Community > Posts By > Gwendolyn2008
In same sex marriages, both men are "husbands" and both women are "wives."
There are different kinds of loans, and it sounds as if you are unsure about quite a few things. Students should not leave it up to schools to "explain" things because counselors and advisers can be mistaken--not even that they lie, but they are just mistaken. Often, they have hundreds of advisees, and it is too much to keep track of.
But back to the loans. My daughter-in-law dropped out of college over a decade ago and defaulted on her federal loan. However, the feds took their share out of her income taxes until they were paid. She also owed other loans directly to the school, and until she paid them, she could not register to attend classes there and couldn't have gotten a transcript. If you owe the school money, then the school is legally within its rights to hold your degree. If their practices were unethical but the government/courts did not rule that they had to refund tuition, you still owe them the money and they still have the legal right to hold your degree. It is the responsibility of students to investigate practices of schools, and with the well publicized scandals of schools for profit, students are even more responsible for doing so. I am not saying that you have done so, but those who default on student loans just plain SUCK. I have been paying on MY loans for over 11 years and will pay on them for years to come. Defaulters make it hard on everyone. And if the institutions can, they will garnish wages: karma. |
God vs. Santa
If god, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, and the perfect man (or woman) all arrived at the same time at a four way intersection, who would have the right-of-way?
Actually those paragraphs are made up from Louis's quotations and sayings in his Biography. I just made them into little Poem/story like paras. Read about him he is an inspiration and I am sad he's dead. I hope he doesn't mind me compiling his thoughts in this manner, and I did give away lots of clues to help. His Biography is called the Education of a wandering man. Louis contacted me tonight via the Ouija Board: he said to stop messing with his words. |
The wandering Man
"��Few of us ever live in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone. ��Today is all we have, tomorrow is a mirage that may never become reality.�� We do not live in a vacuum. The present is a result of what happened yesterday and tomorrow is predicated on what we do today. By default, we live in the present: remembering the past and anticipating the future does not negate living in the present. There is an equally trite cliche that says we should live each day as if it is our last. If I did that, I would quit my job, gather my family around me, give all my possessions away, and eat french fries and chocolate cheesecake all day. I would also be crying a lot at the thought of my family being without me. Of course, after I gave all my money away and quit my job, I wouldn't be able to afford the cheesecake for very long. |
We do create our personal reality.
It is true. You do, I do, everyone does. Want to know what you created? Look around you. Want to know how you created it? Look at what you place your thoughts and attention on and look at what you believe. Look at the decisions you have made, the actions you have taken. Oh. You are talking about physical aspects and not “reality,” per se. If you did not mean in a philosophical viewpoint, you should have said so. Some people do “create” their surroundings, i.e. the houses in which they live, but they do not alter the “reality” of the universe. And even then, people usually allow other people to create or influence their physical reality. In addition, people who are born with mental or physical handicaps cannot necessarily “make” their reality. It doesn't work that way. First of all a (white) witch would NEVER try to obtain something for personal gain. That is manipulating energies (and other ppl). Witches only work for the (greater) good.
There are no “white” or “dark” witches—there are only “witches,” and witches are people: compilations of both good and bad, but even those words are subjective. When you have the ability to discern the minds of people whom you do not even know, get back to me with those statements of absolutes. While you can (and just did) make a general, overarching statement about witches, that is YOUR “reality.” A witch is a witch because she/he calls her/himself a “witch”; your definition of what “witches only” do doesn’t apply to those witches who do not buy into your definition. "You reap what you sow"
I thought witches called that cliché “the threefold law,” aka “karma.” This is merely the equation of action = reaction and consequences for actions. Having a positive attitude is a great thing—if one is positive, it allows that person to shake off the negativity that people give them. To say that one only gets “good” back in return for projecting “good” is a misnomer, though. Yup, people tend to be nicer to positive people, but it doesn’t keep the psychopath from hacking up an optimist. Neither magick nor prayer (religious magic) work. Again, if they did, there would not be so many unhappy, poor, and sick people. One excuse that faith healers use is to tell people who are not instantaneously healed, they don’t believe enough. Uh-huh. Oh, and two aura readers told me that I have a strong positive energy that extends around me ten feet in all directions. Uh-huh. |
some people don't understand the "if" part... but enough people believe something, then it becomes true, at least in their minds... look at religion if you don't believe that...
Be that as it may, believing something doesn't make it so. Facts may be "true," but "truth" is not always "fact"--just because some people claim their personal truths to be "facts," doesn't make it so. Reality is reality--the sun does not revolve around the earth, but we still say that the sun "rises and sets" because at one point in our history, our limited knowledge and egocentric perspective "proved" that the earth was the center of the universe. It didn't make it so. |
If we create our own personal reality by what we think and place our attention and focus on, as the "The Secret" and "The law of Attraction" says and as "Think and Grow Rich" says, and as the Bible says (Ask and it is given) and as many other books (Hundreds) are saying... ...if this is true... But it isn't true--or, in the spirit of the question being posed, it is not a "fact." If the law of attraction worked, I know a bunch of witches who wouldn't be poor and blaming their states in life on being pagan: their magick would bring them riches and acceptance. Syllogisms are "logical" fallacies because if Point A and Point B are facts, then Point C will be a fact as well. If either A or B are not facts, then C will not be a fact. And "if" is one of the most powerful words in any language. |
Does Gravity exist?
A rose by any other name is still a rose. Whatever "holds" us on the earth is gravity--it is a name. You can call it suckavity--to argue over whether "it" exists is a moot point. |
How your brain reads
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Neat huh? This one of the more sublimely ridiculous ideas that has been circulating the web for years. When accomplished readers read, we scan, but when we first began to read, we laboriously read word by word. We can read the passage above "correctly" because we learned to read "correctly." Give that passage to someone who is struggling to learn English and it will be gibberish. And the order of words is the difference between "form" and "from," and "conversation" vs. "conservation." That must be why the English language has rubbish spelling,
English has "rubbish" spelling because the written word changes slowly. In Anglo-Saxon (aka Old English), the word "knee" was pronounced "kuh-nee"--the pronunciation changed but the spelling hasn't. Try reading some ancient manuscripts before standardized spelling--you won't get far. |
Have you ever wondered?
What this world would be like without material possessions? What if we treated the attempt of subjugation on mankind by his fellow species as just another form of mental illness? "Some men see things as they are, and say "why"; I dream of things that never were and say "why not".----RFK Material = denoting or consisting of physical objects rather than the mind or spirit. possession = The act or fact of possessing. Are you suggesting that we should own nothing? How does that work? My clothes are your clothes and his clothes and her clothes? Or are you suggesting that we live au naturale in the wilderness, seeking food via hunting and gathering? How does owning things equate with subjugation? It won't happen--just about all animals are territorial in one way or another, and that is why "possessions" came into being, eh? |
FYI, the CDC is funding the study: |
Men from Mars...??
ya u r right to some extent. But the subject is that what is myths says is who knows is correct but mars is exist every body knows. And you also know star sun is only cause of life on erth. How ?? I think no need to explain it. Means effect of sun on life same way moon has big effect on sea & emotions mood etc well studied. A no of studies shows sucidal cases or such thing all over world seen on full moon. Similarly almost its planetary rotation &electro megn etic effects are known on life of earth. No. of research expts are running in nasa for astrobilogy. astrogronomy astromedicines etc. ok rest in next You speak gibberish. When you make a claim such as suicidal cases, give stats and facts. |
Love 3
Old, ![]() I like this one. Not only does it read well, it's full of necessary emotion. Now, that's what I got out of it. As for, " Gwendolyn " let me just say that she's obviously not in attendance with the view that 'all' are trying in here. We're simply trying. And, this IS just another poetry forum. " We're simple people/poets in here, Gwen, nothing more, nothing less. And we, most especially, enjoy 'heaping' praise on those deserving. It's what we do. " - So, here's a hint, head out and find your own space. Aye, there's plenty out there from which to choose. Old, I think what you do in here is grand! Never ever change, for your influences, your quieter moments, have brought us ALL . . . joy. You're definitely good!! Please allow that I remain most respectfully, thom douglas carlisle, ( Irish Tommy Moran ) - Ireland, Wed. Aug. 14th, 2013 PS: Gwen, this " Bud's " for you . . . ![]() ![]() === What I said is not off-topic. Writers post their works because they want: 1. An honest critique or 2. Praise without true analysis If I posted my work, I would want people to make an honest evaluation of it and why they think as they do. Writers need to grow thick skins if they wish to grow as writers. My question was quite legitimate, but I get the prevailing wind. It is my fault for thinking, yet again, that a community of writers might really "get together" and give feedback. Mea culpa. |
Men from Mars...??
Edited by
Wed 08/14/13 08:07 AM
I'm from the planet EARTH ! lol ![]() / Yeah! Something to celebrate! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Something to celebrate? You humans really don't know what kind of reputation that your planet has among the other inhabited planets. I do not care much about the opinions of strangers--or even people who know me. |
Men from Mars...??
The latest research conductedd over group of men &women using latest MRI, proved the difference of nature,mind and body of men & women. It shows that men uses fight & flight way to face stress or any tough situation. Blood supply flow more towards left of men i.e. right parts of brain is more active. on the contrary women shows a lymbic activity suggests for emotions activity. Men shows Mars types while women are emotional of venus type. Adrenalin &stress harmone produce much more in men than in women in same stress Again we know that mars is planet represent wrrior or lord of war and venus is godess of beuty and sex if any astrology of thus affects our life is further get supports by this study. Wait a minute . . . you are using science to support mythology? First, who did the study? Second, you don't anything about mythology! The Roman god Mars was adapted from the Greek god Ares. The planet was named "Mars" because it is red--the color of blood and anger. Ares/Mars were generally disliked in their cultures because they were chaotic, lacking logic and reason. They were EXTREMELY emotional! The "war" deity that had much more respect was Athena/Minerva, the goddess of wisdom who is very often portrayed in war regalia, complete with spear, shield and helmet--and she is female. Venus is the goddess of beauty and she, like Mars, was "emotional." She often used her beauty to "reduce" males to a basic state ruled by emotions, aka, she got them by the balls. Humans gave names and attributes to the planets and stars. The universe knows nothing of the connotations that humans place on heavenly bodies (including that of Venus). Don't use science to validate superstition--it just doesn't work. In addition, the conclusion you draw begs the question and lacks any type of logic. |
Love 3
Do you want an honest critique or do you just want praise?
Is talking that hard?
People begin to talk to you--or anyone--out of politeness. When they stop, it is because they are not interested.
Move on. |