Community > Posts By > JBTHEMILKER

Sun 12/02/07 04:11 AM
Yesterday was a good day for me. I now have three friends showing on this web site. I feel like I have gained even more friends than that. As I go to church this morning I have people to pray for and things to be thankful for. Thank you all who have read my posts. A special thank you to all those who have responded.

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

I now feel like I have friends to call together.

Sun 12/02/07 03:56 AM
Happy Birthday on the 3rd of December to your youngest son!

Sun 12/02/07 03:51 AM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Sun 12/02/07 03:57 AM
This is a great day to have a birthday. It is both mine and yours. H:wink: appy Birthday!:smile:

Sun 12/02/07 03:42 AM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Sun 12/02/07 03:44 AM
Lord, You are a mighty and awesome God! I give thanks to You for the technology of communication we enjoy today. I give thanks for the words You bless me with. I thank You for this day. I thank You for those I have come to know and care about. I thank You, Lord, for the way You have directed my path.
If it be Your will, Lord, I ask to be made a blessing to someone today. I would like to be the answer to a prayer lifted up to You.
Today is a day of rest. I feel I will need that. Lord, give me strength for this day. I stayed up too late last night and I am up far too early this morning. I ask that You keep me alert to hear Your message at Church both this morning and this evening. Give me rest, Lord, and give me a loving heart. Thank You for the sustenance of my life. Thank You for my knowledge and skills. Thank You for my new found friends. I lift up to You those looking for unnatural affection on this web site. I ask, Lord, that You show them how You would have them behave. I ask for understanding and wisdom. I ask for a help meet if that be Your will for me, Lord. flowerforyou
I give my all-in-all to You, lord. I offer myself to You as a living sacrifice.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Sun 12/02/07 02:39 AM
I enjoyed your profile. You have one picture there that shows what men are looking for.

Sun 12/02/07 02:22 AM
My parents would take us out to eat at some very nice basement places in downtown Boston when I was a kid. happy The only thing to slow us down as kids from eating more than our share of the shared food, was that we all had to eat with chop sticks. I soon became proficient at the skill of eating with the chop sticks.:smile:
Today the best food in town is found at the many oriental buffets and family owned Chinese menu restaurants. Went I eat Chinese, if I have the time, I use chop sticks. They remind me of the good meals I had as a kid and also of the years I spent in South East Asia, some of the best times and best eating of my life.laugh
India is the place where I saw the most people eating rice with their hands. In Katmandu we were not offered chop sticks or spoons. :angry: Rice and the sauce was all considered to be finger food. Now that is hard for a westerner to get used to!sad

Sun 12/02/07 02:00 AM
I am/was a bike rider. During the time I lived in Colorado I would ride the Denver bike paths and later the paths up in the mountain towns of Breckenridge and Keystone. Denver is a town just made for a bike. When I relocated to Washington I found that our nation’s capitol is also a town better toured on a bike or roller blades. It was part of my job in Washington to take my boss’s clients on tours of the monuments of Washington DC. I would take them on a bike if they could do it. We could see more of the town than anyone would ever see from a car or a tour bus. I became very familiar with the byways of our nation’s capitol. It was a time I enjoyed.
When I was younger I used to ride cross country. I have criss-crossed this country and all of Europe several times on bicycle. I have some big thighs and found memories.
I really find a bike ride to be a romantic way to spend time with a gal.

Sat 12/01/07 06:20 PM
At my new age, I find I need my sleep. I am going to bed. I will wake, if the raputre does not hapen during the night, one year older.

Sat 12/01/07 05:29 PM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Sat 12/01/07 05:29 PM
Britty, serve me up some. I will be there post haste. The roast sounds delicious.

Sat 12/01/07 05:23 PM
Mind you... if you get an email from me, that one you can open.

Sat 12/01/07 05:12 PM
Mine is in the mail. Good idea Winnie!

Sat 12/01/07 04:46 PM
I have had several. One gave me a nasty virus on my computer. I ended up tossing that machine. Don't deal with them. I have no idea why they are doing this. they are all Russians. You might want to run every virus software you own and buy more.
Good luck.
Oh, and you can share my birthday with me if you want. I don't mind.
JB The Milker

Sat 12/01/07 04:38 PM
Wow! blushing My first ever surprise party! :tongue: Thank you all for the best wishes. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou If it had not been for all of you, my new friends, no one would have taken any note of my turning one year older.:cry:
Thank you all for taking notice. blushing
JB The Milker

