Community > Posts By > Matt8947

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:51 PM

later waving

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:46 PM
I'm just gonna go take a nap so I'll be back on here later sometime :smile: :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:41 PM

poke yourself in the gleut aith a pin rofl
what the hell is a Gleut aith? lol

i think he means poke yourself in the gut with a pin. rant frustrated

anyway, i'm taking off for a bit, laterwaving
Wow that would hurt like hell, I'm not that desperate for energy Lol
wonderful to know laugh

LOL, i doubt if anyone would be.
unless they like pain. :tongue:
Hmmm not that kind of pain lol
there are far worse pains. laugh
I DONT wanna know laugh
im sure others would love to talk about it. :tongue:

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:40 PM

poke yourself in the gleut aith a pin rofl
what the hell is a Gleut aith? lol

i think he means poke yourself in the gut with a pin. rant frustrated

anyway, i'm taking off for a bit, laterwaving
Wow that would hurt like hell, I'm not that desperate for energy Lol

LOL, i doubt if anyone would be.
unless they like pain. :tongue:
Hmmm not that kind of pain lol
there are far worse pains. laugh
I DONT wanna know laugh

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:38 PM

poke yourself in the gleut aith a pin rofl
what the hell is a Gleut aith? lol

i think he means poke yourself in the gut with a pin. rant frustrated

anyway, i'm taking off for a bit, laterwaving
Wow that would hurt like hell, I'm not that desperate for energy Lol

LOL, i doubt if anyone would be.
unless they like pain. :tongue:
Hmmm not that kind of pain lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:36 PM

i actually haven't heard that one yet... i like it lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:36 PM

Pop some Stacker 2's
Isnt that a weight loss supplement? lol

Dude - you pop 2 of those and will be bouncing off the walls.
Wow I'll have to buy a few bottles lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:36 PM

poke yourself in the gleut aith a pin rofl
what the hell is a Gleut aith? lol

i think he means poke yourself in the gut with a pin. rant frustrated

anyway, i'm taking off for a bit, laterwaving
poke yes, but in teh butt :tongue:
Hmm less painful ways for energy would be nice.

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:35 PM
Anywho Bye waving waving waving waving waving

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:35 PM

poke yourself in the gleut aith a pin rofl
what the hell is a Gleut aith? lol

i think he means poke yourself in the gut with a pin. rant frustrated

anyway, i'm taking off for a bit, laterwaving
Wow that would hurt like hell, I'm not that desperate for energy Lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:34 PM

I knew there was a reason I hadn't won yet! LOL!


Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:33 PM

Its who the person is, as a person that counts...

Not weather a person is in a wheelchair, has a
peg leg, or some form of disability.

You will find that special someone who loves you
for you, there truely is someone for everyone out

I believe... The ones that can look with love
at another human being- regaurdless of disabilties,color of skin, etc... and alot of other things... are far more special people than your average person. They will make your love even
more special, because they know no bounds when it
comes to love and will love you regaurdless.
That is love in its purest form.

Wow, thank you =)

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:32 PM

Pop some Stacker 2's
Isnt that a weight loss supplement? lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:30 PM
There was a blonde woman named, Cindy, that was in deep financial problems.
So she got on her knees and prayed "Dear
God, please let me win the lottery. I really need your help or
I'll loose my car, the house, and everything else." She doesn't
win. The next day she prays to God "God! I really really need
your help! I'll loose my car, the house, and everything else."
Once again, she doesn't win. The next day she says the same
prayer; then God speaks to her " Cindy! work with me here, BUY

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:29 PM

poke yourself in the gleut aith a pin rofl
what the hell is a Gleut aith? lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:24 PM

Vitamin B-12.....
ya I take that everyday, works quite well too.

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:23 PM

<==== I'm lookin' inta' this...OKAY...??



I dont wanna fall asleep at 5pm, cuz If I do I wont wake up till tonight lol

laugh laugh laugh

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:23 PM

they say mountain dew is full of caffeine, you could try that maybe. or you could set your alarm and sleep for a little while, so you wake up later. you might just need to rest..
Tried that before I just turned off the alarm and went back to sleep lol

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:21 PM

Go to the Dungeon of Zizubar and open the treasure chest fight the dragon and it will give you eternal life...oh was this not a gaming reference?

that sounds like funlaugh
I'd like to go to that world for awhile :smile: :smile: :smile:

Matt8947's photo
Mon 09/15/08 03:20 PM

LOL...Vicodin would cause the death of this
Ya If I took Vicodin I would probably fall over dead right now lol

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