guess the image...
Smoke or clouds
Ever misjudge someone?
Have you ever had a first impression of someone that may not have been so good, then after you get the chance to spend some time with them and get to know them, you find that they are really an awesome and decent person? I guess giving everyone the benefit of the doubt is a good thing. No....My first impressions are always dead-on. ![]() |
Of course, then again, it makes quite a difference whether you are at Waffle House vs. Chez Emile. Standards of quality & presentation and all that.
![]() If you don't leave a tip at Chez Emile, they will chase you down the street, wanting to know what the problem was. ![]() |
How about some hot fresh coffee ?? Or prehaps some fresh Lemonaide .. the cherry cobbler looked really good tonight .. I just saw the cook pull some chicken pot pies out that smelled wonderful , would you like cheese on that burger I like my cheese bubbly .. How would you like those eggs cooked , cheese and bacon and sourcream on that baked potato?? What I always find amusing (but appreciated) is the small, almost imperceptible shake of the head when I start ordering, warning me off of something in advance. Then I keep picking until I get a little nod. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 02/28/08 07:51 PM
![]() I've been a busboy, cook, waiter, and in the military. When I was a waiter, I considered myself under contract with the customers at my table; I was their paid representative between them and the establishment. My job was to make sure they got everything they ordered exactly as they ordered it, in a timely manner, and within the capabilities of the establishment. The prep people and cooks hated me, because I demanded that they do their jobs properly. My customers never had to send anything back, because if it wasn't right, they never saw it in the first place. Consequently, I always got great tips. Now, when I dine out, if a server's performance sucks, then they get squat. If I get the proper level of service then I leave healthy tips. I have tipped 100% on certain occasions. |
Bluer Than Blue
what are we shooting?? ![]() Being as it is a "sportsmen" thread, I would assume proper targets ![]() Hmmm....Proper targets....You mean like the Crested Leather-backed Dope-dealer, or the Shaded Mottle-skinned Pedophile? ![]() |
Never....with fine chinette.
![]() |
Best dude movie ever?
Boondock Saints
A "scientific" question
actually in some circles science IS deemed to be a religion! anyway you are all wrong! studies in quantum mechanics and partical physics definitely suggest the existence of an omnipresent being. I think you are confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is the use of the concept of a God to foster intellectual control over humanity, spirituality is the pursuit for the accention to GOD myself i believe in GOD in a sense....I believe the whole universe is the sentient being we call GOD,an organism, if u will, made of matter and space, and he lives vicariously through us. We are a part of him, so is everything, quantum mechanics shows us this. the world around us is; infinite possibilities, and without an observer it stays in this state, but once there is an observation made, the possibilities solidify and create physical substance. The world literally is what u think it is. Well said! ![]() |
Did God create evil?
What really disturbs me about this whole series of exchanges is your sheer, unmitigated effrontery, in that you could possibly deign to analyze and discern the workings of the mind of your deity. To know God is to be God. ![]() ![]() For clarification, I wish to denote that I used "your", not "everyone's". I emphasize, for the rational participants in this thread, that I was not referring to them; this comment was intended primarily for the Lord High Presbyter & Proselytizer. ![]() |
Did God create evil?
CreativeSoul, So you believe that God believes lies. What you are saying is that God must believe lies in order to be omniscient. Interesting. If your "god" KNOWS that SpiderCMB is an elephant, then "god" believes a lie. Not really much of a god if you asked me, but to each his own. My God doesn't believe lies. My God is aware of the existance of lies, but my God doesn't believe them. Score one for the God of Abraham. Your god has more useless information than useful information. Your god has some sort of running list of dates/times when Soandso didn't die and one peice of information when Soandso died. A god who knows useless information isn't perfect. Since you have stated that your god knows all useless information, you have stated that your god isn't perfect. My God only knows postive truths. My God knows all facts and therefore doesn't need to know the opposite of those facts, which is simply useless information to an omniscient being. Score another for the God of Abraham. Tell me, why would an omniscient being need to know negative truthful information? X is NOT Y. etc? Would an omniscient being need to be able to think deductively? You said "no" earlier. I think that your position is logically untenable. You prepose a god who lacks perfection and believes lies. What kind of god is that? You insist that God must think like a human, but clearly God doesn't need to. God needs only to know the positive truths. X is X. Y is Y. What purpose would negative truths serve when all positive truths are known? What really disturbs me about this whole series of exchanges is your sheer, unmitigated effrontery, in that you could possibly deign to analyze and discern the workings of the mind of your deity. |
female "average"
Sorry, but I'm going to have to "weigh" in on this one.
![]() I agree, somewhat, with the OP (despite his atrocious mangling of the English language). I see this ploy again and again, and it's not always because they have healthy self-esteem; it's to bypass the match filters. If you are 5'4" and weigh 350lbs (male or female, regardless), then I don't care how you carry it, or how well it's proportioned - it's not going to be pretty, and it's not within the common perception of "average". More rarely seen, but still observable, is the "average" 5'9" walking skeleton. It's also done with age, but nowhere near as insidiously or frequently. It's all about misrepresentation; after all, if one cannot be honest & forthright about the basics, it has the effect of causing others to wonder what other subterfuges might exist. 'nuff said. Carry on. |
what was your fav 80's movie
Spies Like Us
Top Secret Ghostbusters |
How sick of it are you?
Some comments have been made about my thoughts.......well its not about me I am an unselfish person, realy just a minor player in the sceme of things. I bring you these great articles to enlighten yourself with what you think of me doesnt matter one bit. If you dont like the articles go watch american Idle, no one makes you read them or comment on them. Great articles? Most of your stuff comes from Biased, anti-government sites. As opposed to biased, pro-government sites? ![]() No non biased articles. I am not gonna trust any biased news because they will twist facts and tell only half truths so that the side of the story they want comes across. Good luck with that. ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Since this is the Religion Chat forum, I wanted to share these common symptoms of Religious Addiction: * Inability or unwillingness to doubt, or question religious doctrine, teaching or authority * View of controversial issues as "black-and-white", good or bad; inability to perform rational analysis without applying a perspective based on religious beliefs. * Feelings of inferiority or inadequacy while comparing yourself to prominent religious figures * Magical thinking that God will fix you/ do it all, without serious work on your part * Rigid, obsessive adherence to rules, codes of ethics, or religious guidelines * Uncompromising judgmental attitudes: readiness to find fault or evil in anything that does not agree with your interpretive views * Compulsive or obsessive praying, going to church, revivals or crusades, quoting scriptures, frequent calling on God in everyday life * Unrealistic financial contributions to religious organizations or charities * Belief that sex is dirty, or that our bodies or physical pleasures are evil * Compulsive overeating and/or excessive fasting; self-flagellation, excessive self-imposed "penitence" * Overly critical and in conflict with and argumentative regarding science, medicine, and/or secular education * Progressive detachment from reality; isolation and breakdown of relationships not affiliated with your religion. * Psychosomatic illnesses (back pains, sleeplessness, headaches, hypertension) which abate after "prayer". * Manipulating scripture or texts, feeling specially chosen, claiming to receive special messages from God and/or to possess a unique understanding of scripture * Maintaining a religious "high", trance-like state, keeping a happy face (or the belief that one should...) * Attitude of righteousness or superiority: "we believers versus the world," including the denial of one's human condition. * Confusion, great doubts, mental, physical or emotional breakdown, frustration with those who do not share your beliefs. These are only a few of the warning signs. If you recognize any one of these behaviors in yourself, please seek help immediately. Hi bud actually when it comes to a tweve step program it is more spiritual in nature than anything else. It is a God of our own individual understanding. You see religon is for people who are afraid of going to hell: Where spirituality is for people who have already been there. ![]() ![]() Oh, I agree...I was just trying to do my part by offering some support. We all know what the first step in recovery is. |
How sick of it are you?
Some comments have been made about my thoughts.......well its not about me I am an unselfish person, realy just a minor player in the sceme of things. I bring you these great articles to enlighten yourself with what you think of me doesnt matter one bit. If you dont like the articles go watch american Idle, no one makes you read them or comment on them. Great articles? Most of your stuff comes from Biased, anti-government sites. As opposed to biased, pro-government sites? ![]() |
The disease of Addiction.
Since this is the Religion Chat forum, I wanted to share these common symptoms of Religious Addiction:
* Inability or unwillingness to doubt, or question religious doctrine, teaching or authority * View of controversial issues as "black-and-white", good or bad; inability to perform rational analysis without applying a perspective based on religious beliefs. * Feelings of inferiority or inadequacy while comparing yourself to prominent religious figures * Magical thinking that God will fix you/ do it all, without serious work on your part * Rigid, obsessive adherence to rules, codes of ethics, or religious guidelines * Uncompromising judgmental attitudes: readiness to find fault or evil in anything that does not agree with your interpretive views * Compulsive or obsessive praying, going to church, revivals or crusades, quoting scriptures, frequent calling on God in everyday life * Unrealistic financial contributions to religious organizations or charities * Belief that sex is dirty, or that our bodies or physical pleasures are evil * Compulsive overeating and/or excessive fasting; self-flagellation, excessive self-imposed "penitence" * Overly critical and in conflict with and argumentative regarding science, medicine, and/or secular education * Progressive detachment from reality; isolation and breakdown of relationships not affiliated with your religion. * Psychosomatic illnesses (back pains, sleeplessness, headaches, hypertension) which abate after "prayer". * Manipulating scripture or texts, feeling specially chosen, claiming to receive special messages from God and/or to possess a unique understanding of scripture * Maintaining a religious "high", trance-like state, keeping a happy face (or the belief that one should...) * Attitude of righteousness or superiority: "we believers versus the world," including the denial of one's human condition. * Confusion, great doubts, mental, physical or emotional breakdown, frustration with those who do not share your beliefs. These are only a few of the warning signs. If you recognize any one of these behaviors in yourself, please seek help immediately. |
Sick of X
X and P are are Greek abbreviation's for Christ. The X crossing the P is still used in many Churches to represent Christ. The X has been an representation for Christ for at least 1000 years. This is the era of the internet. You only need to google the question and you get the answer. ![]() Affectionately referred to as the "Chi Rho", representing the first two letters of the Greek "Cristos". Hmmmmm.....Windows XP. ![]() |
Did God create evil?
Lordling made a most validating statement with this... This is not "God" predicting the future, it's "God" engineering the future.
This is a perfectly drawn conclusion... Allow me to extrapolate concerning this matter... If the biblical 'God' is omniscient. then Such a 'God' knows which choices will be made by any given agent, during any and every set of actual circumstance(s) that would come to pass as a result of choices that were and would be made by whomever throughout human history. All of which an omniscient 'God' did knowingly create by creation at all. EDIT: An omniscient 'God' would not waste time and effort with an attempt at personally altering one's choice. 'God' would have already known what that choice was going to be. Of course, if "He" is not omniscient, but merely a very powerful being, it would be quite easy to play several different angles to get the results that you desire, using primitive, superstitious humans as your pawns.... |