Sat 12/01/07 03:18 PM
The work week is over. We have a day of rest!
It is a blessing that tomorrow is a day of rest. I do surly need a day of rest after the day of hard work I had today. I was on my knees all day, not praying to God, but painting the shoe molding in the three-floor seven-bedroom new home. The work of painting this house needs to be done ASAP (that stands for always say a prayer right?) I was praising God for enabling me at my advanced age to still be able to spend a whole day working on my knees, albeit with some discomfort. The day of rest will be a blessing tomorrow.
Our pastor is out of town for the hunting season. He goes up to a cabin and keeps the fire going for the men who go up to go hunting. When they come back, with or without their deer, they have fellowship. In his stead, we have a man who will preach on Creation tomorrow. He is a gifted speaker. It will be a very uplifting morning service I hope. I then have a few hours to bow in front of the throne of the almighty TV for a football game (that will be my nap time) and then back to church for our praise and worship service on Sunday evening. The choir practices before the evening service. I get a ride with a couple who are both in the choir. I have an hour to sit and read along in my Bible in the sanctuary as I listen to the words of scripture being read by Alexander Scorby through my MP3 player. It is an effortless way to read the Bible. It is read to you. I usually listen in the car, but on Sunday evening I have an hour where I have nothing else to do but to read along as the words are read to me. I love it!
If anyone would like a copy of the Bible on three CDs, just go to
They have the Bible on disks for just $12. It is the best ever way to get more time in the Bible.

Sat 12/01/07 02:58 PM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Sat 12/01/07 02:58 PM
Yippie! It is snowing!!! (not here in Western Maryland yet)
I grew up in the winter recreation industry. (Skiing) I remember many a night when I would stay up, waiting for the first flakes of the year to fall. The first good storm was always an excitement to me. The mountain I lived on started to make snow soon after the night time temperatures got down below the freezing point, but the first REAL snow was what I waited for. Back when I was a kid, the manmade snow was never very good for actually skiing on. The real stuff was much better. I had a newspaper route that changed from dragging my red wagon down to the bottom of the hill where we got the bus, to skiing my route just as soon as there was snow enough. I had ten papers to drop off on my way down to the bus stop. Best paper route a guy could ever ask for, especially in the winter time! Praise be to God for the snow!

Sat 12/01/07 03:57 AM
Greetings Deb!:smile: This is a good site. happy I have been here a week and spent way too much time reading the posts and thinking what I would say if only I could find the words. :wink:
Welcome to Just Say Hi. I look forward to more posts from you. flowerforyou

Sat 12/01/07 03:48 AM
I was the manager of all the sports teams, the soccer team, the lacrosse team and the ski racing team. I worked on the work squad, mowing the lawns and fixing the broken windows when there was not a team that needed my Gofer assistance. I was in the annual school play. That was where I found out that I liked to be in front of people but was not able to memorize lines. If I had my school days to do over, I would do them much the same as I did them. I got into some trouble when pot came to our school. I am glad that is behind me now.
The big change in me is that then everything was in front of me, now everything is behind.

Sat 12/01/07 03:45 AM
Happy Birthday JB!
I was born as best I can remember on December 2nd in 1951. That makes me young, right? I just wanted to wish myself a happy birthday, just in case no one else does.

Fri 11/30/07 07:33 PM
For a long time I had jobs that required me to work on weekends. Ounce I accepted Christ into my life and came to understand more of what God really wants from us, I now know that it is OK to both work on some Sundays, I will not think twice before I clear the snow so others can get to church. Some really need to be at church and to hear the gospel preached. But it is a show of your faith to stand up for the services you miss. I feel just as bad when I have to for some reason miss a Wednesday night Bible study, or a Thursday of going visiting for the church. Jesus and his disciples picked Corn on the Sabbath, Jesus pointed to David when he ate the sho bread to show that the law was not God, but merely a teacher.
The bottom line is where is your heart? What do you want to gain? Will your fight for having Sundays off bring glory to God?

Fri 11/30/07 07:04 PM
Edited by JBTHEMILKER on Fri 11/30/07 07:08 PM
Creative Soul, you have put me between a rock and a hard place. :cry: The scriptures have been quoted, (all be it from every known worldly version known) and they say we are to pray in private. I like to write down as many of my prayers as I possibly can. I could never write them all down. I pray as often as I possibly can. God is one who can hear me, and I him. I like for others to read my prayers. I may be somewhat guilty of the same immodesty that the Pharisees of Jesus’ day were guilty of.
It is my prayer that someone will hear my prayers, maybe some unsaved person, and they will see something in what I have in my communion with God and want some of it.
This is a dating web site. We are all here because we would like to make new friends and find maybe a new mate. One very good way to select your mate is to simply listen to what they pray to God.

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