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"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection."
104F is when you need to apply cold compresses or the classic washcloth in cool water and, put it on their forehead to draw out the heat. Could take hours of doing that before the fever drops or breaks.
Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace."
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”
Help me name my new kitten
When naming a cat you need to use seldom used words with two distinct syllables. The first syllable catches their attention and the second gets him or her to realize it's their name.
Example: Starlight |
US Coronavirus Fatality Rate Is Overestimated, Experts Say
Number of confirmed cases doesn’t tell whole story, as mild cases, and untested and recovered patients aren’t fully counted BOWEN XIAO Infectious disease specialists and health experts say that while the number of cases of the new coronavirus will likely continue to grow in the United States, the current case fatality rate appears to be an overestimation. Cases of the virus have jumped over the past few days, now with more than 1,000 confirmed across the United States, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at John Hopkins University. As of this writing, there have been at least 32 coronavirus-linked deaths. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on March 3 that the global case fatality rate is “about 3.4 percent.” But a handful of public health experts told The Epoch Times that the case fatality rate in the United States is lower than the 2 or 3 percent currently estimated. The case fatality rate is “the proportion of persons with a particular condition who die from that condition,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Harry Scholtz, vice president of infectious disease and infection prevention at BEAM Telemedicine and Healthcare, told The Epoch Times that the estimated fatality rate is “likely an overestimate.” “It disproportionately includes elderly patients with medical con- CHUNG I HO/ THE EPOCH TIMES People wearing protective masks ride a train in New York on Feb. 29, 2020. JOHN MOORE/GETTY IMAGES Hand sanitizers provided for election workers in Renton, Wash., on March 9, 2020. ditions and not anyone who was untested and recovered fully,” Scholtz, an infectious disease physician, said. At the same time, the incubation period for coronavirus can be as long as 24 days, according to the largest study analyzing patients of the disease so far. This is another indication that the number of actual cases is likely higher than reported. Some patients are also testing positive for the virus while showing no symptoms at all, according to a letter published in The New England Journal of Medicine. “Young people (under 15) had no severe illness whatsoever,” Scholtz said. “It could be that they already possess antibodies that provide protection against COVID-19, or their immune systems are better able to fight off the virus.” The outbreak of the virus first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. A number of U.S. states across the country have also declared public emergencies over the virus. Dr. Aimee Ferraro, a faculty member of Walden University’s Master of Public Health program who conducts research on infectious and vector-borne diseases internationally, also said the death rate of the virus is likely lower than any current estimates. “As of March 10, there are 754 cases and 28 deaths from coronavirus in the United States, making the mortality rate 3.7 percent,” she told The Epoch Times via email. “However, this number does not account for asymptomatic and undiagnosed cases, so the true mortality rate is probably much lower. “Mortality rate estimates will become more accurate as more data is collected on mild, moderate, and severe cases of coronavirus.” On March 11, the numbers have already shifted in this direction, with 1,135 reported cases and 32 deaths, giving a mortality rate of 2.8. Among the deaths in the United States, most stemmed from Washington state, specifically in King County, and involved older adults who already had underlying health conditions. Life Care Center, a nursing home in the county, is on lockdown over cases of COVID-19, and a number of staff members and residents have exhibited flu-like symptoms. Of the 20 deaths reported in King County, 19 “are associated with Life Care Center,” according to local health officials. Many of the fatalities involved people over the age of 70. