Community > Posts By > Matt8947

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 07:10 AM

you should look on a torrent website for the pc version. only thing that sucks is the sound isnt 100%
That could work, I'm not too crazy about that sound anyways, It always kinda annoyed me, anyways I never thought of getting the Pc version, thanks for the Idea :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 07:04 AM

trying to find an auctual working copy is close to impossible because of how old the game is
They want close to 200$ for it on Ebay so screw that. I'm just not sure where else to look for one online that actually works though.

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 07:01 AM

Might try shopping Walmart on line and seeing if they have any ...I have always had luck in finding things on there...just a thought....or google it
Hmm I havent looked there yet thanks ,I'll try that.:smile: :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 06:50 AM
IVE LOST MY FINAL FANTASY7!!! sad sad sad sad sad Does anyone know where I can get a new one, NOT by Ebay lol.

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 06:35 AM

Well I dreamt I was going to a prom with one of my best friends (which thats already wierd, cuz I just consider her a friend.)before she had the chance to pick me up she got in a fatal car crash right in front of me...what

ok i know i will get beef with this , but......
we as cherokee beleive in dreams , they are given to us as guides to our souls, so maybe your dream means something more... i do not know your culture, but maybe just call her to say hi how are ya. maybe there is underline feelings for her that you may be hiding from your self.

That doesnt sound dumb to me at all, I'm 1/8 Cherokee myself, I believe. I think I'll give her a call later, thanks for the advice. :smile: :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 06:13 AM
I get up at daybreak every morning, its a curse I think. laugh

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 05:55 AM
Well I dreamt I was going to a prom with one of my best friends (which thats already wierd, cuz I just consider her a friend.)before she had the chance to pick me up she got in a fatal car crash right in front of me...what

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 05:43 AM

I dreamt my ex bf was doing drug's and messing with other women. The other women part is right.
I'm sorry =(

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 05:38 AM

What did you eat for dinner? That affects my dreams!
Steak and rice lol

Matt8947's photo
Thu 09/18/08 05:36 AM
Crazy dreams last night. They might have been classified as nightmares though. Anywho, good morning everyone. :smile: :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:20 PM

isnt that the sequel to fear,but with a new character and story?huh
Nice picture laugh laugh laugh

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:15 PM

PC, I'm not sure if it's on any console.
Ya I actually put that together after I realized what forum classification this is under lol, I do hope it comes out on a console though. I'm not too fond of PC games.

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:06 PM
flowers flowers flowers flowers

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:02 PM
What console is this on?

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 04:00 PM

Brace yourselves folks. It's that time of day alright...the time when no one posts anything for a very long time. For those of you who need to schedule your stare and drool time....this would be your perfect opportunity. Or....for those of you who have to click on refresh repeatedly waiting for someone to post something....ANYTHING....this hour is for you!
Ya I noticed this about ohhh 10 minutes ago lol

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 03:52 PM
Hi I'm Ammo Canal Palin? what what what :laughing:

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 03:36 PM

a dating service just called my if I need a dating servicelaugh laugh laugh laugh If I find out who gave my number outpitchfork I didn't answer
Ive actually never got that before, they usually wanna sell me car insurance, or its a bill collector grumble grumble grumble

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 03:06 PM

hey everyone bigsmile waving
waving waving waving waving waving

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 11:58 AM

In a South American mining district Mrs. Brown presented her husband with a 12 pound baby boy. Mr. Brown was so delighted that he went to the News office and told that he had found a 12 pound nugget of gold as good as any to be found in South America. The paper, naturally, sent a reporter to get particulars. This is what happened:

Reporter--Does Mr. Brown live here?
Mrs.Brown-- he does.
Reporter--Is he in?
Mrs.Brown--No he isn't.
Reporter--I understand he found a nugget of gold weighing 12 pounds.
Mrs.Brown--(Seeing the joke) Yes.
Reporter--Can you show me the exact location where it was found?
Mrs.Brown--I'm afraid Mr. Brown would object as it is private.
Reporter--Is the hole far from here?
Mrs.Brown--No, it is quite handy.
Reporter--Has Mr. Brown been working the claim long?
Mrs.Brown--Almost ten months.
Reporter--Was Mr. Brown the first to work it?
Mrs.Brown--He thought he was.
Reporter--Was the work difficult?
Mrs.Brown--It was at first but easier after the shaft opened.
Reporter--Is the water plentiful?
Mrs.Brown--Yes, sufficient to carry on the work.
Reporter--Has he gotten to the bottom yet?
Mrs.Brown--No, but quite near it.
Reporter--Do you think there are any more nuggets?
Mrs.Brown--Yes, if the claim is properly worked.
Reporter--Has he worked it since he found the nugget?
Mrs.Brown--No, but I told him it was time to start.
Reporter--Do you help him?
Mrs.Brown--I do my level best.
Reporter--do you think he will sell the claim?
Mrs.Brown--No, he finds too much pleasure in working it himself.
Reporter--Can I see the nugget?

She brought the baby in for inspection. The embarrassed reporter departed very fast.

bigsmile :banana:
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Matt8947's photo
Wed 09/17/08 11:55 AM

Well it's humid here in Florida.grumble grumble grumble
As far as I know it usually always is laugh laugh laugh

I know. Why do I live here?sad frustrated laugh laugh laugh
Thats what I ask myself everyday, laugh

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