Community > Posts By > muzikmaker

muzikmaker's photo
Thu 07/10/08 12:27 AM

with exes! My most recent ex told me he wanted to stab me in the face and the one before that, who has a new girlfriend whom he says hes madly in love with, wont quit talking about how he wants to have sex with me...what to do??

Why are you talking to these guys in the first place? You get to set the rules.....if it's because of kids, just tell them that's the only subject you will discuss with them. If they make any other statements about anything else AT ALL, just continue with the appropriate subject and do not show any reaction of any kind to their stupid remarks. When they see you have no reaction, they will get bored and move on. Not the easiest thing for you to do, but be diligent!

muzikmaker's photo
Thu 07/10/08 12:09 AM
I haven't taken the time to check out the ages/profiles of those posting on this subject and I also have Dial-up so can't watch the uTube video.....but beings that I'm 58 years old....I do remember a time when a second language was a REQUIREMENT to graduate. It was discontinued before I entered H.S.

My daughter has her B.A. in Spanish Studies and has since gotten her International certification to teach English as a Second Language. She's taught in S. Korea and most recently in Chile.

As far as having us learn a second language, there are childrens t.v. shows that are teaching Spanish and they are catching on quickly!! I went on some mission trips and we were strongly advised to learn at least...'Donde es el bano', haha

(I think we would also do well to learn at least basic sign language. I think some of the signs are universal.)

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:54 PM
A number of years ago (perhaps 10?), some type of welfare benefit was cut here in the state of Wisconsin that directly affected immigrants. I just caught the tail end of a news cast and can't remember what it was, because the manner of the reply of an elderly Hmong gentleman was what truly caught my attention. I can't believe that after living in the United States for SEVENTEEN years, he hadn't learned ANY English.....his granddaughter was his translator! How young do you have to be to learn at least primitive English to exist? Good Grief ~ this just blew my mind and STILL DOES!

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:53 AM
I have to keep my nails very short to play the harp. So just buff them or wear a feminine pink polish......HOWEVER, I recently went for my first pedicure because I read that if you wear open toe shoes (sandals, flipflops), you should have painted toe nails, so I went with bright red. If I'm going through all that trouble, I may as well make sure they are noticed, haha.

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:33 AM
Since you brought up ice cream cones, Marie....another good use for them, efficient and novel.....

The next time you are at a gathering with a lot of children....arm yourself with the tools to make instant pudding in flavors of your choice and scoop it into ice cream cones. Do not make the cones ahead, they do become soggy. Saves on dishes, and kids (and adults) love it.....SS

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/06/08 09:32 PM
OK, this still isn't working for me, Dubz. I'm getting the actual survey again, I'm just looking for the RESULTS. Thank you for responding *<};o)....SS

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/06/08 09:27 PM
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I saw the results of the survey ONE time and now have no idea how to find it again. Can anyone tell me where to go? (haha, besides's 'there')

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/06/08 09:22 PM

This is my literary contribution to society. It was actually a little longer, but I had to limit it to 20 lines for publication. This is the story of a most annoying cat that my sister left with me when she was traveling. We couldn't stand her yowling, so we put her in the basement until they came back.......

Distress Call from Sassy

Where are my owners, so loving and kind?
I can't believe they would leave me behind!
My simplest needs of shelter and food,
Without reservation they daily imbued.
Where are my owners, so thoughtful and fair?
This place is enough to give one a scare!
You wouldn't believe how they treat me here!
I was locked in a dungeon, gloomy and drear!
To supplement my diet, on mice I would dine.
Where, oh, where are those owners of mine?

Where, oh, where are my owners, I cried?
You won't believe this! They put me outside! Those mice in the basement seem like a feast!
The next time you call, I might be deceased!
Please take me back, I promise you this...
I won't spray, or cry, or pester, or hiss.
I'll run when you call (I always do!),
Please take me back, I'm so lonely and blue!
Just to be held, and stroked one more time.
Where, oh, where are those owners of mine??

Susan Jeanne Stodola

Copyright ©2003 Susan Jeanne Stodola

muzikmaker's photo
Thu 07/03/08 12:23 AM
"Let the people think what they will'
Said Jill as they climbed up the hill.
She forgot to tell Jack~
Till on the way back~
(multiple choice)
A)It was my Mother who raided the till.
B)The plumber has sent us his bill.
C)The 'Feds' just found our new still.
D)It's been four days since I took the pill.

(original poetry by muzikmaker)

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:56 AM
"Andrew!!! Are you going to bring me my lemonade, or do I have to squeeze it from my hat?" Goldie Hawn
"Maybe you'll spark to this!" Kurt Russel as he grabs Goldie Hawn and gives her a bend backing kiss.
"These gnats keep landing on my wet nail polish".

"I look like a bushman".

"I'm quite happy! Everyone wants to be me".

"Honey, if you HAVE a baby, you won't BE the baby".

......from "overboard'

muzikmaker's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:53 AM
I'd prefer any place I don't have to battle mosquito's......but I think I'd actually lean towards the mountains. I love the cool nights and the sounds and if there's a secluded lake for skinny dipping, a campfire to scare away the bears and bobcats.....sounds perfect

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