Community > Posts By > muzikmaker

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 08/03/08 07:30 PM
I have between 30 and 40 pair of shoes and thought I was bad....until my daughter went to S. Korea and DIDN'T take over 60 pairs of shoes and boots. But, I must say, when she's around, she does wear them and now that's she's back in the states, I'm expecting that she's going to take them back with her to New Grenich, Conn. where she's just gotten a job.

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 08/03/08 06:16 PM
It seems it always happens to me at the movies.....When Robin Hood(Kevin Costner)came out many years ago I'd gone to see it with 2 of my girlfriends.

Towards the very end, while the priest is attempting to conduct the private wedding ceremony between the villain (can't remember his name off hand) and Maid Marian...and Robin Hood and the Painted Man are trying to break the door down.....and the crowd outside is screaming, fighting and yelling, the the villain is trying to tear off Maid Marians clothes (and not very effectively) and position himself between her legs to consummate the marriage...I most incredulously leaned over to one of my girlfriends, and in an attempt to be heard over the din of the movie, said in a VERY LOUD voice.....'Yeh, right! Like we're supposed to believe this guy can maintain an erection with all this commotion going on?' And it was at that EXACT moment that the scene changed to one of dead silence. Everyone around us started laughing and I could have crawled under the seat I was SO EMBARRASSED! Please...someone.....tell me you have committed other such faux pas!

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:10 PM
If you give me a dicipherable melody line, I can make up the accompaniment and write the music for it.

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:00 PM
Sounds to me like you are ALL right! It depends on the mindset at the time of the interaction, IMO...offtopic ...And then there is ANGRY sex.....When something disturbing has happened and you want a wild frenzy of pounding sex, no foreplay, just do it, fast and furious. Badly needed some of that recently, but OF COURSE with my pathetic lifestyle, no one around to accommodate me. (sniff, sniff :cry: )

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:30 PM

who said chilvary was dead...flowerforyou

That's because they love you, kiddo!! smitten

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:20 PM


I was confused when I read it. I think if you would have put quotation marks around it, that would have helped clarify that it was sent TO you. But I know what you mean....I have had equally appalling messages sent to do you be nice when you answer them....or don't you?

no one else seemed to having trouble understanding it but thats neither here nor there

I finally did get it about the third time I read it (I would make some remark about being Polish, but then I would be under the gun, wouldn't It was so incredulously inappropriate that I couldn't imagine it actually coming from you because you are so articulate from the posts that I have read of yours.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:09 PM


I was confused when I read it. I think if you would have put quotation marks around it, that would have helped clarify that it was sent TO you. But I know what you mean....I have had equally appalling messages sent to do you be nice when you answer them....or don't you?

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:02 PM

bed bugs gotcha !!!!!!!!!!!

saw them on ellen last wk...eweeee

I don't think bed bugs make you itch, necessarily.....My grandmother used to talk about them and she said that they sucked blood.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:00 PM
If I may be personal....where do you itch?

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:56 PM

Itch a lot?

Have you been in the itching powder, again??

Which reminds me of a joke....

One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, 'Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt.'
His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn't let such a comment go unrewarded.
The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer.
'What the ***&#@# is this?' he said to himself as a little 'dust' cloud appeared when he shook them out. April,he hollered into the bathroom, why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?
She replied, It's not talcum powder, it's Miracle Grow.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:48 PM

I'm a funny guy & in the rite light , I'm handsome:tongue:

What he means is poor light.laugh

I thought he meant 'night' light

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:42 PM

well we keep texting but different stuff like how he is or what he is doing.... nothing like i liked hangging with you or anything liek that ...sight oh well.........
we walked around for a while aorund school....i guesss its a bit hard for me this guy loves reaidng books thats why we went there.... he took my magazine and was reading it....

Hey dollface ~

I have messaged and IM'd dozens and dozens of guys, although I have met only a few of those that were close by. I think I can give a little insight into what is going on's actually a two way street, but I think women are a little more realistic....

