. To get into this school your parents have to be rich and even though her parents knew she would be well suited to the very high level of education taught at the school they knew they could never afford the terms. However, after hearing about Frances and seeing her exam results the School offered Frances a scholarship free of charge, something they only did when pupils had outstanding ability. Frances accepted the scholarship even though it meant missing some of her friends, it saddened her but she was a mature kid and she realized it was for the best. Although Sarah wasn't as bright as Frances, what she lacked in brains she made up for with personality and she was very popular with all the kids in school and in her home street, even all the neighbours loved her and would stop and chat and ask how her parents were and how Frances was doing at school. Sarah was the type of kid who had time for everyone. Frances remembered one day in particular when both sisters had gone together to the local shop for sweets. As they left the shop there was a group of little kids outside but one of them had no sweets and Sarah noticed this and quickly pushed her own candy into this little child's hand. Frances was so touched by the kindness of her little sister, it was something she would remember forever. Frances decided to get her sister a treat for her act of selflessness and she went searching a few days later for what Sarah loved most, anything with a picture of a Robin Red Breast. Sarah had always loved these little birds and she had pictures of Robin Red Breasts all over her room and a few Robin Red Breast cuddly toys. Frances thought it was cute that her little sister loved these birds so much and she found her another Robin Red Breast cuddly toy. Sarah was overjoyed but Frances never did tell her just why she got her this gift. Sarah had now reached the age of eight and one day Frances went into her room because she thought Sarah had overslept and would be late for school. It was then Sarah explained that she wasn't feeling too good. Mom popped upstairs and told Sarah to have the day off school, she would take her to the doctors if she didn't feel any better the next day. Frances went off to school as usual and while she was away Sarah had developed cold like symptoms, she was weak and lethargic and she could taste blood in her mouth. Mom cleaned Sarah up and wondered what the problem could be. She took Sarah to the doctors but he brushed it off as nothing more than a heavy cold or maybe the flu. He gave her antibiotics and sent Sarah home to rest. A few days later, and still no better, her parents were horrified when they found Sarah covered in blood on her bed. They took her straight to the hospital and they received the devastating news a couple of days later that their youngest daughter had a rare form of Leukemia. It was even more devastating when they were told by a consultant that there was nothing that could be done for Sarah. Her parents were in turmoil at the news that their little girl would soon be dead. The Doctor had said that she may live for about 4 months but just 2 months later Sarah passed away. (The young lady had to take a long pause at this moment, she sensed herself starting to choke with emotion and she noticed the saddened looks on the kids�faces in the audience, but she told herself to stay strong and she gathered herself and continued in a sometimes broken voice) Frances was devastated, her little sister with the heart of gold had suffered so much, and she had watched her fade away to almost a skeleton in the 2 months since they received the news. She just couldn't understand why it had happened to her sister, she didn't want it to happen to anyone else but she kept asking herself why my sister��, it tore her up inside every time she thought about the suffering her little sister endured. The same little girl who just a few months back had given her own candy away to another little child. The day of Sarah's funeral arrived and although most saw it as a day of celebrating a life, Frances just didn't see it that way. She totally broke down as Sarah's coffin was lowered into the ground and she pushed anyone away who tried to offer any words of comfort. Although a bright and bubbly 12 year old Frances's life changed from that day. She stopped going to school, she got into trouble with the neighbours and police, swearing at people and bullying other kids. As if her parents didn't have enough to cope with, they now had to cope with Frances who had changed from a nice polite child into nothing more than a horrible kid who brought trouble to the door on an almost daily basis. It was the night before the anniversary of Sarah's death and Frances had gone to bed. She lay awake for a few hours thinking of Sarah, crying and sobbing as she had done on an almost nightly basis for the last year until she finally fell asleep. During the night Frances had this very vivid dream that Sarah was standing at her bedside and Sarah, in this dream, was telling Frances off for treating other people so badly. Sarah said, I've been dead for one year now and all this time you have behaved like a spoilt brat. You have brought shame on our parents and you have ruined the beautiful brain that you were born with. You need to apologize to a lot of people especially the priest and Mum and Dad. You