Community > Posts By > IrishMom

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Mon 12/24/07 05:34 AM
My sister lets her kids unwrap gifts from relatives and friends on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas morning they open the Santa presents. I think it's a good idea. bigsmile

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Mon 12/24/07 04:15 AM

I've had many hard parenting moments. My daughter was born with a hole in her heart & pulmonary stenosis. When she was 3 she drowned in a friends pool and they were able to bring her back.
At age 9 she had a brain tumor removed. In the midst of all this her father had cancer and died a month after her surgery. 3 months later my father died.
Last year, from all the stress, even though there was a lot of counseling involved, my son tried to commit suicide.

I have to say the only way through all of these really difficult parenting moments is to call on my faith in God. This scripture has helped me make it through it all:

Romans 5:1-5
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Praying your way through parenthood is the only way to find the strength that is needed in the toughest of times. I love both of my kids with everything that is in me and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to raise them. They are both very special gifts from above.

Wow. You have had one tough trek. I'm glad you have God.

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Mon 12/24/07 04:14 AM
So far, she's only 4 months, the hardest bit was sitting by her cot in hospital for four days and nights straigh looking after her. I didn't even leave the room. That was pretty emotionally and physically wrecking.

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Mon 12/24/07 04:12 AM
Just because you had to do your laundry from 6 years old doesn't mean you should carry it on. Just like an abused child shouldn't carry it on by abusing her own..

I agree that chores should be handed out but laudry is a big responisibilty.

If you think they will have a problem when they do eventually move out, then teach them how when you suspect they might be leaving soon.

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Mon 12/24/07 04:06 AM
Also he mentioned Mithra....I did take the time to look it up...and Mithra was born of a rock............laugh

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Mon 12/24/07 04:01 AM
Anicient Egyptian writings shouldn't be taken as gospel. Isis [Horus' mother] married her own brother.

She was referred to as the moon shining over the sea.

And from what I can see, this youtube video is taking things a bit too far and instead of referring to Isis as a woman, the creator of the vid' would probably have tried to tell us that she actually is the moon.


The original video scared me through and through though.

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Mon 12/24/07 03:56 AM

Thousands of years before the old testment there was the Egyptian god Horus.

He was born Dec 25
Born of a virgin
star in the east
adorned by 3 kings
teacher at 12
baptized at 30
had 12 followers
He performed miracle's like healing sick and walking on water
he was called the lamb of god
he was betrayed
crucified died
buried for 3 days
then resurrected

Could you show me that? I can't find those. grumble

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Mon 12/24/07 03:19 AM

I have been talking to a guy online and phone for close to 3 months. We were supposed to meet Saturday before New Years and spend New Years together. As of today he called me mentally retarded because the other night on the phone I wasn't really talking just kinda doing uhhhh. I was at work all week with no day off and tired. I am hard of hearing and don't do well on the phone, and when I am tired my hearing is even worse.
So when he said something I didn't understand I said uhhhhh trying to figure it out. For close to 20 minutes he kept calling me retarded and screaming in my ear. When I said all he does is mumble when he has been drinking he said "Don't try and turn the tables on me because you are retarded and I don't do that when I drink." Then he hung up on me.
So is this his way of saying I don't want to meet you or is he really just a 100% jerk.

I can't believe you'd even bother wastin' yer time thinkin' about this idiot any more. Doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe you should say 'I'm sorry, I didn't hear you'. Because listening to uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh would sound a bit retarded and annoying.glasses

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Mon 12/24/07 03:15 AM

I just have to get all this stuff sold, and get the house on the market.

Then I am Calvary Scout school.

If I dont go crazy before then.

How long have you guys been together, and why were you on this site then?

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Mon 12/24/07 03:14 AM

One lesson I have learned in life brother. When you hit rock bottom you can only go up.

Not necessarily true...Because what can be defined as rock bottom. I went through a period in my life where I thought it couldn't get any worse. But it kept happenin' and happenin' for a year two years solid. So there ya go.

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Mon 12/24/07 03:13 AM

Negativity will get you nowhere Bro... Try something else

Jeez you don't give lean for the grieving process...

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Mon 12/24/07 03:11 AM
Wait, it was a trannie?huh

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Mon 12/24/07 03:03 AM
Oh God, there isn't anything I've left unopened. And I still haven't delivered all the gifts I got for peoplenoway

My fave pressies was a signed copy of V for Vendetta. Fab' blushing

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Sat 12/22/07 04:58 PM
Socialise more?

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Sat 12/22/07 09:10 AM
I only recently admitted to myself after a few years of dating chubbers that I indeed am a chubby chaser.

Found it weird admittin' it at first. But hey! Each to their own!

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Sat 12/22/07 08:59 AM
That's horrible! A 14 year old shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of doing her own laundry! It's your duty to look after her every need until she comes of age.

My mother left when I was 8 and I was doing my own laundry from then onwards. Never had a meal cooked for me again. It's horrible. Those are the little things in life you expect and it makes things so much harder without them.

Coming home from school trying to find something to eat and wash my uniform. Then stress how I'm gonna have it dry before the morning.

Just do the laundry.

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Sat 12/22/07 08:53 AM
Well after a week of torment with my baby, getting up every 20 minutes. Literally. No joking. I was going mental so went to the doc's with her.

She had been sleeping from 7pm to 3am. Then until 5am. Waking at 7am for the day. And she was nearly 4 months.

Then she got a cold and went crazy with her sleeping patterns. Turned out she had bronchiolitis :( And ended up in hospital for 4 days. So I'd defo take your kid to hospital.

Now she goes to bed around seven, wakes around 1, 3, 4, 5. Then stays awake. I'm just putting up with it until she gets used to takin' her bottle again.

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Sun 12/16/07 01:34 PM

No, not when he is sick.Take him to a doctor!And make sure he does not have an upper chest cold!!

An upper chest cold??

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Sat 12/15/07 03:14 PM
My Dad died of Cancer of the brain last year. Coming close to his anniversary now.

I can't believe the amount of people that survive cancer in America. The rates aren't anything like that here.

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