I believe what happens is that guys start to fantasize about the person they are IMing or messaging, and then when they meet in person, the mannerism's, etc., that they had imagined, that turned them on to begin with, aren't in sinc(sp?) with their fantasy. It is easy to be ever so clever and witty when you are IMing and messaging each other, but so easy to burst the bubble via the phone or in person.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 06:14 PM

Why am I wearing my underwear backwardsfrustrated frustrated frustrated

Because you haven't figured out that the yellow streaks go in the front and the brown streaks go in the back slaphead

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 06:11 PM

Why is there no generic name for cows and bulls. We have dogs and cats, but no generic term for bovine (and nobody calls them bovine).

In Wisconsin, we call them cattle.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:19 PM

wOW ...i have had that same dream? Anybody else?
was I in it? drool

I'm always too busy looking for something to cover up with, but the next time I have one, I'll look, OK?

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:07 PM

it is interesting though , how self concious most of us are about our bodies.
We are born without clothes ,yet the thought of being naked in front of strangers scares most of us.I wonder why?

I believe alot has to do with where & how you were raised as well as an insecurity issue for others.

Yes for sure that is it , but I would said that the majority of people are not comfortable ,being without clothes in front of strangers . Some people aren,t even comfortable in front of their own lover. That is a shame !

offtopic I have had a series of interesting dreams over the years...almost like serial dreams...I should have started keeping track of them 35 or 40 years ago...

One of them is always about me being nekked in a public place. It could be a party or a church or some other type of social gathering. NO ONE seems to notice that I have no clothes on, although I am frantic to find something to cover up with. It's usually vivid enough to wake me up, so it never has an 'ending'. I have finally deduced that I have this dream when I'm feeling particularly emotionally vulnerable. Putting my raw feelings and emotions out there where someone can trample on them, be it a new potential love interest or a situation where I am compromised at work or something.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:59 PM

Musikmaker You are very funnylaugh I like your style hunflowerforyou
Do you belong to a nudist camp?

No, but I talked extensively with a guy from a BBW site that wanted to take me to one of the South American countries where is it quite common to be nude on the beaches. He said the locals are crazy nuts about BBW's and would follow a nude BBW woman around. That sounded a little creepy to me. (I didn't go.)

Since being on the BBW site and getting LITERALLY dozens of hits a day, I don't feel quite as bad about my phat. I'm more concerned about being unhealthy, now.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:47 PM

all I can say is Ewwwwwwwwwww sick

Once they had a halloween dance , and all they had on was masks. Some other parts were decorated as well.
He wanted me to go and I would not!!flowerforyou

I don't know if this will get censored or not, but.....

what do you call a man at a nudist Halloween party wearing only a mask and roller skates?
A pull toy

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:41 PM
I used to be extremely embarrassed if I saw a square inch of someone's private parts....ok, a little curious and excited, too, I'll admit it! haha

Then I started doing senior with OLD people so they don't have to go into nursing homes. I do ALL their cares....took a CNA class just to learn the 'right' way to do it and guess what?....after you've seen a couple crotches close up, it is NO BIG DEAL.....male or female. The little old ladies breasts hang down like orioles nests,,,,,they don't even bother to wear a bra anymore. I don't give it a second is JUST ANOTHER body part.

It has made ME so much less SELFCONSCIOUS about my own body, too. 'Course, I am aware that with the excess adipose tissue I possess, I may not be the most appealing figure to gaze at if phat is not your 'thing', but I'm not totally unfortunate looking from the neck up and I have a nice/fun personality. Face it....not everyone is going to be Jack LaLane, get used to it.

muzikmaker's photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:28 PM

noway noway it's not the age we r discussing, it is how disgusting the young man finds our wrinkled old junk hanging out.laugh
noway noway noway

why do you say "our" like you are one that i am talking about?? you aren't don't get your panties in a wadflowerforyou

it is just not an attractive thought, that is, i also said that there would be too many guys walking around...

i would hate to be sitting down at a nudist restaurant and the waiter comes up and has his **** in my face....f*** that!! lol

Nah, I don't think that would happen, Nova. First of all....everyone carry's towels (or is supposed to) to sit on so as not to spread unmentionable diseases that can be spread through the chairs we commonly share. So if you follow that through, someone serving food would certainly have to have some standards in that area as well.....besides, for his own benefit, I would think he would want to wear an apron, anyway. Horrors that he would get his willy in some hot soup he was serving!! oops

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