Community > Posts By > funkyfranky
I'm really surprised by your views Moe, and a little hurt if I'm honest. Not all gay people are sex mad you know, in fact I can't remember the last time I had sex. I would never hold hands in public or go on one of these gay pride marches because I know how it can offend some people, but at the end of the day, the only difference between you and me is who we choose to fall in love with. I'm a little different than you, but I'd never hurt anyone, not intentionally anyway. well, sorry your feelings are hurt, but as i've been told, i'm just a bigot for saying that being gay is about attraction and sex, not about love... you can love whoever you want without being gay, holding hands isn't even gay... gay sex is what makes someone gay, nothing else... i never said gays were sex crazy, i said the gay sex is what makes them considered gay... doesn't the bible even say to love everyone? do they not hold hands in church? and just so all the gays know, i could care less whether someone is gay or not... when we are an open form and someone asks questions, then calls me names for answering these questions, i get a little more upset at what the gays are actually trying to accomplish by telling others that they are wrong and bigoted... i don't ever remember saying gays shouldn't show affection in public, or that they should all stay in the closet... the rationalization some gays comes up with doesn't make sense to me, like gay animals... no need to make up crap to rationalize being gay, just be what you are... if you don't want to be friends because of my thoughts on this, thats your choice, not mine... but i have never been rude, derogatory, or called you any names for your opinions, and never will... i'm not pro gay, as you well know, and may not ever be... but that doesn't mean i think any less of you or your choices, because you're one of the few gays that sees things in a more realistic perspective by not attacking everyone that doesn't see your views eye to eye... Moe it's late and I'm going to bed now but I want you to know that you'll always be my friend. You're a great guy and I think the world of you. can I have a great big kiss before I go please |
Mystical, I just looked at your profile to see where you were from, the USA, I'm from the UK.
I find it hard to believe that we have to have charity's for our own but I can't help but applaud you for your humanity. God bless you. |
oh god.what day?
Well firstly welcome to Mingle. Secondly, once I've deciphered your message I'll get back to you with a reply. You're still here to tell the tale so no harm done, but it sounds exciting and I for one can't wait to hear what happened. Funky franky I would like to know if you are still laughing at the team I support ? ![]() You can't have been an Everton supporter because you wouldn't poke fun. ''''Once Everton has touched you, nothing else is ever quite the same'''. Who said this, and he won the world cup as well Alan Ball,I watched most of that World cup as a teenager. I'll let you off the hook, unless you googled it of course. I've been Everton since I can remember and when I first saw Alan Ball's quote I thought, yeah, what a beautiful thing to say, no wonder I'm a toffee. My Father is a red, but I've always forgiven him, we all make mistakes don't we. |
oh god.what day?
Well firstly welcome to Mingle. Secondly, once I've deciphered your message I'll get back to you with a reply. You're still here to tell the tale so no harm done, but it sounds exciting and I for one can't wait to hear what happened. Funky franky I would like to know if you are still laughing at the team I support ? ![]() You can't have been an Everton supporter because you wouldn't poke fun. ''''Once Everton has touched you, nothing else is ever quite the same'''. Who said this, and he won the world cup as well |
oh god.what day?
Well firstly welcome to Mingle.
Secondly, once I've deciphered your message I'll get back to you with a reply. You're still here to tell the tale so no harm done, but it sounds exciting and I for one can't wait to hear what happened. |
I'm really surprised by your views Moe, and a little hurt if I'm honest.
Not all gay people are sex mad you know, in fact I can't remember the last time I had sex. I would never hold hands in public or go on one of these gay pride marches because I know how it can offend some people, but at the end of the day, the only difference between you and me is who we choose to fall in love with. I'm a little different than you, but I'd never hurt anyone, not intentionally anyway. |
happy birthday pink bunny
Awwww happy birthday bunny. Love you lots like jelly tots.
Mind-Teasers :-)
![]() ![]() OMG he looks so much like my dog, my best friend. I love him so much and I think he deserves a walk right now. |
I'm bored here..
![]() |
Hi everyone from the UK.
Thank you both, it's all a bit scary, lots of weirdos out there but more good ones ![]() Yes Welcome and remember this great mystery, why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets. |
24 m UK. hi I'm new
Hello watto, a fellow Brit and welcome to Mingle.
Firstly you're a Geordie, you will need to learn how to speak proper English lol, and that's coming from a Scouser! Being honest, maybe add a little more to your profile, but for Gods sake don't mention NUFC lol Good result for you lot yesterday, hope you do ok this season. |
Oh well,been here for a year already and didn't find a sincere and genuine man yet.. Sorry but I don't agree. I could name ten right now without even having to think. The best way to solve a problem is to look at yourself first. Are you trying to tell me an Everton supporter can think. ![]() lololol sticks and stones Mr You sound like one of those annoying Liverpool fans I have to endure each day :) Used to be an Everton fan,then I started thinking. ![]() Once a blue always a blue as the famous Wayne Rooney once said. That didn't last long did it. Tell me who your team is please, I need a good Laugh! |
There you'll be Faith Hill
dealing with girls
How to treat girls accordingly Mikmok you're 24, get your act together. I liked your profile, short and sweet. When I read it I thought, he sounds really nice. Just be you and you'll be alright. |
Oh well,been here for a year already and didn't find a sincere and genuine man yet.. Sorry but I don't agree. I could name ten right now without even having to think. The best way to solve a problem is to look at yourself first. Are you trying to tell me an Everton supporter can think. ![]() lololol sticks and stones Mr You sound like one of those annoying Liverpool fans I have to endure each day :) |
Oh well,been here for a year already and didn't find a sincere and genuine man yet.. Sorry but I don't agree. I could name ten right now without even having to think. The best way to solve a problem is to look at yourself first. |
It could be where you're from. Also according to your profile you only want a rich guy. Try Donald Trump, I hear immigration is his favourite topic at the moment :) |
Sometimes I leave the most heartfelt and sincere comments, then all hell lets loose. I need to work on my diplomacy I think
Been here a week
Hey Funky Franky why don't you keep your comments to yourself, it is people like you that screw over good people like me with your shitty and negative comments. I am what I say I am, and I am what I am. Now everything I said is truth and nothing but, I am looking for a good woman to love and love me back, plan and simple. Your comment sums up exactly what I was saying. Take a look at yourself and you wonder why your feathers are ruffled. |
Been here a week
Everybody knows that. Thanks for the news flash. It is almost as hard as to win in the national lottery. U know the odds. Good luck So what do you suggest Sherlock. Women just throw themselves at you by the bucket full. |