don't know, but dad locks himself in the bathroom and he cries and cries for me, he is hurt real bad and all you do is cause trouble, you should be ashamed of yourself. You need to grow up and start going to school again. You promised me when I was in hospital that you would study cancer and try and help to find a cure, how are you going to keep that promise when you act like a complete idiot. You need to go and see the priest and say sorry Frances, the way you spoke to that guy that day was really bad, and he was just telling the truth when he said I was in heaven. Heaven is great and God has even given me a real Robin Red Breast because he knows how much I love them. I don't even keep him in a cage, he just stays with me everywhere I go, he's so cute, and you should hear him sing, it's beautiful. Frances sat bolt upright, the dream she had just woken from was so vivid. She knew herself that every word Sarah had said in the dream was true, but she was lost in a world of grief and she couldn't help the stuff she had done since Sarah had gone. She got off the bed and she went into Sarah's room. She picked up one of Sarah's favourite cuddly toys and she started to cry as she remembered how her little sister had suffered and passed away exactly one year ago. She then heard a sound on Sarah's bedroom window, she looked up and there was a little bird sitting outside on the window ledge and it was tapping at the window, it was a Robin Red Breast. Frances just stared at the little bird and he broke into a beautiful song for a few seconds and then he flew away. She rushed to the window to see where he had gone but he was nowhere to be seen. Frances sat on Sarah's bed, she started to cry again but this time it was tears of joy, somehow now, she just knew Sarah was ok. She knew it wasn't a dream she had had. She knew it was Sarah standing at her bed and she knew Sarah was right about all the things she had done in the past year. She quickly showered and caught the bus to go and visit Sarah's grave. She had been to the cemetery almost every day since Sarah's passing. While kneeling at Sarah's grave Frances began to chat to Sarah as she always did. She told Sarah that she was happy for her being in heaven; she thanked her for the telling off her little sister had given her during the night. She promised she would go back to school and she promised to apologize to everyone who she had upset this last year. Frances now for the first time in a year actually smiled, she told Sarah how she was touched by her kindness outside the shop that day and as she spoke she heard the sound of a bird sing, she knew it was a Robin Red Breast, it was unmistakable and it was the same song she had heard that morning from the little bird on Sarah's bedroom window. She looked around to see the bird but she couldn't find it, she didn't need too, she knew what it was. Frances left the cemetery and went straight to the local church to find the priest. He looked startled as he saw Frances heading toward him, he was expecting another mouthful of abuse from Frances but instead she threw her arms around him and just said sorry over and over again. The priest was a little bemused but Frances simply said that she knew now that Sarah was in heaven, she didn't want to explain how she knew but she just knew. As she left she told the priest that she would see him in church on Sunday, she hadn't been since Sarah had died. Frances went back to school on the Monday, the school accepted her back with open arms and she put everything into her studies. She was offered a place of study at both Oxford and Cambridge but she turned them both down flat. There was only one place she wanted to be and that was studying cancer. At the age of just 17 she was head hunted by a giant Pharmaceutical company who offered her a huge sum to come and study with them, she refused their offer. So now Frances studies at cancer research. (The young lady was almost done with her presentation but she added without script). I wanted to tell you this story today because I hope by doing so you will go home and give your mum and dad a great big hug, you never know when they may pass away. If any of you have a brother or sister please go home tonight and tell them that you love them, you just never know when you come to school if you will ever see them again. (The young lady had noticed a few of the kids wiping tears from their eyes as she spoke, and this got her even more emotional than she already was, she knew she was close to tears herself so she finally finished with 'are there any questions'. She was surprised when one little girl put her hand in the air and said, �'thank you for telling us Sarah's story, it was lovely and I'll tell my mummy that I love her when I see her tonight'��. (On hearing this, the young lady began to choke with emotion). Then one of the school teachers stood and said, 'thank you, a beautiful story, but can I ask who Sarah is, did you know the little girl'. The young lady couldn't contain her emotions anymore, the tears rolled down her face in front of the whole school as she said, 'Sarah was my little sister, my name is Frances', and she added a simple 'thank you'�and hurried off the stage. |
Love the photo, are you an Indian boy band
Warm, friendly, sincere and an all round good Egg
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