Community > Posts By > JBTHEMILKER

Fri 01/25/08 04:01 AM
One thing about that wood working shop.
When I was just getting started, I was working to salvage the bricks from an old mill building in town. We came across the name of one of the old business that had been housed in the mill building at some point many generations before. Stamped on a board was the name, “Bradford Pine Box” The name of my home town in those days was Bradford New Hampshire. I had a stamp made and that was the name I used for my boxes. Sometimes the best things are not new, but have their base in antiquity.

Fri 01/25/08 03:52 AM
Well written. Why would a gentleman post something written by a gal?

Thu 01/24/08 05:55 PM

"Is that Jesus knocking?"

I love it!

Thu 01/24/08 05:53 PM
So briefly tell everyone a little bit about you and your life!!!!
I hate when people ask me to be brief and only tell a little bit. But you already know that about me.
At one point in my life I was given the chance to work in a wood working shop just as much as I liked. The shop was equipped with a mixture of antique wood working tools such as some excellent block planes and a wonderful bit and brace. The shop also had all the modern wood working tools, routers, joiners, a deluxe table saw that had a draw through blade. This shop had more tools than the guy on TV on Saturday afternoons!
I had put a new roof on our barn. My brother-in-law wanted to use half of the newly roofed barn for his shop. He allowed me to work in there any time he was not in there. Uncle Rick, as we would call my brother-in-law, was a collector of tools. He would spend part of every pay he got on collecting both old antique tools from old farms and toll auctions, as well as the top of the line modern tools.
I set up a box making shop. I had a small saw mill at that time that would cut 18” boards out of the clear sections of pine. I had stacks and stacks of these small boards called “shuke” I used the shuke to make the boxes, much like the old cigar boxes. I would always try to make 100 in a single day. I never did reach that goal. I set up jigs and streamlined my operation to where I could turn out close to, but never quite, 100 boxes in a day.
I like to do repetitive tasks that require skill and concentration. I also like to make the best possible product I can when I create something. I enjoy working with wood. The best wood to work with is wood I have felled the tree, milled out the boards or lumber and sometimes even kiln dried myself. I find this a work of love that I love doing.
Did you know that about me? Was I brief enough? Was it at all interesting?

Wed 01/23/08 06:11 PM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Wed 01/23/08 06:11 PM
If there is some fair damsel who would like to exchange thoughts with me. I am available for such.
Ecclesiastes 4
9. Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
10. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
11. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?
12. And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him;

Wed 01/23/08 03:36 AM
Isaiah 64:8B
thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.

Tue 01/22/08 03:36 AM

It's interesting because we all try to find a commonality between what we believe...But that is so hard when what ones has is so personal....And to bring it into words is almost impossible. When someone speaks of the holy spirit being within.....that is a very personal relationship with the person, their God, and for some with Jesus Christ. And when you believe with every fiber of your being that Christ did die for our give the gentiles a chance for salvation...which includes me, and for me this is huge.

Sometimes I wish that men didn't create churches or places of worship and just left it for the person to have relationships with God and Christ. But I also know the importance of fellowship and the bonds that are a church family. And as sad as it makes me all the bickering and fighting over church and religion it will continue long after I am gone. I also know that all through time man has searched for what fits him, for their life, and most important for what they believe spiritually. And as long as we have churches, different religions and different beliefs we will always be able to debate it........and throw blame for what others believe that we do not.

When I was at church today....and the Lord brought me to my knees....I asked him to show me how to deal with this situation.....He answered so strongly and said.....Let it go.....Give it to me......and know in your heart, that I will lead you never astray, that evil, I will open your eyes when it is needed, wisdom I will give you to know that it is present, and most important that the road I have set you on is still there and you must always persevere in My Mighty precious name.

So this will be the end of the road for me. I will only come to the threads that are a positive and never a negative. I will more importantly have no petty fights with others over something that will never change. I will continue to get e-mails of people searching and help them as best I can. I will do this gladly, and with a humble heart.

So God Bless to all my friends

The Lord's Humble Servant

Deb, I understand your post. You as a female have more of a tolerance for pain. You went much further with that argumentative element of this web site than I as a mere male was able to do. I know there are some here who need to hear the gospel message. I know I am in a place where I can share that with them. I just do not seem to be willing to do as you have done and go into the firey furnace knowing that God will deliver me. Call it a lack of faith, but I try to stay well clear of those arguments I see going on. I admire you for being able to do all you have done with those threads.
There is a part of me, maybe a fleshly part, that thinks the work you have done with the matchmaking thread is more desirable. I have a small harem of ladies I now am talking with thanks you and your efforts to bring people of like minds together. You seemed to be able to coerce people to write to me where I was not successful. I feel the Lord’s hand in the work you have done with the massive job of the Match Making thread. I also feel like you have been given an extra dose of patients to be able to deal with all I have read you dealing with. You have been given a strength that few have. Use it well.
I applaud you for all you do.

Sun 01/20/08 04:04 AM
Wow! Part 5!

Sat 01/19/08 08:42 PM
Well done Winnie!
I stopped smoking too. It has been a while for me. I have not smoked in...... 1973??? 34+ years! I know that once you leave it behind, you might think about how it was, as I still do, but you will not regret stopping the habit.

Sat 01/19/08 07:44 PM
Hi Winnie! flowerforyou Miss you on the other thread. :smile:

Sat 01/19/08 07:23 PM
Deb? Can you loan me the air fare for a trip out to somewhere over the rainbow in Northern California? I want to go out there.

Sat 01/19/08 06:59 PM
Sorry, I guess I was a but eger.
I asked if we could kiss and make up.

Sat 01/19/08 06:16 PM
I am right here! If I was a snake I might have bit you!
Please write me.

Sat 01/19/08 06:05 PM
Keep up the good work Deb! I came home to a note in my mail box. I did my part and responded. Who knows, we might have wedding bells. (Am I optimistic or what?)
Thank You for all your work.

Sat 01/19/08 06:01 PM
Romams 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

Fri 01/18/08 01:00 PM
The stray cat lady and I are fast friends, so much so she tends to shorten my name. Just click on my picture to eamil me.

Fri 01/18/08 08:14 AM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Fri 01/18/08 08:16 AM
The work on the wall around the walled city of Jerusalem had been ravaged by fire and war. When they went to rebuilding the wall, they started at the Sheep Gate. This was the gate where the sacrificial lambs were led into the city. To rebuild this section of the wall and the big city gates would take enough lumber to build a town. This was not small task that these people took on. The wood cutting tools of the day were not what we have today. Where today a tree feller can expect to cut down 6-10 thousand board feet of lumber in a day, two men would take all day to fell one tree in these days. We now bring lumber to the mill at speeds up to 60 MPH. The top speed of log transport in the days of the Bible was 4 MPH, and that speed did not happen very often. This was a monumental task these people took on. They began their work at the Sheep Gate.
Do you have the faith in God to take on a job as big as this?

Fri 01/18/08 07:58 AM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Fri 01/18/08 07:59 AM
Nehemiah came before the Lord with humility. I feel we can learn from some of his prayers.
Nehemiah 1:11
O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.

Fri 01/18/08 07:53 AM
Nehemiah 6
15. So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days.
16. And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen that were about us saw these things, they were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God.

Nehemiah 8:8, So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

Fri 01/18/08 05:52 AM
What book of the Bible do you feel you could explain to someone who had not read it?
I would say for me it would be the book Nehemiah. I listened to it yeaterday and found myself thinking hat it would be like to try to explain this book to a class of students.

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