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump called the 3.4 percent figure by the WHO “really a false number” in a March 4 interview on Fox News, saying he believes the actual rate is much lower. “They don’t know about the easy cases, because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital. They don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases. So I think that that number is very high,” Trump said. “Personally, I would say the [mortality rate] is way under 1 percent.” Scholtz said the coronavirus doesn’t appear to be very deadly “when compared with SARS and MERS, which had a mortality rate of about 9 percent and 34 percent, respectively.” But he said cases in the United States will continue to rise, “and probably more steeply in the coming weeks or months,” citing “increased availability of testing rather than an actual increase in infections.” “As we gather more information about the total number of cases, my suspicion is that we will find this virus to be less deadly than currently thought,” Scholtz said. “I do not think that the mortality from this will increase in the United States, and on the contrary, I expect that it will decrease as people present earlier and treatment becomes more standardized.” Of the more than 121,000 confirmed cases of the virus globally, more than 66,000 have recovered as of this writing, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University. More than 4,300 deaths have been reported globally, though data coming from China or Iran is thought to be more optimistic than presented. Dr. Taylor Graber, a resident anesthesiologist at the University of California–San Diego, said most of the individuals who contract the virus will “experience nothing more than mild symptoms, similar to many other seasonal upper respiratory viruses.” “More than 80 percent of cases result in very mild symptoms, which don’t require interaction with the health care system or hospital care,” he told The Epoch Times. Mild cases are likely to not be reported in the total number of confirmed cases. Graber said more severe cases can lead to increased inflammatory stress on the body, possibly culminating in respiratory failure. The symptoms in more serious cases include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Flu Comparison Dr. Rishi Desai, a former epidemic intelligence service officer at the CDC’s Division of Viral Diseases, told The Epoch Times that the most concerning difference between coronavirus and the flu is “how quickly COVID-19 spreads and its mortality rate.” Desai didn’t dispute the official U.S. mortality rate. “COVID-19’s R-naught is around 2.3, which means that for every one person that gets sick, 2.3 people will be infected,” Desai said via email. R-naught is also referred to as the basic reproduction number. “During a bad flu season, influenza has an R-naught of 1.3 and a mortality rate of 0.1 percent,” he said. Influenza also has vaccines that have 50 to 60 percent vaccine efficacy “and can be treated with medications like Oseltamivir,” Desai said, adding that the coronavirus has no vaccine, and a vaccine isn’t likely to be available for quite some time. Top U.S. officials have publicly stated that a vaccine could likely be developed by the end of the year or early next year. CDC estimates that “so far this season, there have been at least 34 million flu illnesses, 350,000 hospitalizations, and 20,000 deaths from flu.” The predominant way the virus spreads is when it is flung from one person to another as they “cough or sneeze,” Desai said. He said the most likely way a person can get infected is through the eyes, nose, and mouth, adding that if those areas were touched less, the risk is “significantly lower.” Scholtz added that influenza can also be quite severe for young healthy persons. While the coronavirus and influenza are both respiratory illnesses that are contagious and transmitted in a similar way—through droplets containing the virus—Ferraro said that “coronavirus may also spread through airborne transmission, which means the virus may remain in tiny droplets in the air even when the infected person is no longer near.” U. S. officials are also urging Americans to travel less and to avoid large groups of people. Santa Clara County, a large area in California that includes Silicon Valley, on March 10 banned mass gatherings of 1,000 or more people due to the coronavirus. Elderly and vulnerable Americans should travel less and avoid large groups of people, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on March 8. “If you’re a person with an underlying condition, and you are particularly an elderly person with an underlying condition, you need to think twice about getting on a plane, on a long trip,” Fauci told NBC on March 8. Several major U.S. health insurance companies have agreed to waive copays on COVID-19 testing and will extend coverage on treatment, Vice President Mike Pence said on March 10. Fauci said while authorities are getting a “better sense” of the scope of the outbreak, “unfortunately, that better sense is not encouraging, because we’re seeing community spread.” As we gather more information about the total number of cases, my suspicion is that we will find this virus to be less deadly than currently thought, Harry Scholtz, vice president of infectious disease and infection prevention, BEAM Telemedicine and Healthcare CHUNG I HO/ THE EPOCH TIMES People wear protective masks near New York’s Times Square on March 11, 2020. KAREN DUCEY/GETTY IMAGES A patient is loaded into an ambulance outside the Life Care Center of Kirkland in Kirkland, Wash., on March 7, 2020. Copyright (c) 2020 The Epoch Times, Edition 3/12/2020Powered by TECNAVIA Use single click or tap to zoom within the page.Use double click or double tapping to zoom within the page. # Clicks to zoom If locked you will never switch to article mode. Lock Settings Settings |
"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen."
