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Topic: Cancer Patient Family Member Support
Amberdee29045's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:38 PM
I don't know if there is a there a thread on here for family members of cancers, so I made this one.....If you want to vent on here, feel free.

I just found out that my mother has lung cancer. She told me today, and I'm taking this hard myself.

Queene123's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:40 PM
i have a cousin that went through breast cancer a number of yrs ago and is a survivor

HaileyF's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:43 PM
Im really sorry to hear that!!! If you need to talk to anyone, feel free to message me!!

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago, and she is doing great today. She is now cancer free.

Also, a very close family friend was diagnosed with stage 2B lung cancer last year. After a sugery where they removed her right upper lobe (of her lung), went through chemo and radiation...she was pronounced cancer free!!

I know its a really difficult time for you and your family, but just be supportive and everything will be ok. My mom was terrified to tell us, because she didnt want to upset us, but she got through it.

If you need anything Amber, feel free to talk to me. My thoughts are with you!!

- Hailey

Amberdee29045's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:44 PM
I have a friend that just finished chemo for breast cancer. She seems to be doing well. It was the first time I had seen her in over 3 years and she was diagnosed this year with it.

LAMom's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:48 PM
My prayers to you and your Mom,,, I am a survivor and have lost so many family members ,,,, Love & Light to you flowerforyou

Puffins1958's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:52 PM
My twin is a breast cancer survivor...she was diagnosed over 7 years ago. I pray all will be well with for you and your Mom...

flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:54 PM
It is a very hard thing to deal with. Stay close to friends and relatives they can help you get through this.
I am still in a state of confusion/depression as my mom passed away 6 months ago from lung cancer.It is so hard ..."WHY " constantly running through my mind.Now we have the holidays to get through with out her.
If you need to talk ..e mail me..or even if you need just to get some thoughts out. I have been there and I have done that.

brian325's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:57 PM
I am so sorry to hear that your mom has cancer. I lost my father to lung cancer in Dec. 2005, and I have a friend who is a survivor of cancer as well. My prayers go out to you and your family Amber! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

KittyKat22's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:09 PM
I had cervical cancer before my husband and I got married, it went away in Feb of 2003. My father-in-law is dealing with Lung Cancer again, this is the second yr of dealing with all the pain and going through Chemo again. This time they aren't giving him both treatments. My adopted mother has cancer, but they can't figure out where. My husbands Uncle just found out also that he has lung cancer. They told us this today, both sides of our family has alot of problems with cancer. We've both lost alot of family members to due things. So far it seems that cancer right now it the worst thing, we are having to deal with. I look as my father-in-law as my hero, he's going on strong, but his body is very weak. He never got over the first treatment. He has already been in the hosptial once since he started his treatments. Last yr, he spent almost 2 weeks, they were talking about putting him on life support to keep him going. This time he signed papers saying if he wasn't going to make it, to not bother. We are really upset, but we will honor his wishes. We don't want him to suffer, we love him very much, my husband and I also have health issues, I have alot of stress due to the fact I'm worried about everyone. So the stress is becoming a really big health issure for me. I just thought I'd come in here to talk about what's going on. I get to were sometimes I think I won't be able to handle it anymore, then something good happens, and then something horrible does. I end up right back where I started.
Anyways, I'll let everyone go.. I hope all goes well with those who's family members have cancer..
Love and Prayers to you all!!!

Duffy's photo
Tue 11/27/07 06:12 PM
Get information from the American Lung Cancer Association.

KittyKat22's photo
Wed 12/12/07 08:37 PM
Edited by KittyKat22 on Wed 12/12/07 08:39 PM
Just thought I'd come in and give a report on my Father-In-Law
seems the doctor made it clear that they won't be able to cure him. Things aren't going so well for him, he is always tried due to the Chemotherapy, so he mainly sleeps all day! He is keeping his faith strong, we are going to see another doctor soon, about him getting Raditation Therapy also! We are all very concerned we are trying to make this a great Christmas for him! From the way they Mother-In-Law speaks, she feels this just might be his last Christmas with us! I truly hope not! I hope all is going well with all others!
God Bless & Merry Christmas!

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 12/13/07 03:53 AM
I survived cancer at the age of 5, and my grandmother recently just survived cancer, and she's about 80! Never give up hope, that's all I say. Don't even consider it a possibility in your mind that you (or your relative/friend) might die. I'm here for support if anyone needs it.

