Community > Posts By > CEREZA

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Sat 02/09/08 08:20 PM
smile :smile:

to all.flowerforyou

i'm in elmora, nj.

just waiting for someone to hang with on the weekendsglasses

(hopefully lead to something serious)love

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Sat 02/09/08 08:07 PM
pecan pie

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Sat 02/09/08 07:27 PM


did they take x-rays?

go back to er.

if it looks purple then it may be broken and no blood is circulating correctly to your foot.

at least, that's what i would do.

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Sat 02/09/08 07:00 PM


i don't understand why squirrel does that.

i'm proud that you slow down.

last year during the summer, going to south jersey birds kept flying very close to my windshield.

it got so bad(almost every day) that i pull to the side of the road and decide to call my friend and tell him about this, since it keep reoccuring.

he said, "don't worry, the bird was just trying to commite sucide and you wouldn't help him. so he is forcing you to help him end his life." of course i didn't find it funny. :cry:

i just drove very slow, when i came to the part of the road where i know this bird was flying low.

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Sat 02/09/08 06:47 PM


welcome to jsh!!!!

this the best site to meet new friends.

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Sat 02/02/08 02:35 PM
my prayers are with you and your family.

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Mon 01/21/08 09:22 PM
like that one.

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Mon 01/21/08 09:18 PM

okay, question, did all this occur on the first date??? was this with one person???????

first date and one person from this site.
they live in the yonker-bronx, ny

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Mon 01/21/08 09:12 PM
okay, question, did all this occur on the first date??? was this with one person???????

first date and one person from this site.
they live in the yonker-bronx, ny

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Mon 01/21/08 09:10 PM
not to offend anyone.
never set up a date with a jewish guy.

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Mon 01/21/08 09:00 PM
i think if you set a time, that person should be there. but things do happen along the way. so i say wait for 30 min. then move on.

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Mon 01/21/08 08:46 PM
Edited by CEREZA on Mon 01/21/08 09:19 PM
first let me tell you a little about myself.
no i'm not perfect and don't claim to be. but i want the best, who doesn't want the best for themselves. i'm independent female, i have full-time job, no children, about to go back to college, drug free and i live by myself in NJ.

don't get me wrong, i understand that there is no such thing as perfect date. but don't tell your expect date, you are going to treat him/her like the prince/princess. i understand that people are on tight budget. don't make plans that your budget can't handle. here are couple of situtation, what would you have done?

1. a gal/guy ask you out, who should pay?

2. your date tells you that you going to have fun at the wine tasting - at winery?, no free community event. what is your opinion of your date?

3. refuse to pay cover charger of 8$ for two, at nice club. and told you they was charging forty dollars per person (even though you heard the whole conversation)what is your opinion of your date?

4. thought paying to take your date to movie was too high ($22), then stated hope you don't want anything to eat (after paying for the tickets). because i plan to cook you a nice meal.......

wanted to/decide to cook dinner, hot dogs and mac&cheese. what would you have done?

5. if you are twenty minutes from your date's city, would you take him/her hour away to catch the train (that have to backtrack, where you just left from). what would you have done?

6. your date has sweat pants&shirt (like s/he been outside moaning the lawn for 3hrs) on and snow storm falling from her/his head. what would you have done?

please tell me what would you have done?
or please tell me your opinion of this person?

thanks have fun and be honest.
ps no i will not tell you who this person is.

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Sun 12/30/07 09:47 PM
that was total awesome. i 'm going have to tell that joke to someone else w/ your permission.