What is : Sin ?
Sin is a stain on yourself through things that causes you negative impact and/or society. Code of laws, ethical standards, moral code and other names have been written for a person to live by to prevent such self harm. Some rules to follow were put down to get people not to eat certain things because of the fact you can die from them if cooked wrong.
"When men are full of envy they disparage everything, whether it be good or bad."
Edited by
Sun 03/08/20 12:52 PM
I think that the real problem with any of these novel viruses isn't the death rate but the infection rate and the economic effects. A quarter of Italy is in quarantine, which seems a little excessive considering the 1% death rate, but you do have to consider the possibilities of mutation into something much more serious. Here in the UK, it's expected that the virus will infect 80% of the population, the vast majority of whom will recover in a fortnight or so. However, if 80% of your population is in voluntary quarantine, then the impact on our economy will be serious. From what I've seen over the weeks has me believing this virus is a bio-weapon made by the chinese. The only reason I see why all these politicians are afraid is because the elderly are more likely to die from it then anyone else. Of cause the politicians are going to stop themselves from catching it. Screw the rest of us. Of cause there are probably some who give a crap about us peasants and surfs. Don't believe they're all are doing this in good faith. Unfortunately, you can never rule out that possibility, either accidental or deliberate. The last time that there was an outbreak of "foot and mouth" disease here, it was eventually traced back to the bio-chemical research centre at Portondown in Salisbury. It escaped into the sewage system because of a broken filter. There's a Bio Lab in New York that let loose what's called "Lyme Disease". Now when you go hunting you'll need to watch out for Deer Tics. These people always need to mess with viruses and diseases designed to cripple troops on the battlefield. Staff: "Oops. Something got out into the populace." Politician: "Don't care. It'll be fine." |
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just that. Any government system or group of people who tries or takes that away from you should be opposed. We do give up some Liberty to have courts, police and such. We control our lives not others.
I think that the real problem with any of these novel viruses isn't the death rate but the infection rate and the economic effects. A quarter of Italy is in quarantine, which seems a little excessive considering the 1% death rate, but you do have to consider the possibilities of mutation into something much more serious. Here in the UK, it's expected that the virus will infect 80% of the population, the vast majority of whom will recover in a fortnight or so. However, if 80% of your population is in voluntary quarantine, then the impact on our economy will be serious. From what I've seen over the weeks has me believing this virus is a bio-weapon made by the chinese. The only reason I see why all these politicians are afraid is because the elderly are more likely to die from it then anyone else. Of cause the politicians are going to stop themselves from catching it. Screw the rest of us. Of cause there are probably some who give a crap about us peasants and surfs. Don't believe they're all are doing this in good faith. |
Vitune C and D helps your immune system. So in other words, let sunlight hit your exposed skin for at least 15 minutes and eat an apple. You can eat citrus fruits as long as you don't get batsh't crazy about it and give yourself citric acid poisoning.
