Topic: ~Beautiful Man~
no photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:06 PM
A man of beauty
No don't laugh
I know of one
His words touch me
The beauty that shines through them
As I read them each time his voice echoes in my soul
Deep and melodious, soothing the savage beast in me
His soul pure and gentle, shining through
Instilling peace and love to all who read
His eyes, shining a light so bright
It dances mischievously , hinting of devilish moments
His humor, so rich and full
His warmth, so gentle and pure
Love simply radiates from every pore
His words of comfort
Wrapping me safely in their embrace
A sense of peacefulness follows where ever he goes
His advice sage and true,his understanding is pure
He, is truly a beautiful man

**This was originally written as a testimonial, and when I wrote it I knew then I could do better and give this beautiful man the words that he so richly deserves, and I am now able to form them and put them down the way they are meant to be.Brwnkimba, you truly are a beautiful man, my dear friend.flowerforyou :heart: **

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:10 PM
That was beautiful CCP...from one soul to another.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:11 PM
Exceedingly Fine! :heart: flowerforyou


brwnkimba's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:16 PM
Humble can not cover what I feel right now.
To be accepted in our community the way you and others of your enormous respect and admiration have accepted me brings me great joy. I don't talk about stuff going on in my life easily so this has been more than therapy but really has been a godsend to have this as an outlet. I came here just looking to display my feelings day to day and found real people talking about REAL life.
I love you

LAMom's photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:34 AM
most awesome my daughter,, (((( brwn )))) A pure soul ,,,yes a beautiful man... flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 12/18/07 05:55 AM
Ahhh brwnkimba, I rest my head upon your shoulder at times simply to allow the peace and serenity to wash over me.You give far more than you realize.:heart:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:31 AM
drinker :smile:

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:41 AM

Humble can not cover what I feel right now.
To be accepted in our community the way you and others of your enormous respect and admiration have accepted me brings me great joy. I don't talk about stuff going on in my life easily so this has been more than therapy but really has been a godsend to have this as an outlet. I came here just looking to display my feelings day to day and found real people talking about REAL life.
I love you

One receives what one gives and you give all of that back in return to the ones you have meet here. g/f very good write about one that has a soul that shines through indeed.bigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile