Topic: Avoiding the Coronavirus Tips | |
Here’s a list of things that will be worth knowing if the coronavirus begins spreading near you:
Know the symptoms: fever, cough, difficulty breathing and sore throat are the main ones. Wash your hands often. Wash with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds, taking care to get backs of the hands and under fingernails. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol. Coronavirus spreads by way of droplets expelled during coughs and sneezes. The virus can live on objects and surfaces, including door handles. Hand washing can prevent you from catching it and spreading it. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose and face with unwashed hands. These are easy entry points for coronavirus. Cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow rather than your hand. This prevents you from spreading the virus . Stay at least six feet away from people who appear sick. Coronavirus passes person-to-person. It’s more contagious than regular flu, but less contagious than measles. During an outbreak, you’ll want to avoid crowds. Considers work-related options that might allow you to work from home. Get a flu shot. True, flu vaccine doesn’t protect against coronavirus. So why do doctors keep mentioning it in their coronavirus-related advice? The flu season won’t be over until around May. This flu season has been an especially bad one. So getting a flu shot can save you from getting sick and also prevent you from carrying flu to an elderly or chronically person who is at high risk of dying of the flu. Plus, if there’s a significant coronavirus outbreak, health care workers will need to quickly figure out who has it. The fewer the people with flu symptoms, the easier it will be to diagnose cases of coronavirus. Stock up on food and supplies so you can avoid trips to the supermarket and minimize your exposure to lines and crowds. Refill medications to avoid trips to the pharmacy. Get a supply of medications to treat things like fever and cold and flu systems. Get a supply of alcohol- or bleach-soaked wipes. During an outbreak, you’ll want to frequently wipe down household surfaces to kill coronavirus microbes that may have landed there. |
Stay home.
Yet another advantage to being reclusive
4% mortality rate for those who contract this virus. People with health problems such as those which effect your heart and lunges are at risk of dying from it. There's enough serco statoil evident to believe it's a biologically engineered weapon made by the Chinese to be used on the battlefield against enemy troops. Bio-Weapons are made specifically to incapacitate not kill. Reason being is you'll kill your own troops when they take the enemy position after the enemies are stricken ill.
The stuff they tell you today is a variant on what came before. Laws like "Don't Walk on the grass" comes from animals relieve themselves on it and touching your shoes can give you something. Washing door knobs, handles and such in/outside your house keeps the spreed of germs and bacteria which causes illness. There's lots of other things that came about from Typhoid and other viruses/diseases. Go and look up the subject on the net to find about such things. The worst thing you can do is panic. Learn, stay calm and do what you need to. This is what it always takes when dealing with problems. |
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