The old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". |
“For Want of a Nail” - Proverb
For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the message was lost. For want of a message the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail. Figured this is relevant at this point in time. All these people rely on China to make gizmos, doohickies and thing-a-ma-gigs are finding there's no one making them. |
Oh, come off it with this Fear Mongering crap. You listen to dipsh'ts in the media who have their heads jammed up their as'es. You'll whined up as stupid as them. Standard prevention techniques for not catching illnesses will work to stop you from getting the Chinese lab bug. Those at risk of dying have heart, lung and other such medical problems. Malnutrition is another factor for most all viruses/diseases. Here's something. Why don't you live in a sterile chamber, ware hazmat suits w/ gas mask for when you go outside and a decontamination room to remove all foreign matter when you return home. what the experts think they know ... It is not a flu !!! although there are common symptoms between. Coronavirus and influenza (in the early stages)... Coronavirus is believed to have multiple modes of transmission .. droplet.. contact and faecal . A major concern now is that it may also be airborne and able to survive in the atmosphere . Experts also cannot rule out the possibility that like chickenpox .. the virus may be able to lay dormant in someone who has recovered and potentially reinfect/mutate at a later stage . It is much too soon to have any understanding of host immunity from exposure and what this represents ., Keep in mind also It may be sometime before an accurate mortality (death rate) can be determined . Most of the figures are based on China’s outcomes and are not indicative of pandemic death rates . If you look at the world map of infections .. it is clear ., this is just the beginning .. many countries are in the early stage of trying to contain sporadic spread . For some this will not be achievable .. especially third world countries and those with poor access to health resources and funding ., It is believed the virus is capable of producing a Rapid pneumonia/severe sepsis which can overwhelm the body’s immune system (known as a cytokine storm ) . Potentially this can lead to multi organ failure and death . On the positive side .. There are increasing reports that for many their exposure to the virus is mild . While vulnerable populations have been identified ..evidence has also demonstrated that there are exceptions and health/age does not guarantee a desirable outcome. Knowledge is power ..(rely on legitimate medical advice rather than propaganda ) . Be aware .,, stay informed .. minimise risk . Plan and Be prepared .... look after your health and look after each other .., that is what you would do for most threat situations . Disclaimer ..,, This is just my understanding of the situation currently .. .. I may or may not know what I am talking about ![]() ![]() ![]() The media is owned and controlled by political factions. Hate and Fear Mongering is what they do. It's about manipulation so they can control people. They talk about left and right. Reality is that there's 360 degrees on the compass. Theocracy, Aristocracy, Technocracy and so on. The elitists want ancient Rome (them being the ruling class), the feminists want ancient Sparta where men are a mockery of themselves (manly-man), corporations want to be political states in amongst themselves forcing people to be slaves to their brands and the list goes on. This bill that they're going to pass for the "Protection Against Copid 19" is most likely will be just as bad as some of the worst sh't they've past to remove Liberties from Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if other countries won't use this to pass some crap to further their ends. When it comes to politics, the job makes the person because power corrupts. Most of the population doesn't have to worry that much about getting it. People like me do because my parents live next door. If they get it they're going to die. Others with certain health problems are at a high risk of death. This is reality and not some pipe dream. |
My grandfather said that living on Earth was hell. After you drop dead you'll find peace.
Oh, come off it with this Fear Mongering crap. You listen to dipsh'ts in the media who have their heads jammed up their as'es. You'll whined up as stupid as them.
Standard prevention techniques for not catching illnesses will work to stop you from getting the Chinese lab bug. Those at risk of dying have heart, lung and other such medical problems. Malnutrition is another factor for most all viruses/diseases. Here's something. Why don't you live in a sterile chamber, ware hazmat suits w/ gas mask for when you go outside and a decontamination room to remove all foreign matter when you return home. |
4% mortality rate for those who contract this virus. People with health problems such as those which effect your heart and lunges are at risk of dying from it. There's enough serco statoil evident to believe it's a biologically engineered weapon made by the Chinese to be used on the battlefield against enemy troops. Bio-Weapons are made specifically to incapacitate not kill. Reason being is you'll kill your own troops when they take the enemy position after the enemies are stricken ill.
The stuff they tell you today is a variant on what came before. Laws like "Don't Walk on the grass" comes from animals relieve themselves on it and touching your shoes can give you something. Washing door knobs, handles and such in/outside your house keeps the spreed of germs and bacteria which causes illness. There's lots of other things that came about from Typhoid and other viruses/diseases. Go and look up the subject on the net to find about such things. The worst thing you can do is panic. Learn, stay calm and do what you need to. This is what it always takes when dealing with problems. |
Can trust be built in a day
In very rare instances, trust can be immediate, and last a lifetime. In most circumstances, trust is built over a period of time. On the flipside... Trust can be lost over a period of time. Or, it can be lost instantly. ![]() |
Here's something I read that got me thinking about how people spergeout about just the mention of God. Doesn't matter if you believe or not. Also, how SJWs act like religious zealots when they're on about their Progressive Socialist propaganda..
Either the schools need to be overhauled or gotten rid of in my opinion. Now I know why I always felt like school was trying to turn me into a mindless robot most of the time. Having kids in school through college would do a more better job of brainwashing is my guess why free higher education is a big push. Also why they're bent on destroying home and private schooling. Read for yourself and make up your own mind. John Dewey’s Public Schools Replaced Christianity With Collectivist Humanism ALEX NEWMAN This article is part 4 in a series examining the origins of public education in the United States. Widely recognized as the founding father of America’s “progressive” public education system, John Dewey was a man on an unprecedented religious mission. With more fervor and devotion than many Christian missionaries or Islamic jihadists, he set out to win America over to his religious worldview. Like the collectivists whose shoulders he stood upon, government-controlled education was Dewey’s weapon of choice. And now, more than a century after he began, it’s clear that Dewey and his disciples are winning—big time. When Dewey launched his crusade to erode the faith and individualism of Americans, the United States of America was among the most devoutly Christian nations that the world had ever known. Church and the Bible were an inseparable part of life and education for virtually everyone. A Christian Country In 1643, in the Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies, the earliest settlers in America declared, “We all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in purity with peace.” Centuries later, that was still the prevailing sentiment. In 1856, for example, the U.S. House of Representatives, which represents the people more directly than any other federal body, put it this way: “The great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Numerous similar declarations came from Congress before and after that. In 1892, meanwhile, even the U.S. Supreme Court declared in Holy Trinity Church v. the United States that America “is a Christian nation.” As recently as the 1970s, nine out of 10 Americans still identified as Christians. Today, however, just two-thirds of Americans identify as Christians, with those numbers plummeting further every year. Even in the Bible Belt today, significantly less than half of Americans attend church weekly, with church attendance dropping to less than 20 percent in some states. And even among those self-proclaimed Christians, studies and surveys by the Nehemiah Institute and other organizations reveal that the vast majority reject the Biblical worldview that defined Americans for centuries. With the decline of Christianity and the biblical worldview among Americans, the free political institutions they gave rise to have eroded, too. Probably the most important single figure responsible for the rapid implosion of Christianity in America and across the West more broadly was Dewey. Humanist Manifesto In a previous article in this series, Dewey’s well-known collectivist views were documented, including his fascination with the Soviet Union and his desire to radically transform the United States into a socialist nation. The foundation for this transformation was laid in the early 1800s by communist Robert Owen, whose writings on education inspired the Prussian government to take over education. Decades later, Massachusetts Secretary of Education Horace Mann, a collectivist and utopian, would import that statist system to America. Finally, Dewey would seize control of that architecture, mix it with Soviet ideas and psychology, and provide an enormous boost to its effectiveness in fundamentally transforming America. Part 3 in this series focused primarily on Dewey’s views on politics, the economy, and education. But Dewey’s religion— often described as “atheism” but, in reality, going beyond that—is a crucial part of the puzzle as well. It’s also inseparable from his views on everything else. When Dewey launched his crusade to erode the faith and individualism of Americans, the United States of America was among the most devoutly Christian nations that the world had ever known. The high-profile reformer didn’t seek to conceal his religious views from the public, and in fact, he was a key player and one of the first signatories behind the first “Humanist Manifesto.” This important religious document essentially fused faith in the non-existence of God with a fanatical devotion to socialism and communism, creating potentially one of the most dangerous religions of all times. The very first tenet of this “new” religion was a direct and open attack on the Bible and the prevailing religious orthodoxy of the time—in particular the notion that an omnipotent and omniscient God had created the universe and the Earth as described in Genesis 1:1, the Bible’s very first verse. “Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created,” reads the first tenet of Dewey’s religious manifesto. Note the honesty: Dewey and company recognized that their belief system was, in fact, a religion. Beyond the giant implications for religion, the political and economic significance of this statement is profound, too. Socialist Aims America’s Founding Fathers argued that is was a “self-evident” truth that God had created people and endowed them with certain inalienable rights, as explained clearly in the Declaration of Independence. Indeed, the very purpose of government, they said, was to protect these God-given rights—life, liberty, and so on. But under Dewey’s religion, there is no God. And if there is no God, then there can be no God-given rights. In fact, Dewey was openly hostile