Community > Posts By > miken747

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:51 AM
Sounds like the place I lived at while in the army. My nearest neighbor was a mile away and most in town were Amish which wax pretty cool.

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:47 AM
That a professor from the Kansas Oklahoma area had done a chemistry experiment creating a earth friendly truly using corn from his own farm. He involved his class in this project and was successful and had tried this ceiling on his john deer and was surprised. 59 MPG. Tried on his car and got an astounding 37 on the engine modification allowing the ceiling to burn without damaging the engine or vehicle. The truly releases oxygen and minute amounts of carbon. Approximately more than 400% les than gasoline and water as a biproduct. He then sent a patent request and info to the national dot in d.c. . Apparently 3 days later neighbors reported a large convoy approach his home in unmarked vehicles and people in masks take this man from his home and drove him to an undisclosed location and returned home a week later. As he stated his home was intact but all research taken, his farm removed and when he went to report for work had learned his employment at the university had been abruptly terminated. Coincidence or not that 10 years later white house researchers developed a similar corn base ceiling. Anyone care to say what it is (methanol) .

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:36 AM
Unhurt not going to happen for me LOL I don't want to be the reason for a million suicides on valentines day LOL. Jo no costume but if you close your eyes really tight you might be able to (runs away)

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:31 AM

When a cop pulls you and your friends over play some Barry manilow to solemn the mood you don't want to be laughing as they approach. Secondly when asked what you do for a living, make something up like for instance a rocket scientist. Sure they wont believe you but it is much better than "I am a pig farmer. I produce beacon and Ham ".
U forgot to mention didn't we go to school together at one point lol i say that cause here almost half the cops on our force i went to school with them lol

Oh my goodness that's crazy LOL. Oh and I almost forgot never, never eat a Ham sandwhich in front of them with a jelly donut in the other hand, you might get it confiscated.

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:26 AM
BTW vintagenerdy the big misconception about vintage is old when its really classic and classy and sexy. You don't get it any better than that and even outside vintage you rarely find classic and classy women anymore no offense to anyone here. Happy Valentine's to all and to all a goodnight! Oops got Valentine's and Christmas mixed up LOL.

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:15 AM
One last thing to take into consideration which may seem harsh but does affect people is her mental state. Does she suffer from dimentia which can and does effect peoples ability for sound judgement which can lead to stalking and various other odd behavior. Other than that the lovely yellowrose hit it on the head. Kudos for admin and the rose of Texas.

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:10 AM
When a cop pulls you and your friends over play some Barry manilow to solemn the mood you don't want to be laughing as they approach. Secondly when asked what you do for a living, make something up like for instance a rocket scientist. Sure they wont believe you but it is much better than "I am a pig farmer. I produce beacon and Ham ".

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:06 AM
Thanks its my Yin to my Yang which is my dragon on my left arm.

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 11:04 AM

Nope a drunk driver killed her

I'm very sorry for your loss. flowerforyou

Grazie Bella for the flowers. Anyway the secret is not to thrive on negativity so I am on the prowl

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 02:16 AM

Love is a bright light that we are yearning
Evoking us to the core like moths before burning
Love is as pure as Lucipher before his turning
Love is like a candle, so let's keep it burning


miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 02:03 AM
Nope a drunk driver killed her

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 02:00 AM
Buenos noches

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:48 AM
Love is unchanging, everlasting, breathtaking, heart stopping, cold sweats, mind numbing, accepting of all that there is while recognizing that any flaws you might had thought there were are really the traits thy make everything that much more special and thus fight to hold and keep even more than before._

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:41 AM
I'm thinking I miss my gf...damn drunk drivers gotta go around killing people and ruining valentines say I say. Oh and where's my water I sewer my ghost is messing with me again grrr

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:34 AM
An IP ban would disable that computer from acceding the website woot

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:30 AM
I would say a palm beacher type or you are about to hit the back 9 , just need the clubs

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:23 AM
Not many people on here really from anywhere north of Fresno that area. Northern Cali seems to be the dead zone anymore. I am thinking on headed back to Hawaii.

miken747's photo
Mon 02/13/12 01:09 AM
You can resolve that by sending in an IP ban request to the admin of this site but it would mean you will nog be able to access it from your mums place. You can also opt to warn her about the internet shaking law which I think is a misdemeanor in most states.

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