Community > Posts By > Reenie

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:17 AM

wait... arent' you the girl who recently asked how guys feel about girls who wait? And he knows this and has tried to hook up with you? HMMM... Hate to sound crude, you know him better than I so I may be wrong, but he may just be trying to deflower you. You'd be suprised how long they'll 'wait' and then turn on you once they get it...

One guy I was seeing for a while before I signed up for JSH, I made him wait for like 6 months and once we finally 'did it' he dumped me. I know its not b/c I'm bad at, its because some men are just like that...

Yeah, that was me who made that post. I'm not sure if he knows how I feel about the topic...We've never directly talked about it. I never flat out told him that I'm a virgin and I'm planning to wait, but I think that I sort of implied it by other things I've said. I'm sure he knows that I'm not easy like most girls he knows. I hope he's not just sticking around to try and deflower me. Maybe it is better that I'm leaving. I'm really sorry to hear that jerk dumped you after waiting for you that long. I know there are guys out there like that, but I know there are lots of good guys out there too.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:10 AM
Thanks for your advice, Jayme. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just starting to feel this way because I'm leaving soon and things are changing. He is around my age..he's 21 and he's graduating college this year. It's kind of weird because I'm not sure if he even considers me a friend...We met at a frat party..yes, he's a frat boy. I never hang out with him and his friends and he never hangs out with mine. I have no idea where I stand with him. Maybe that's why I want to tell him how I at least try and figure out what I mean to him.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:04 AM

I'm 100% sure that he's not looking for a relationship so I'm not leading him on in any way.

Well that clarifies a lot then doesn't it. I do find it strange He hasn't put any moves on You????

I wrote in a post earlier that he has tried to hook up with me everytime we've hung out...but I'm just not into hooking up with people. He's fine with that because I know he hooks up with a lot of girls. Me and him just have great conversations so I guess it's different.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:01 AM

it doesn't sound to me like she's giving him false impressions, it sounds to me like she legitimately likes this guy and is scared.

First, keep in mind the deal breakers. Are any of them something you think you can decide to deal with anyway? I don't know your age or his, but saying the word "school" makes me think probably pretty young. The 'deal breakers' may just be stuff he eventually grows out of. Think about that before you decide to get his reaction. It sounds to me like you've made a good friend so far, is that worth the risk? Its completely up to you if it is or not. He sounds like a pretty understanding person.

Try something like this on for size (re word and add to it however you see fit):
"I just wanted to tell you that I've developed feelings for you. If you dont' feel the same, its okay with me, we'll never speak of it again. I just felt I had to tell you."

Sounds like you're both fairly mature, its possible that your friendship could sustain such a thing if he doesn't feel the same. Whether he does or not, you're still going away to school. BUT school won't last forever, and then there's breaks where you can see one another. Who knows? Life isn't much if its without risk.

I don't know if I can put up with the deal breakers if we were in a relationship. I really don't think he's looking for a relationship anyway. He hooks up with a lot of girls and he hasn't had a girlfriend since he was in high school. He's 21 now and getting ready to graduate college. Even though I don't agree with some aspects of his lifestyle, he is a good person and we have great conversations. For some reason, it's just really hard for me to talk about feelings. I'm just wondering if he feels teh same way...if he doesnt, I guess I have nothing to lose since I'm leaving. I will be back here for breaks, but I dont see myself living in california after I graduate college..but who knows what the future would bring?

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:56 AM

Is it even worth it?

not the most convincing or assuring term concerning a relationship , any one that has to ask such a question is already there obviously.

the only thing that is scary at this point is She already knows She has to break it off with Him what She is looking for here is support for her actions.

I think you misinterpreted what I was looking for. He knows that I'm leaving for school, I told him about it weeks ago and we talked about it the last time we hung out. We've just never had any conversations regarding "us" or our feelings. He's not one to talk about feelings and neither am I. What I was asking here is if it's worth it to even let him know how I feel because I am curious to see if he feels the same way. I'm 100% sure that he's not looking for a relationship so I'm not leading him on in any way. I don't think I'm his type either, we're just too different. I just want to know if he has feelings for me too.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:21 AM
Everyone has their secrets and everyone has a past. Thats what makes people interesting. Mystery intrigues people. Wouldn't you get bored with someone after awhile if you knew absolutely everything about them from the start? Learning new things about people...good and bad...keep things exciting.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:17 AM

well for starters your not having feelings for him, your lusting after his body, so don't tell him you'll just upset him and yourself

I'd say that what my feelings for him are pretty legit. I'm not lusting after his body. If I were, I would have given in and at least kissed him. He's tried to hook up almost every time we've hung out but we just end up cuddling instead. I know that would probably frustrate most guys, but it doesn't seem to bother him because he keeps wanting to hang out, maybe thats one of the reasons I like him. I really do have strong feelings for him though and I can't help them. I guess it's not worth it to tell him since I'm leaving, but I do want to know what he would say. I'm dying to know if he feels the same that selfish?

Reenie's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:24 PM
Find a woman who appreciates what you have to offer...not what your bank account has to offer. You deserve someone who will love you for you who are...not leave you for the next guy with more money.

Reenie's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:21 PM
I think I've heard this story before...It's still hilarious though.

Reenie's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:20 PM
Poor spelling and grammar is definetely a turn off.

Reenie's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:19 PM
Yeah, I've told myself before that he's not boyfriend material. And if he's not boyfriend material, he's certainly not long distance material. I just can't stop thinking of him and I've been turning down actual dates from great guys who are my type because I don't want to spend time with anyone else. I have no idea how he feels about me, he's probably the last person on this earth to ever talk about feelings. I can't explain these weird feelings...maybe it is this time of year..who knows?

Reenie's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:09 PM
So I've been hanging out with this guy for a few months. We'd hang out about once a week...It would usually consist of me going over to this place, having a few drinks, talking, watching movies, and sometimes cuddling. We've never hooked up. I'd just keep telling myself that it's just for fun and he's not my type at all...because he isn't. Physically, I find him very attractive and he's very intelligent and ambitious...which I like. But other than that, he doesnt have any qualities that I like in a guy and he even has some "deal breakers" for me. I know he's totally wrong for me, but recently, I've started to have really strong feelings for him. I can't stop thinking about him. The thing is, I'm moving to Boston next month for school and I'll probably only get to see him once or twice before I go. After that, I'll only be back here on breaks. Is it even worth it to tell him how I feel or should I just let it go and forget him?

Reenie's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:06 PM
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you or the men you date. Sometimes the chemistry just isn't there. Just like you're not interested in the guys you "get"...maybe the guys you're interested in dont feel that spark for you. Don't take it personally. I'm sure you've met some guys you consider great, but feel nothing for...that's probably how the guys you date feel about you. But just keep being yourself and eventually you'll find someone who will think you're amazing and feel strongly for you...and you'll feel the same way.

Reenie's photo
Fri 12/14/07 04:58 PM

I honestly don't give a darn if someone wants to wait. I do believe, however, that losing one's virginity is not a big deal. Do we get emotional and sentimental about learning to drive or having our first glass of wine? How about our first kiss? Sex isn't a grand metaphysical act nor is it always Hallmark card sappy (and in fact, to me, it's so much better when it's not). Sex is a biological function; it's emotionally chemical (those pesky yet oh-so-heady hormones...).

Wait, I don't care, but personally, life's too short not to live.

I respect your views. But I think sex and virginity are personal and mean something different to everyone. To me, virginity is a virtue and sex is a gift. That said, I don't think your view is wrong, I just think it's personal. I dont look down on anyone who is sexually active...the majority of my friends are. I certainly don't think im "better" or "purer" than anyone who has had sex. I just posted this to see what kind of responses and what guys actually think of a girl who feels the way I do about it. So thanks to everyone who responded honestly.

Reenie's photo
Fri 12/14/07 04:51 PM

I represent more traditional family values and I guess I'm a girl that was never made to become accustomed to living in a mobile home. I couldn't do that so I could not consider dating a man of those means. I don't mean to put anyone down. I'm pretty much a christian, not to bring religion into it, so don't start:smile:

How can you call yourself a Christian and think the way you do? Materialism...Infidelity....Thats exactly what Christianity is NOT about.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/12/07 11:49 PM
Welcome to the site Tristan! Honestly, for me, it's a turn off. But I don't think a lot of girls mind it, I think a good amount would even like the attention. I'm sure you'll find someone who appreciates it. :smile:

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:20 PM

Are you writing all this down yet?

The ladies here are talking to you.

Us guys are dissin' you hard!!!!!

Listen to the ladies and get your head straight.

smokin drinker bigsmile

What is wrong with wanting a man that can provide financial security for his family? Why are you guys 'dissin' me?

Because it does not work like that!!!!!

We are not your Daddy, little girl.

We are MEN!!!!!! With morals and values and not boys with toys!!!!!!

Get a grip!!!!


You seem angry about something in this post. I don't understand why. Isn't it moral to provide for your family? I don't consider a house and having a car to drive your kids to soccer and ballet to be having toys. It's not daddy, it's hubby:smile:

What we're trying to say is that a man doesnt have to be affluent in order to afford a house and a car for his children. And you both should be contributing to that expense.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:16 PM

It seems to me the people replying do not believe a potential partner's financial status has any place in discussing marriage, family and home life?

That sounds a litle short sighted to me.

I think financial stress is a contributing factor in divorce.

I see you live in south carolina. From what I know, the cost of living isn't too high there. If you're getting a masters degree like you say you are, and you have your own career, it doesnt sound like you would be having much financial stress. As long as your husband had some kind of income and wasnt mooching off your money, I'm sure you would be able to at least afford a decent home and a healthy lifestyle for your children.

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/12/07 06:57 PM

I think you are very traditional woman......I didn't realize that anyone would put up with mistresses on the side in this day and age....would you really be okay with that when it came down to the nitty gritty reality.....

Men do this all time:smile: If my husband gives me a home and children and care, I don't have a problem granting him some liberty if he desires it.

this is why there is so much aids and vd around, people spread it from to another because they are not faithful to each other. why would you want to put yourself and maybe kids through such stuff. sounds like you might need to see a counselor and see if they say what we are saying.

yeah, supposing your husband was screwing around, gave you herpes and then you passed it on to your children? I'm sure they'd thank you for the wonderful life you provided for them

Reenie's photo
Wed 12/12/07 06:56 PM

would you be willing to keep finances completely separate and sign a prenuptial agreement in case the marriage failed?

Prenups are insulting. I'd never sign one.

Well good luck finding your man. A majority of us don't agree with you, but I'm sure there's some sleazebag sugar daddy businessman out there hoping for someone like you.