to the view that anyone had an inalienable right to private property or anything else. After all, if there is no God to prohibit stealing private property, or even murder, there is no transcendent reason why anybody should have inalienable rights to anything. This is a recipe for totalitarian rule. The socialist and collectivist mentality behind this was all spelled out clearly in the Humanist Manifesto itself. “The humanists are firmly convinced that existing acquisitive and profitmotivated society has shown itself to be inadequate and that a radical change in methods, controls, and motives must be instituted,” they wrote. “A socialized and cooperative economic order must be established to the end that the equitable distribution of the means of life be possible.” This is the exact same rhetoric used by every communist tyrant of the 20th century: The profit motive is bad, so radical change, including collective ownership of the means of production, must be instituted. This has been the guiding vision of such luminaries as Castro, Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Chavez, Maduro, the Kim dynasty, and many more. Countless millions have died as a direct result of these ideas being imposed. But individualist American Christians with a devotion to God and God-given liberty were hardly going to just give up their ingrained beliefs, their hard-won freedom or their property rights without a fight. So Dewey and his disciples— often funded with capitalist Rockefeller money, ironically—understood that “education” would be crucial to changing people’s attitudes. It had to be done quietly, though. “Change must come gradually,” Dewey explained in an 1898 essay calling for schools to place much less emphasis on reading and writing, and much more emphasis on collectivism. “To force it unduly would compromise its final success by favoring a violent reaction.” A National Religion Charles F. Potter, a fellow signer of the “Humanist Manifesto” and a Dewey associate, spelled out explicitly what few Americans were willing to see or understand at the time. “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism,” he wrote in his 1930 book “Humanism, a New Religion.” “What can theistic Sunday school, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teachings?” Potter asked rhetorically. Of course, the answer is practically nothing, as the humanists well understood. A few decades after Potter’s bombshell, the U.S. Supreme Court would formalize it all. After centuries of being at the center of American education, the Bible and prayer in schools, as mandated by state and local authorities from the time public education came into being, were suddenly found to be “unconstitutional.” Supposedly, Bible and prayer in local schools represented a violation of the First Amendment’s prohibition on Congress passing laws respecting an establishment of religion. The legal “logic,” or lack thereof, required the court to twist itself into pretzels. A well-educated public would have seen right through the deception. After all, when the First Amendment was written and ratified, and long afterward, most of the states actually had established churches. But after decades of declining educational standards and humanist propaganda in schools, the monumental decision that would transform America was meekly accepted by much of the populace. At least one justice, Potter Stewart, understood what was really happening. “Refusal to permit religious exercises thus is seen, not as the realization of state neutrality, but rather as the establishment of a religion of secularism,” he wrote in his dissent, using the term “secularism” to describe what Dewey and his cohorts would have referred to as humanism. In short, under the guise of upholding the Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court did the very thing the Constitution was supposed to prevent Congress from doing: It established a national religion and compelled Americans to support it with their taxes, and more significantly, with their children. The reason for the First Amendment was clear—the Founders were worried that some denomination of Protestant Christians might try to establish itself as the official national religion. They never would or could have imagined less than two centuries after creating the new Christian nation, that the institutions they established would force anti- Christian humanism on the American people via public education and judicial fiat. But that’s exactly what happened. Government schools across the United States to this day pretend to be “neutral” on matters of religion, even while they indoctrinate children into believing in humanism, as if humanism were not a religious belief system. Dewey and his fellow humanists recognized it as a religion, though. And federal courts have, too. As recently as 2014, a federal court in Oregon declared as much. “The court finds that Secular Humanism is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes,” wrote Judge Ancer Haggerty in the ruling, which didn’t concern schools in this case but was nonetheless highly relevant to education. Today, Dewey’s totalitarian religion of humanism is being inculcated into the mind of every child attending public school, often by unwitting teachers who don’t even realize it. Polls now consistently show over half of young Americans identify as socialists. Dewey would be proud. But Americans should be outraged. Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.” He also serves as the CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media and writes for diverse publications in the United States and abroad. Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily |