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Mon 06/11/12 10:31 AM
June 7, 2012

The Obama Administration has given a former director at the scandal-plagued Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) nearly half a billion dollars to offer “struggling” Illinois homeowners mortgage assistance, a Judicial Watch investigation has found.

It means the ACORN official (Joe McGavin) will go from operating a corrupt leftist community group that’s banned by Congress from receiving federal funding to controlling over $445 million in U.S. taxpayer funds. The money is part of a $7.6 billion Treasury Department program to help the “unemployed or substantially underemployed” make their mortgage payments.

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Mon 06/11/12 10:29 AM

IM kind of more interested in PEOPLE Than a flag too,,,

please dont shoot me for it,,,it doesnt make me unamerican to be interested in AMERICANS with talent,,,,

youtube is full of juvenile behaving and not so intelligent people who support every candidate,,,,

No harm done, I like your views, very smart lady. I like to hear both sides. My husband used to channel surf through all the news channels so he could get different views on issues and not one biased view. So these discussions help shed light on all sides. Never too old to learn.drinker

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Mon 06/11/12 09:58 AM
They are more interested in the singer, what does that tell you?

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Mon 06/11/12 09:38 AM
This photo was NOT doctored.

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Mon 06/11/12 09:07 AM

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Mon 06/11/12 09:03 AM

You should feel sexy. :)

Thanks totage!

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Mon 06/11/12 08:53 AM

I would like to be Melinda Gates, smart, beautiful and just named the richest woman in the world.

The absolute last thing I would ever want is to be married to a sociopathic mass murderer.

THAT is NOT what I said I wanted to be, now is it? offtopic

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Mon 06/11/12 08:36 AM
Edited by Sunshine_in_Florida on Mon 06/11/12 08:41 AM

NBC2’s Andy Pierotti found ninety-four non-citizen registered voters upon investigating their jury recusal forms. After learning that Hinako Dennett, a Cape Coral Resident, told the Clerk of Court she could not participate in jury duty because she was not a United States citizen, Mr. Pierotti uncovered that she was registered to vote. When questioned, Dennett claimed, “I vote every year.”

Yvonne Wigglesworth, another non-citizen, told reporters she did not know how she even became registered to vote. However, she voted in elections six times over the last eleven years. Like Wigglesworth, other non-citizens explained they have not registered to vote as citizens, yet their registration forms somehow indicate otherwise.

The discovery of non-citizen registered voters came only two days after the Tampa Bay Times posted an editorial that claimed vote fraud “is a nonexistent problem in this state.” Misguided opponents of the Florida legislature’s recent efforts to improve election law have downplayed the existence of fraudulent voting practices in the state. Ann McFall, Volusia County Supervisor of Elections, incorrectly described vote fraud in Florida to be “a misnomer.”

Governor Scott (R) had asked for Homeland Security to give the Attorney General here, Pam Bondi, the list of illegal aliens so that we could match them up with our State of Florida voters registration. For whatever reason, Homeland did not comply. He asked again in September 2011 and still they did not comply. Here we are in the 90 day period of elections and the Dems are calling foul.

Let me say, think what you may, but why would you complain if nothing was amiss? They already found 92 fraudulent absentee ballots requested in the election of CITY commissioners by one, Derrick Henry (D) and he was thrown our of office. Now this cheat want to run for Mayor of our city! Unbelievable. If we found that many in the city, can you imaging what is going to be found in each STATE? OMG!

Here is one article concerning our finding thus far;
Florida Purges 53,000 Dead Voters from Rolls. Obama Justice Department Objects to Removing Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls
Sunday, June 10th, 2012

How many illegal alien and other non-citizen voters should be able to vote in Florida in the 2012 election? The State of Florida has taken a “zero tolerance” approach to this question while the Obama Justice Department seems to be saying “the more the merrier!”

This confrontation has led to a critical showdown in a major swing state just five months before Election Day 2012.

It all began a couple of weeks ago, when Florida election officials began doing what the law requires, attempting to clean its voter rolls of ineligible voters. Importantly, Florida took action only after Judicial Watch sent a letter to the Florida’s two top election officials requesting information about Florida’s voting list maintenance procedures. The state’s response to our letter of inquiry disclosed to us the massive number of dead voters on the rolls and a promise to remove them.

In another case, one of the persons registering people to vote, used information he gathered from voters to defraud the Unemployment compensation department;

Volusia County Council candidate charged in fraud scheme
DeLand native denies knowledge of wrongdoing
April 10, 2012 1:00 AM
Terry Dilligard Sr., 57, DeLand, Florida
CHARGES: Theft by deception, conspiracy and second-degree identity theft.

ALLEGATIONS: A former DeLand city commissioner, Dilligard is accused of being part of his son's scheme, according to an indictment. The two are accused of stealing $174,848 by using stolen identities of nine voters in Florida. According to a press release from the Office of the Attorney General in New Jersey, the elder Dilligard is accused of obtaining personal information, "including Social Security numbers and dates of birth, while registering voters." Authorities say the son paid his father a share of the "benefits that were fraudulently obtained."

Terry E. Dilligard II, 35, Newark, N.J.

CHARGES: Theft by deception, conspiracy, first-degree money laundering and second-degree identity theft. Dilligard II is accused of scheming to steal more than $2 million in unemployment benefits from the state of New Jersey between August 2006 and November 2010.

ALLEGATIONS: Dilligard alone is accused of stealing $810,345 "by submitting or causing to be submitted" applications for unemployment benefits in the names of 44 people, the indictment states.

Janice Allen, 55, and Janice Dilligard, 35, Newark, N.J.

CHARGES: Mother of Dilligard II; theft by deception and conspiracy.

ALLEGATIONS: Allen, Dilligard II's mother and Janice Dilligard, his twin sister, are accused in a separate indictment with stealing $585,304 in unemployment benefits by filing false claims from 18 claimants, including relatives and deceased persons, officials said.
Monique Valentine, 33, Roselle, N.J.

CHARGES: Theft by deception, conspiracy.

ALLEGATIONS: Dilligard II's former girlfriend and mother of his children, she is accused of stealing $478,768 of the total amount taken with Dilligard II, using identities of 13 people, officials said.

Terry Dilligard, a candidate for Volusia County Council and a former DeLand City Commissioner, has been named in a New Jersey indictment for what authorities say was his role in a scheme masterminded by his son to collect $2 million in fraudulent unemployment insurance benefits.

Note who is NOT saluting our flag in honor of the sacrifices made so that he could live free. mad

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Sun 06/10/12 08:20 PM
Found the photo of the Marine that stood guard outside Cody's hosptal room the night he passed on, with a little pic of beautiful little Cody.

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Sun 06/10/12 06:47 PM
well mg1959, it better be a sexy bib, lace and all......pitchfork

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Sun 06/10/12 06:14 PM
Edited by Sunshine_in_Florida on Sun 06/10/12 06:41 PM
Awwww she must have been a wonderful teacher for you to care so.

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Sun 06/10/12 05:54 PM
Sounds good Tazzops, we all lazy here, thunderstorms with 60 mile winds, so me and the dogs in for the night.

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Sun 06/10/12 05:51 PM
I would like to be Melinda Gates, smart, beautiful and just named the richest woman in the world.

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Sun 06/10/12 05:42 PM

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Sun 06/10/12 05:40 PM
I had 2 tonight and a phone number. I believe they are scamming again, they hit each dating site in waves and then recycle around to get all the newbies.
I just reported one to the moderators and it got deleted. Nice looking dude too, darn!!! But of course it was not the picture I saw it was stolen. They all sitting in a boiler room in Nigeria somewhere, and they are boys, so the gals pics are not who you are talking to. My friend got a pic of them from his business in Orlando. Little teen boys picking on old peeps.....

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Sun 06/10/12 02:31 PM

Try going to church, you can meet alot of people there and you might get something out of the sermmon

lmfao..... right... the same church that ostracized me because I divorced the x... the same church we went to as a married couple. I was diseased...aka divorced. In the itty bitty town I'm in... there aren't lot of people.. most of them are geriatrics.. yeah. church is the LAST place to meet people.

Oh my, the church still does that? One would think they would "forgive" as Christians and help you heal, my goodness, no wonder they are losing so many from organized religion. I can sit and watch in the comfort of my home but still, if it was that easy to go and meet people we would all not be here now would we?? To get advice with people still in the same boat as me is like asking a hungry man where to get food?...I just don;t know, and I still keep the faith, the alternative is depressing to me.grumble sad

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Sun 06/10/12 02:23 PM
Edited by Sunshine_in_Florida on Sun 06/10/12 02:23 PM
Well all I know is I am going to "Keep On, Movin' On". AND I am going out of this world kicking! I refuse to look back and "wish I had of". No, not me!.....:banana: :banana: drinks :laughing:

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Sun 06/10/12 11:55 AM
Edited by Sunshine_in_Florida on Sun 06/10/12 11:55 AM

All day. Smoked meats, grilled burgers, potato salads, homemade ice cream, grilled beef ribs, it is BBQ today.

I am with you there tazzops. I wish I could find those cold "XXXX Summers" that kahurangi is posting there, made me thirsty!

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

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Sun 06/10/12 11:47 AM

Okay! Guy's, what is it that when you meet some one for the first time. They want to get in your 'PANT'S? I respect myself alot and will not do that and I though there were 'GENTLE MEN' out there, still.

We are taught as children, that we all deserve respect and no one is allowed to invade your personal space without permission. That being said, when you just meet someone, I think it is inappropriate to bring up sex at that point, to forward and crass, low class. I don't care what walk of life you come from, show respect and or go pick up a hooker.

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Sun 06/10/12 09:16 AM
Edited by Sunshine_in_Florida on Sun 06/10/12 09:19 AM

I won't make the first move because of my position right now.

I want a woman to read my profile and understand what she is setting herself up for first. Then I'll either be friends or be interested and let her know it.

That is smart oldhippie1952 and I wish you well there. I hope things turn around for you.