Oh, and here's one trick to get through it, that my grandmother taught me.
Have a sense of humor.
She wore a different wig to every chemo (she even had a bright purple one, a red white and blue tinsel one, and a bright pink one). Every treatment she got the nurses laughing. She told them she would name her tumor "Gladys" because she'd be "Gladys gone!" She also told them the story of why she had 9 kids.
"When I married my husband, I was a little deaf, and every night, he'd ask me, do you want to go to sleep or what? And I'd roll over and say What?"
She's a very resilient lady, and I look up to her.

KittyKat22's photo
Thu 12/13/07 08:13 PM
Haha, that's how my Father-In-Law is, he is keeping his faith strong and jokes about it! He really helps out others, he tries to make them feel better when he's having treatments! He loves to joke around with the nurses! We know most of them by name! They are becoming family! It's a hard thing to deal with, but everyone finds something good about it!

nvrsaynvr's photo
Thu 12/13/07 08:19 PM
Prayers and good thoughts to all the people who have dealt with cancer in their life or a family members. flowerforyou

My mother had breast cancer as well as my sister. They are both survivors. :smile:

Attitude and humor are very important.laugh

KittyKat22's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:17 AM
Thank you! Yeah Humor really helps out alot and knowing you will beat it! You always need faith! It's hard sometimes, but always remember as long as your there you can help out! Joke and remember the good times, don't dwell!
God Bless All!

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 03:14 PM
My Dad died of Cancer of the brain last year. Coming close to his anniversary now.

I can't believe the amount of people that survive cancer in America. The rates aren't anything like that here.

KittyKat22's photo
Tue 12/18/07 07:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear that! Anymore I see so many people with Cancer I've gotten use to it! Lost a few family members to cancer too! I'm sorry to hear about your dad! I hope you'll be okay this Holiday Season!

You take careIrishMOM

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:44 PM
My Dad has cancer of the Esophagus. Its been a long summer. He had the tumor removed but now he goes into surgery to have fluid around his heart and lungs removed this Friday.

Prayers and Support to everyone who has/had family members or themselves has/had cancer.

Two of my aunts also had breast cancer and they've survived it as well.

Hope everyone is at least trying to have a good Holiday Season. I'm a Christian so Christmas is very dear to me and even if my family can't 'celebrate' it fully, we can 'celebrate' what we think and believe is the true meaning of Christmas because having Him close in our hearts is very important...even more so now.

:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:45 PM
Merry Christmas Everyone...blessings and prayers sent your way...:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Sat 01/05/08 04:55 PM
Hi there i am so glad to have found you page. It will be nice to tell someone i dont know how i feel at the moment because i feel i;m going crazy. I am 37, married with 4 kids and a foster daughter. My mother had me late in life at 42...she was the greatest mum in the world, aren't they all:) my dad sadlt died when he was 48, i was 5 from cancer. My mum died 3 years ago , smoking realated (not cancer). I have 2 much older sisters and an older brother. My sister was told 2 weeks before christmas she has ovarian cancer! It was such a shock (the silent killer) is sooo true. So within 2 weeks she had had a full hysorectomy and is awaiting to have chemo. Her chnaces of survival went from %30 to now %70 and thats before the chemo. It has hit me really hard. I am so close to my sister even though we live miles apart, when my mum died she kinda replaced her as that mother figure. I feel so angry that she has it, i feel sad because she is so wonderful and has 5 wonderful kids that dont deserve to see their mum in pain. I also feel selfish because i dont think i coulod cope without her, so if anything happens to her(i pray it doesnt) i will just shrivle up and not want to go on. I dont have contact much with my other siblings and i have NO other family. We have a very bristish sense of humour in our family and me and her laugh about things , like the fact she may need a wig and maybe we could both go and buy something outrages! Wev are like this on the phone most of the time, but inside me i am aching, i feel a constant sadness. My sister called the other day and was upset, saying the worst thing for her is that ya know that feeling we all have that we are indestructable, that feeling that nothing will happen to us, well she feels like she has lost that feeling forever now and she wants to feel it again, she doesnt want to go on thinking every pain might be cancer. I know how she feels. Oh i am sorry for going on but it is nice to get it off my chest. You tend to not go on about how you feel because it seems selfush. Any way i better go before i go on too much..
I hope things are ok with you all.

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